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Has Pakistan become the last hope for all muslims across the world?

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oh don't dare mention our ARAB brethren or you get negative ratings as you already did.

As for Pakistan being the only country. Are we really free of corruption as a society to be called Muslims in general, let alone saviors of the ummah? How many of our sisters and mothers can walk down the streets without being harassed in one way or the other?

As for the ummah. They need a Salahudin, who can come and conquer all the messed up nations and unite them as one before taking on the world powers. Until then, the lust for power and rule in the world won't let most nations to think of anything about their Muslim subjects.

And for the Arabs ofcourse, there is the whole history of the Lawrence of Arabia and stabbing in the back of the Caliphate...


The purpose of this post was to get an idea about how people are feeling about the current Kashmir crisis and the response of the other Muslim countries.

Based on the comments so far, the bottom line is: Muslims need unity. OIC is completely dysfunct and useless. Pakistan needs to be financially stronger before it wants to get heard in the world. Be self-reliant. Stop sidelining Arabs blindly. And keep your guards up against Naz-Modi Govt and be ready to deliver even a more powerful punch than the 27th Feb.
I never said anything about there views on standing with us. I said Pakistan to not involve in this mess or acting like the title says "LAST HOPE FOR MUSLIMS". There is no loyalty when it comes to politics. All relations with others countries should be transnational/diplomatic/politically basis. Not on the religion basis. It is our own doing that Saudi Arabia is standing with India today because we are acting like they will support us unconditionally just because we are Muslim Country?. Pakistan need to have Trade/Political leverage over other countries. It diplomatic moves be solely based on the religion basis.

Whatever you want or wish for is already state policy for Pakistan.

Pakistan does not have any ill wish towards any country regardless of religion or any other denomination. We give preferential treatment to Muslim countries as per our religious understanding of the concept of Ummah and as ordered by Allah.

Saudi Arabia is not standing with anyone except Saudi Arabia. When Pakistan stands for Pakistan, all other Muslim countries will fall in line themselves.
NO - In fact Pakistan as a country & Pakistani Muslims as society are examples no one should follow - Ever -
As KSA and UAE have both Honored Nazi-Modi with their Civilian awards so wondering if Pakistan left alone to take care of all the Muslims across the world, may it be Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan or Rohingya.

So, your lesson from all this is to continue the previous failed policy of Ummah Chummah? Are you fro real?
yahoodi humary dushman hain or humara dushman palastine ka bhai hai

dekhta ja sochta jo

yahoodi humary dushman hain or humara dushman palastine ka bhai hai

dekhta ja sochta jo


Your namesake PM of Pakistan was the biggest advocator of dialogue with India as well.

You are given a task here to isolate Pakistan from the Middle East and you are doing a good job. I see new bungalows in Islamabad for you soon
Your namesake PM of Pakistan was the biggest advocator of dialogue with India as well.

You are given a task here to isolate Pakistan from the Middle East and you are doing a good job. I see new bungalows in Islamabad for you soon
i just posted truth lolllzzzzz you guys can keep worship ME no one stopped sir .
i just posted truth lolllzzzzz you guys can keep worship ME no one stopped sir .

I cannot speak for others but i worship Allah.

The truth is subjective. When those Muslims in Palestine chant pro Pakistani slogans, you cast them aside as terrorists and extremists and then when their representative government pursues legitimate relations as responsible nation of the world with India, you paint them as anti Pakistan Muslims.

The cheap hypocrisy of the pseudo land worshipers is not impressive.
The Ummah as a united political and military force has been dead for centuries.
It exists only as an abstract theoretical concept.
We have been sabotaged from within by corrupt political leaders, we have been disorientated and confused by unscrupulous religious leaders and we have been exploited by outside powers with the assistance of the same corrupt political leaders who's actions are then justified by the same unscrupulous religious leaders for their own short term political and financial gain.
A vicious cycle still that still continues today and then people wonder why we don't progress.
I am not sure if this is a good idea to let Qadiyanis discuss concept of Ummah.

Not that they should not be allowed to indulge academically but to use this as propaganda against the Muslims, it must not be allowed as this does not fall under freedom of speech.

BTW where was this "last hope" of muslims when rohingyas were mercilessly killed in burma? lets get the record straight this "last hope" and "fort of islam" was selling JF -17s to burma and kids were cheering at that time. munafiq sab hain bus cheekhain uss wakt nikalti hay jab apna number ata hay. rest assured number sab ka lagay ga. if we (muslims) keep on going like this then one by one we all will bite the dust.
the problem here is we Pakistanis have nothing else to offer so we chant brotherhood ummah bla bla bla . an egyption is egyption without Muslimhood they are proud of thier history of phorah . same an iraqi and iranian is proud of thier history . lebnon Indonesia moroco aljera sudan everyone almost did not see their existence justification in islam . but we pakistanis exist becuase of our ideology of islam . we have no choice but to beat this drum our gov feed us more such feed because otherwise we are useless to say we are a country . we need to rethink now why are we here . we need to rethink our ideology what we will do when after 200-300 years no one care about religion like west here ?

We talk of brotherhood and Ummah because that's what Prophet PBUH taught us. If other muslim countries are not bothered, that's something their people and rulers will have to answer for on the Judgement Day. Why should we be like others and defy the teachings?

Why are you so against those voicing for a united Ummah? Why are you playing the tunes of the Satan? Surely you were not taught this during your service in the Army!
I would like to say : why Pakistan has become the last hope of Muslims around the world?
Haven't we yet learned our lessons.
We are not responsible for Muslims around the world . Only people living in Pakistan.
No one helps us and expect our helps in return . Only one time when they ask for help in yemen, your parliament refuses it completely and even went as far as to abusing our brothers.
And even if you cherish these dreams of being loyal to the Muslim cause Atleast first makes things normalise and easy at home..
Turkey maintains relations with all countries . Even Palestine who are destroyed, killed,. Maimed by the isreal meet them .
And few other countries we have problem because of some Muslims brethern who no. Longer wants its from us .
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