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Hafiz Saeed prays for Osama

A Fact. Not an Excuse.

Are you suggesting that illiteracy and poor economy has nothing to do with the state of affairs? Can you find the likes of Saeed in more developed countries?

we arent much literate either and have ample amount of muslims here within India. how much do you see the same in India? Forget India how much do you see the same even in Bangladesh?

Its more about the thinking in the political circles which moved down to society and then to a common man.
Good Good. I am happy,

Hafiz Syed is digging his own grave. All these kind of actions will directly bring him in CIA's focus.

I heard Petraeus has an eye on this guy.
we arent much literate either and have ample amount of muslims here within India. how much do you see the same in India? Forget India how much do you see the same even in Bangladesh?

Its more about the thinking in the political circles which moved down to society and then to a common man.

I thought India was more developed, anyways.

India and Bangladesh also have numerous such examples but going into that detail will derail this thread. Also, an important issue, is that India and Bangladesh do not share borders with Afghanistan (which is under war since half a century or so). The geopolitical environment of my country coupled with illiteracy and poor economy has created an environment which can only be dealt with by educating people, creating opportunities for the young generation, and creating a balanced political system.

I am not making excuses but trying to point out the real deal. Having a hostile attitude towards people would only create more hostility and it is not in any ones interest.
"Allah accept the sacrifice of bin Laden and give him a place in heaven."


He Had a Dare to mass with USA a USA's iniquity.......

what Zardari or Other Cant Imagine

<(_|_)| U AKBAR :)
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