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Haqqani urges US to take tougher line on Pakistan

Not one post till now that discusses content.Only personal attack ona person who cannot hit back.:pakistan:

And the behavior change is not going to come unless and until there is behavior change on your part.
So you should stop the meddling. … You have to stop going in and seeing all our politicians and thinking they are all your friends and trying to influence. “Make Pakistanis realize that America has an interest in Pakistan, but you know what, America respects Pakistani opinion. Show respect for Pakistani public opinion. And if Pakistanis don’t want to be your friends, you don’t want to be their friends, thank you very much.”

Now stop thinking of each other as allies. That will give Pakistan flexibility in terms of being able to do certain things which may or may not be approved by the United States, but the people in Pakistan who always claim our sovereignty is most important, they will be able to exercise that sovereignty, but then they will also have to bear the responsibility for that sovereignty.”

Whats wrong with what he says above ?

Exactly, the headlines and first few lines are catchy, but when you read further. He says stop meddling in Pakistan's affair and give them their freedom.

He is not asking anything bad for Pakistan. The comparison for Syria was wrong.
Not one post till now that discusses content.Only personal attack ona person who cannot hit back.:pakistan:

It's actually the person who has personally attacked the whole of Pakistan, while Pakistan cannot hit back!

And the behavior change is not going to come unless and until there is behavior change on your part.
So you should stop the meddling. … You have to stop going in and seeing all our politicians and thinking they are all your friends and trying to influence. “Make Pakistanis realize that America has an interest in Pakistan, but you know what, America respects Pakistani opinion. Show respect for Pakistani public opinion. And if Pakistanis don’t want to be your friends, you don’t want to be their friends, thank you very much.”

Now stop thinking of each other as allies. That will give Pakistan flexibility in terms of being able to do certain things which may or may not be approved by the United States, but the people in Pakistan who always claim our sovereignty is most important, they will be able to exercise that sovereignty, but then they will also have to bear the responsibility for that sovereignty.”

Whats wrong with what he says above ?

You quite conveniently forgot the rest of the passage:

"America, in turn, will be freer to institute more coercive measures against Pakistan, Haqqani said"
Haqqani has been a US loyalist primarily all along, but he does make sense in some areas.
If the Pakistani people wish "Death to America" and consider the US an enemy.. Oblige them...then see if their opinions change.

The whole problem in US-Pakistani relations is that the governments talk.. not the people.
Let the people decide what they want with each other..
let the people of the two countries decide their opinion of each other.

Any random guy will make sense once in a while, what one needs to deduce is the motive behind it. Simple assumption here is Haqqani favors the US's point of view and is talking to their audience, nothing in it for Pakistan to draw out of it.
And people still think memogate was ISI propaganda and he is a loyal Pakistani...... Asking a foreign country to take TOUGHER LINE.... Some Patriot he is.

And shame on this Parliament and this Govt. which decided to reject the bill of banning dual nationality holder to hold any public office..... All of our Parliament is HH waiting for their turn.....

I am a dual citizen who chose to live in Pakistan despite all the shortcomings, does that mean that I should not be allowed to hold dual office? Does that mean that I am not patriotic? My friend, I consider myself to be more patriotic then a lot of Pakistanis as I have the option to live abroad and decide not to! Dual Nationality is not really the issue as traitors can just as easily r@pe the country and then seek political asylum in England/UAE/USA!
I think you are not getting the point, people on the forum are commenting on his attitude, his talk while he is a Pakistani and served as an Ambassador.

Actually you are not getting the point. Your (general reference to all Pakistanis holding your position)dislike for the man blinds you to what was cleverly said by the man. He made the point that the relationship between the U.S. & Pakistan must be based on what people want. Isn't that your wish? What exactly do you object to? Do you want to continue pretending to be an American ally? If you do, then don't object to what your government does. What he is saying is that Pakistanis must either have the conviction in their professed beliefs or change their beliefs. Not just saying one thing but wanting something else. Essentially asks you to put up or shut up. If you don't want American friendship, stand up & take ownership of that position. You people cannot criticise the government for being spineless whist not wanting to do anything different. Unless of course, you are all a bunch of hypocrites or wimps..... which is actually the point Mr.Haqquani is making!
You are correct. The only problem is that Pakistan cannot breathe on its own without the US aid ventilator. Both sides know it.

Or is the reality so shocking that it is unacceptable to even discuss it? Perhaps the reality is that Pakistan can become a major power if left off external influence!

My first post was regarding the context of the statement.
I am just amused at my fellow Pakistani friends reaction(probably to the man and not what he said).He is saying the same things that I have seen them demanding and they are calling him names.

I read the statement like 5 times just to make sure.:woot:

It's time you stopped making a fool of yourself, you have been answered above!
Or is the reality so shocking that it is unacceptable to even discuss it? Perhaps the reality is that Pakistan can become a major power if left off external influence!.............

Pakistan can indeed become a major power, but please tell me just whose responsibility is it to achieve that status? Surely not the foreigners. It is up to the Pakistanis themselves and their leaders, no one else. To them belong the rewards if and when they come, and and also the blame for the failures.
go to hell PPP... you have ruined Pak through stooges like him.
forced one really

not really sure why

Jordanians dont understand it
Turks dont get it
even Egyptians dont get it and Israelis? well they are also clueless
I think the "affinity" Pakistanis sometimes show for Israel is because both states achieved independence at the same time yet the Zionists got their country right whereas the Pakistanis made a mess of theirs.

So there is envy and wonder on the Pakistani side, accentuated by the fact travel to Israel is officially forbidden and Israel-hatred is the rule socially as well as officially.
I think the "affinity" Pakistanis sometimes show for Israel is because both states achieved independence at the same time yet the Zionists got their country right whereas the Pakistanis made a mess of theirs.

So there is envy and wonder on the Pakistani side, accentuated by the fact travel to Israel is officially forbidden and Israel-hatred is the rule socially as well as officially.

Tell me one country that loves Jews and Israel? Jews have been thrashed and trashed in the west and thats why there in middle east creating all types of mischief.

There are idiots in Pakistan who might have your line of thinking. But the history of jews tell us something different. I m sorry to tell you but the animosity you are creating for jews by the actions of the jewish state will lead to their beating up in middle east as well. This is a dreadful thought but it does not look quite impossible.
Tell me one country that loves Jews and Israel? Jews have been thrashed and trashed in the west and thats why there in middle east creating all types of mischief -
Jews are in the middle east because they have a 3,000+ year history of living in the region.

The rest of your remarks are equally ignorant. If you are asking for an education there are politer means to do so.
ISI Should do something about this laanti!
Is Pakistan = ISI? Or ISI = Pakistan? For God's sake, can't you leave the ISI alone? You make it look as if the ISI is the be-all and end-all, controlling Pakistan. Why can't the elected government of Pakistan take action against Haqqani? But then again, why should it? What has he said that is seditious in nature or against the interests of Pakistan?
Is Pakistan = ISI? Or ISI = Pakistan? For God's sake, can't you leave the ISI alone? You make it look as if the ISI is the be-all and end-all, controlling Pakistan. Why can't the elected government of Pakistan take action against Haqqani? But then again, why should it? What has he said that is seditious in nature or against the interests of Pakistan?

^^ anyone expecting the current Gov to take any action against this Traitor Haqqani is living in fools paradise... Haqaani stayed in President House all the time when he was in PAK facing trial & left PAK to US from President house.... 2ndly comparing PAK with Syria is not going against PAK interest??? if u look from Indian prospective(which u r) than it will be "NO HE DIDNT" .... :)
Pakistan can indeed become a major power, but please tell me just whose responsibility is it to achieve that status? Surely not the foreigners. It is up to the Pakistanis themselves and their leaders, no one else. To them belong the rewards if and when they come, and and also the blame for the failures.

Money is the most powerful weapon on earth and this weapon is being used in my country by the western forces to ensure that the nation remains slaved one way or the other. Once you remove the influence of that mighty weapon, we can begin to throw out the traitors and start electing patriotic fellow citizens.

It's this money that has blinded the nation from their long term losses for short term gains.
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