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Happy Independence Day (Pakistan).


"Inshillah"? :what:
On this special day of Independence, from me and on behalf of my family, Happy Independence Day to all.

On this occasion of joy & happiness, we must remember the sacrifices of our martyrs that we are blessed with this motherland. Indeed, the memories of those patriots and beloved are saddening and makes us realize about those hardships they faced but on the same times makes us realize that Independence was not for granted nor without price. The price that those martyrs paid with their lives for Pakistan and for us without any difference of colour, language, caste, status and religion.

Pakistan given everything to us and we all owe everything to this motherland and those who sacrificed. Those sacrifices gave us strength to face any crucial times and progress with all the potential, skills and best of us. Rather than mouring, we are and will be united to tell the enemy that NO POWER ON EARTH CAN UNDO PAKISTAN.

Let us pray that Oh ALLAH please keep us and our Pakistan safe from enemies and any disaster/threat. Please help us to be stronger and united than before to fight and eliminate every inner threat and terrorism. Please bless us with leaders those who lives, die and care for Pakistan and Nation. ALLAH please give us strength and courage to fight for Pakistan and it's sovereignty even if we have to sacrifice our lives. Please raise all them martyrs with good deeds and bless them higher place in Jannah and help us to follow the footsteps of your beloved, your favourite ones and like those whom you like. Aameen.

Pakistan Zindabad
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