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Haqqani urges US to take tougher line on Pakistan


Apr 25, 2012
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Former Pakistani ambassador to the United States, Hussain Haqqani, has urged the American government to take a tougher line on Islamabad. “Pakistan ends up behaving like Syria while wanting to be treated like Israel,” Haqqani told a large number of journalists, think tankers, opinion makers and government officials at a luncheon in Washington held by the Center for the National Interest. “And the behavior change is not going to come unless and until there is behavior change on your part.
So you should stop the meddling. … You have to stop going in and seeing all our politicians and thinking they are all your friends and trying to influence. “Make Pakistanis realize that America has an interest in Pakistan, but you know what, America respects Pakistani opinion. Show respect for Pakistani public opinion. And if Pakistanis don’t want to be your friends, you don’t want to be their friends, thank you very much.” Haqqani, who recently returned to the United States to become director of the Center of International Relations at Boston University, was removed as Pakistani ambassador late last year after facing charges that he sought US help to prevent a military coup in Pakistan in the wake of the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden. But Haqqani’s essential argument at the luncheon was that America and Pakistan should no longer put up the pretense that they are allies. Haqqani said that it is unrealistic to believe that “endless discussions and chats and what I call the class of narratives will somehow, some day produce a change of thinking either in Washington or Islamabad.” The US isn’t going to be convinced to treat India as an enemy for Pakistan’s sake and Pakistan won’t be convinced to give up its nuclear weapons or end its support for jahadi groups it sees as strategically beneficial for “regional influence” because America wants it to, he said. “So the future of US-Pakistan relations is what I call a post-alliance future,” Haqqani explained.
“Now stop thinking of each other as allies. That will give Pakistan flexibility in terms of being able to do certain things which may or may not be approved by the United States, but the people in Pakistan who always claim our sovereignty is most important, they will be able to exercise that sovereignty, but then they will also have to bear the responsibility for that sovereignty.” America, in turn, will be freer to institute more coercive measures against Pakistan, Haqqani said. “I am nowadays proposing that it is time for both countries to recognize that the convergence in interest that is needed for two countries to be allies does not exist at this point,” Haqqani further explained, adding that such relationship between the US and Pakistan wouldn’t mean the two couldn’t “work together in areas we can work together.”
Haqqani also said Pakistan needs to form a commission to thoroughly investigate who knew al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan, because “somebody knew.”
“It is Pakistan’s responsibility to the world to say who did it? Who? Doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be the government, it doesn’t have to be the ISI, it doesn’t have to be the military and I say that again and again. It may be private individuals. But whoever it is, we need to come clean on that because that is the only way we will reassure the rest of the world that the Pakistan government and the Pakistan state has its hands clean in relation to this whole thing.”

ISI Should do something about this laanti!
“Pakistan ends up behaving like Syria while wanting to be treated like Israel,” Haqqani told a large number of journalists, think tankers, opinion makers and government officials at a luncheon in Washington held by the Center for the National Interest.

Pakistanis do have a special affinity towards Israel...
I dint think he has got any plans to go back to Pakistan.
It’s like I said PPP is the enemy of Pakistan. ***** Haqqani here is reading a fine script given to him by his pimp mater US.

When only these kind of corrupt & politicians are to rule Pakistan then there should be no democracy in Pakistan forever, there should only be complete Military Rule.

Democracy has only brought pain & blood to Pakistan nothing else.
It’s like I said PPP is the enemy of Pakistan. ***** Haqqani here is reading a fine script given to him by his pimp mater US.

When only these kind of corrupt & politicians are to rule Pakistan then there should be no democracy in Pakistan forever, there should only be complete Military Rule.

Democracy has only brought pain & blood to Pakistan nothing else.

:lol: years of training of acting like a dog is helping him now, he seems to be acting as a think tank now to please his masters but ends up making zero sense.
:lol: years of training of acting like a dog is helping him now, he seems to be acting as a think tank now to please his masters but ends up making zero sense.

He managed to get visas for dozens of US operatives during his period of duty but our intel guys are not idiot, they knew his role very well but were waiting for right time and at last he was kicked so hard that now he is like na ghar ka na ghaat ka.

he may come up with a media outlet to earn green bucks from US in near future by spewing venom against Pakistan through it
He sees no future for him in pakistan ..scoring some easily available points by throwing mud on his former country ..that is sad ..there is nothing wrong if he has given some advice to pakistan establishment for their shortcomings ..but this is for his personal gain
He is a bloody traitor.

This bureaucracy is a blood sucking parasite which we need to get rid of them . They are destroying our country for their gains.
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