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HAL Hands Over Tejas Jets To IAF

Amuse us more.. "O mighty indian TT" .. :lol:

P.S: It wasnt Pak members who bought JF here.. it was your fellow trolls suffering from severe butt hurt... just like your above post.
BTW, what about your specialist consultant who bring JF with a motive of bashing, what you call him? A Scholar?
:rofl: we have the best highways in the region.. your 2 lanned highways aint shit.:lol:
Really Pakistan has infrastructure even some of are rural infrastructure is better than your best City

You guys don't even have proper transport systems in your major cities:D:D
Yep, 35 years in the making for a light fighter with umpteenth times of cost overruns yet falling below gsqr requirements is quite an achievement. Dassault, Pratt and Whitney, Rafael, Elta helped but sigh, it doesn't fly
All that nonsense had been answered on previous pages ,surely you choose to ignore that ,But that's not your fault coZ even after you are inferior to us in every endeavor of Human life be it science,military , economy or sport you are brainwashed upto your neck .

And one more thing Not only Green MK II. Would be better than SU 35 ,Pak is ahead of India in space Tech according to Gen. musharaf

so congrats

Really Pakistan has infrastructure even some of are rural infrastructure is better than your best City

You guys don't even have proper transport systems in your major cities:D:D

Oh okay cool..:lol:
We consider our pilots human who respect death.

no you dont and the crash record speaks for itself..
We don't have superman pilots unlike your who think they can take the entire IAF down with Mig-21 look-alike planes. :rolf:

so its a mig-21 look alike? your butthurt is quiet understandable:
All that nonsense had been answered on previous pages ,surely you choose to ignore that ,But that's not your fault coZ even after you are inferior to us in every endeavor of Human life be it science,military , economy or sport you are brainwashed upto your neck .

And one more thing Not only Green MK II. Would be better than SU 35 ,Pak is ahead of India in space Tech according to Gen. musharaf

so congrats


Speaks a mile about your thoughts. No wonder
So now you come to "no no its all fake never happened" rhetoric ;)

I Didn't came anywhere.. But you are at the same place from the start.. I gate you specifically mentioned article about blk1 and blk2.. And you are showing me the wall papers and newspapers.
Somebody also ranted about dhruv.. The one who don't have a such programs in there aviation industry.
To one who's producing the helicopter for the country and in small scale for exports.

Height of ignorance .. And somebody got post on PDF..:hitwall:

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