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Hafiz Saeed prays for Osama

men like osama/hafiz saeed/mullah omer etc's have giving nothing but trouble & a negative image to the muslim world

leave Mullah Omar and Osama aside even thier and our creator ALLAH says clearly in Quran than if you will follow Islam than Kafirs will never be happy with you and if they are happy than you are getting in trouble with ALLAH
I think he should have said this instead: Osama sacrificed many Muslims for his dirty bigotism.

couldn't have said it better :tup: trust me what we need are leader's like mahatir mohemmed's with sound economic policy's with an educated middles class froming it's back bone of the muslim countries instead of these trend of nut cracks. Osama & his likes have wasted many telented youth's in muslim world for each ruined life of a kid by their misguided,destructive & demented theories they need to be dealt with penalties , the muslim youths needs to learn the power of the "PENS" instead of gun's with which they shoot their own future
couldn't have said it better :tup: trust me what we need are leader's like mahatir mohemmed's with sound economic policy's with an educated middles class froming it's back bone of the muslim countries instead of these trend of nut cracks. Osama & his likes have wasted many telented youth's in muslim world for each ruined life of a kid by their misguided,destructive & demented theories they need to be dealt with penalties , the muslim youths needs to learn the power of the "PENS" instead of gun's with which they shoot their own future

well this must be told you by America Muslims themselves fought against America
As Osama Bin Laden was Muslim, there is nothing bad for praying for a dead Muslim (I think praying for dead ones is also allowed in other religions).
Plus Hafiz Saeed, indeed, was a member of LeT but he resigned from LeT in 2001. Now he is only running a welfare organisation.
leave Mullah Omar and Osama aside even thier and our creator ALLAH says clearly in Quran than if you will follow Islam than Kafirs will never be happy with you and if they are happy than you are getting in trouble with ALLAH

So do you support OBL??
Osama bin Laden deserve prayers as a Muslim.
Hafiz Saeed is only associated with welfare work. He leaved LeT in 2001. So no one needs to afraid from him.
leave Mullah Omar and Osama aside even thier and our creator ALLAH says clearly in Quran than if you will follow Islam than Kafirs will never be happy with you and if they are happy than you are getting in trouble with ALLAH

Who cares what the others think about us. All we wanted/want from Osama/Omar/hakeemullah/haqani/etc is to leave us alone, dont kill us and dont destroy us.
Osama bin Laden deserve prayers as a Muslim.
Hafiz Saeed is only associated with welfare work. He leaved LeT in 2001. So no one needs to afraid from him.

Ya he leaved LeT in 2001 and joined JuD. That is what India also claims.
You guys should undertstand that the illuminati have plan this to cause chaos on earth, all we muslims need stand strong and be together.
The US are illuminati, Osama had died ages ago as benazir bhutto said and this is the reason she had died..
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Thank you, i have just reported your post to CIA REPORT THREATS section mentioning you as future terrorist.

here https://www.cia.gov/contact-cia/report-threats.html

I feel so good :p, now they will be behind you and world would be little more secure place because of my effort.

If praying for a dead Muslim ir-respective of him being right or wrong in his life is equal to being a future terrorist then report me a thousand times as i will say 1000 times: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ) Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return" and also pray for his forgiveness as he was a Muslim ir-respective of him being right or wrong in his life.

I will help you in that, see my flag where i am living now and give them my country of residence also.
However their questioning falls under freedom of speech, but murder of innocent civilians by dawood, hafiz and OBL does not. Really, Pakistan should avoid more ''embarassment'' and ''find'' Dawood soon.

Or what the super power of super powers india is going to to a secret raid like the U.S did? Get a life
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