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Hamas executes father and son for Israeli collaboration

I don't agree with this at all, stereotyping is what causes hate in the first place. I don't hate Muslims, simply because they are Muslim. I would hope a Muslim wouldn't hate me for no explainable reason (although my experiences on this forum are beginning to make me think otherwise...) Whenever someone groups a kind of people based on their own nationality, race, color, etc. they are only cheating themselves.

I have attended various study groups and think-tanks in the US where I met many of my Israeli counterparts. I was surprised to find that for such cultured and educated people, the level of hate they had for the Palestinians was shocking. Every sentence of their's started and ended with the "Zionist Dream" and "Expulsion of Arabs from the Holy Land". I tried to reason with them that instead of expulsion, it would be a better idea to integrate them into Israel and give them a feeling of "belonging" but my Israeli friends remained adamant that there were a lot of Muslim/Arab countries but only one Jewish country, which should be exclusively Jewish. They even said that if I cared for them so much, why don't I take them to Pakistan.
Then I also met a distinguished American-Palestinian lecturer who showed me videos of attacks on Arabs which he had in his laptop(over 300), some as young as 10.
I realize that there are acts of violence from both sides, it's not limited exclusively to the Jews, but being the majority, It is the responsibility of the Jews to show restraint and try and solve all issues with dialogue. If you simply keep turning Arabs out of their homes without any excuse and moving Jews in, then of course it will generate feelings of hatred and vendetta. Many of these people have been living on this land for over 20 generations. There is an emotional attachment with the land for many and when you turn them out. There will be problems.

P.S: I don't hate all Jews, nobody does, we have a small Jewish community in Pakistan. Much of which is located in Islamabad. Their Markaz-e-Daudia(Centre of Davidians) is located in the heart of Islamabad at Blue Area, and they have never had any trouble. Many protests are held on that road but never has a single speck of dirt been flung at that centre. A church is right across the street from their and that too is respected by the people.
Pakistanis just have sympathy for Palestinians, a lot of it and the News does not give them a lot to calm their nerves.
I have attended various study groups and think-tanks in the US where I met many of my Israeli counterparts. I was surprised to find that for such cultured and educated people, the level of hate they had for the Palestinians was shocking. Every sentence of their's started and ended with the "Zionist Dream" and "Expulsion of Arabs from the Holy Land". I tried to reason with them that instead of expulsion, it would be a better idea to integrate them into Israel and give them a feeling of "belonging" but my Israeli friends remained adamant that there were a lot of Muslim/Arab countries but only one Jewish country, which should be exclusively Jewish. They even said that if I cared for them so much, why don't I take them to Pakistan.
Then I also met a distinguished American-Palestinian lecturer who showed me videos of attacks on Arabs which he had in his laptop(over 300), some as young as 10.
I realize that there are acts of violence from both sides, it's not limited exclusively to the Jews, but being the majority, It is the responsibility of the Jews to show restraint and try and solve all issues with dialogue. If you simply keep turning Arabs out of their homes without any excuse and moving Jews in, then of course it will generate feelings of hatred and vendetta. Many of these people have been living on this land for over 20 generations. There is an emotional attachment with the land for many and when you turn them out. There will be problems.

P.S: I don't hate all Jews, nobody does, we have a small Jewish community in Pakistan. Much of which is located in Islamabad. Their Markaz-e-Daudia(Centre of Davidians) is located in the heart of Islamabad at Blue Area, and they have never had any trouble. Many protests are held on that road but never has a single speck of dirt been flung at that centre. A church is right across the street from their and that too is respected by the people.
Pakistanis just have sympathy for Palestinians, a lot of it and the News does not give them a lot to calm their nerves.

Views vary.
A lot of Pakistanis mindlessly hate Israel but i`ve met a few who do not. Israeli hatred is not based on religion but rather on the fact that Arabs been trying to destroy Israel since her independence.
Can you blame them for not wanting Arabs in their country? Since they refuse to serve the IDF and a lot of times even refuse to pay taxes and then complain about discrimination. A lot are uneducated, do not allow their women to study or work and practice horrible traditions like honor killings.
That being said, not all Arabs are considered the same here. Christian and Bedouin Arabs serve the IDF and contribute to the country. It`s mostly the Muslim Arabs that refuse to call themselves Israelis and consider themselves Palestinians or they as they term it "48' Arabs",many of them even commit treason against Israel by helping our enemies .
Not to mention Druze Arabs that all proudly serve the IDF, largely contribute to the society and consider themselves proud Israelis, they have become an inseparable part of the nation.
I believe that once peace is achieved, when a Palestinian leader comes along with the will, that it will be absolutely essential to integrate the remaining Arabs into the Israeli society and install in them pride of belonging in Israel.
so israeli arabs dont want to serve the idf which kills arab children..hmm,very shocking.

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