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Had warned Pakistan of consequences if IAF pilot not returned.

We won the day on all fronts, whether it was militarily (neutral international sources) or the war of perceptions(even gagadesh accept sthis). Returning abhiNoneDone was part of the war of perception. Modi sarkar also chest-thumped on the Balakot fiasco. I saw the same PDF members going at length to ridicule the PAF for their “lack of response” . I was more happy on the 27th that these armchair “defence analysts” were put in their place, than the actual response we gave to the vedic superpower. Some of the opinions on the forum make no sense at all. I guess that’s why we are here discussing the incidents and the powers that be are the ones actually handling them. It is my opinion that we should take the win on that day and move forward, rather than every time chai wala farts, we make a new thread to discuss the “incompetence” of our strategies.

One must take the good with the bad. Failure to admit mistakes and correct them proves fatal in the long term. I see people focusing too much on the positives and unwilling to face the negative. This is a reflection of their undisciplined intellectual process.
No we won militarily, but on diplomatic level we should have waited for the day light.

rest you need to backup your views with logic. otherwise you and your views are nothing and you are forced to write your worthless views because of the logic presented to expose the ultimate level of stupidness Pakistan showed on diplomatic level.

PAF on 27th february was under the command of PM, who was in touch with Americans.

IMO, US reaching out Pakistani PM in middle of Pakistani wars with India is criminal, such PM shall be held accountable and be sacked.

We won both militarily and the war of perception. Please see the interview of the Endian General to get an idea. Even they accept we thoroughly won the war of perception. That is the logic . If the international analysts and the losing side backup my views that’s more than enough for me , rather than spewing twisted conspiracy theory BS.
You tell me to backup my views with logic, then go on concocting stories about how the PM was under US instructions. Now i get what you mean by logic.
One must take the good with the bad. Failure to admit mistakes and correct them proves fatal in the long term. I see people focusing too much on the positives and unwilling to face the negative. This is a reflection of their undisciplined intellectual process.

There is no failure. That was the best we could’ve played and possibly the best we have ever played. The negatives need to make sense for us to accept them. AbhiNoneDone being returned is not a negative. It was part of the war of perception to show how gracious we were in victory. The damage was done and this was what comically highlighted in that video with ashleel tiwari. Ik gaal pay thappar ik pay chummi.
You are talking way out of context and out of line.
The subject here is Modi trying to score over Pakistan by lying to the Indian voters,
What the hell does this has to do with India testing some weapon or tourists visiting India.
By making all these points you seem to be overlooking the big picture.
The so called Indian quantitative and qualitative edge compromised with one stroke, those powers hoping to use India to counter China have been forced bask to the drawing board.
All those who were criticising PAF for missing the boat have gone into hiding.
We do have several shortcomings but admiring someones rosy cheeks is fine but no need to smack yourself so you too could have a red face.

I have nowhere denied our military win. This thread is about Modi harping about his 'diplomatic' win and I am saying that Imran Khan's weak leadership is directly responsible for this situation. He not only materially helped him, he is on record saying it will be easier to negotiate with him. Your PM is chums with your enemy and you are arguing with me when I call him out?
And why not take off the attire altogether when already exposed and continue to score cheap internal political points as long as it suits cheap political narrative:
IMO, US reaching out Pakistani PM in middle of Pakistani wars with India is criminal, such PM shall be held accountable and be impeached by public.
You tell me to backup my views with logic, then go on concocting stories about how the PM was under US instructions. Now i get what you mean by logic.
OK the discussion is two folds:
1- Modi claiming that Pakistan complied to his dead line.... i say if this is wrong I expect ISPR clarification tomorrow, that there never was a dead line, otherwise we ask for evidence.
2- US didn't contacted IK and particularly for complying Modi's disputed dead line..... this was not a secret unless you were not following the events of war. This is no logic, it's was a news available to all.
There was plenty of discussion on this in here as well. alternately you can write email to PTI spokesperson or search internet for your satisfaction sake.
There is no failure. That was the best we could’ve played and possibly the best we have ever played. The negatives need to make sense for us to accept them. AbhiNoneDone being returned is not a negative. It was part of the war of perception to show how gracious we were in victory. The damage was done and this was what comically highlighted in that video with ashleel tiwari. Ik gaal pay thappar ik pay chummi.

Look at what is your (Pakistan's) bottom-line. We need peace and security for prosperity. Abhinandan was released on the pretext of achieving peace. Did you achieve peace? What did happen is India opened a massive front in Kashmir. Imran Khan and top leadership are directly responsible for this loss of life. Here is how a strong leader would react. When the demand for release of Abhi was made, he should have made it clear that Pakistan being a peace loving nation wants a true end if hostilities and so India must sign a Declaration of Truce, promising to stop escalating, stop cross border firing etc. That's how a strong leader deals with enemies. This man is a rookie not fit for governance.
And why not take off the attire altogether when already exposed and continue to score cheap internal political points as long as it suits cheap political narrative:
There's no attire, my opinion is same from the beginning and i warned of this day.
I was never wrong and now again modi coming back to haunt Pakistani FO.
Let them clarify or may be the humiliation as i feel is so HUGE that they sit quite and hope it pass.
OK the discussion is two folds:
1- Modi claiming that Pakistan complied to his dead line.... i say if this is wrong I expect ISPR clarification tomorrow, that there never was a dead line, otherwise we ask for evidence.
2- US didn't contacted IK and particularly for complying Modi's disputed dead line..... this was not a secret unless you were not following the events of war. This is no logic, it's was a news available to all.
There was plenty of discussion on this in here as well. alternately you can write email to PTI spokesperson or search internet for your satisfaction sake.

1- If you take Modi at face value, then God help you. He used it as a media strategy for face saving. That was evident to the entire world. He had his a$$ handed to him and need to save face. Now if you expect ISPR to reply to every time modi has oral diarrhoea, i m glad you are not incharge of the ISPR. Would’ve made us look petty. The entire world know what transpired. Let’s leave it at that.

2- The only thing in the news at the time was Pompeo talked to both sides. This was after Pakistan b!tchslapped the gangadeshis. Now you said our PM was under the instructions on the 27th, making it sound like it was the US dictating our war strategy as well on that day, which is utter BS. The US contacted both sides on the day. Did they ask India to allow us to bomb as well? A call from Pompeo does not mean we were under his instructions.

Its ok bro. They ard brave after the event. Modi didnt even speak during the hostilities

But now he's talking, which clearly shows that on diplomatic level we played into modi's hand..... secondly, war is the correct word not hostilities, otherwise there's no PoW as well.
Bravery was limited only to PAF pilots and to some extent to AbhiNonDone who dared to challenge, ill prepared though, every one else behaved like pussy.
Do i need to remind, IK was seeking noble prize, if not being a pussy!

A call from Pompeo does not mean we were under his instructions.
Call from Dr. Rice to Musharraf lead to renaming of Musharraf by PTI as Busharraf.
Now is time for PTI to come forward and own their role in destruction of Pakistan, which is continuing ever since resignation of Musharraf or face the karma.
But now he's talking, which clearly shows that on diplomatic level we played into modi's hand..... secondly, war is the correct word not hostilities, otherwise there's no PoW as well.
Bravery was limited only to PAF pilots and to some extent to AbhiNonDone who dared to challenge, ill prepared though, every one else behaved like pussy.
Do i need to remind, IK was seeking noble prize, if not being a pussy!

Whats wrong with you?
Once again what have your done for Pakistan?. Oh let me guess you sent some money to your bank account in Pak.
Self reflect. You criticise those who are dying to protect us whilst you sit in some foreign land.
Have a good day but self reflect a little. Its good for the soul
Look at what is your (Pakistan's) bottom-line. We need peace and security for prosperity. Abhinandan was released on the pretext of achieving peace. Did you achieve peace? What did happen is India opened a massive front in Kashmir. Imran Khan and top leadership are directly responsible for this loss of life. Here is how a strong leader would react. When the demand for release of Abhi was made, he should have made it clear that Pakistan being a peace loving nation wants a true end if hostilities and so India must sign a Declaration of Truce, promising to stop escalating, stop cross border firing etc. That's how a strong leader deals with enemies. This man is a rookie not fit for governance.

AbhiNoneDone was only released to change perceptions and de escalate on the day. Not for the rest of eternity. It was a strategy for just that day. IK did the best he could, blaming him for Indian escalation is a stretch. They had to escalate to save face. I m sure the people devising strategy were aware as well. Also if you think this decision was IKs alone , then you need to understand our foreign policy vis-a-vis India. Him being a rookie or not, the strategy was the best we could do on the day. It was the first time in a long time civil and military was on the same page and you saw the results. As for IK being incompetent and a rookie, i ll leave the political debate for another thread.
Call from Dr. Rice to Musharraf lead to renaming of Musharraf by PTI as Busharraf.
Now is time for PTI to come forward and own their role in destruction of Pakistan or face the karma.

Yeah and at that time people were also ridiculing PTI for the same leap of logic that you just made. You seriously take that as evidence?
There's no attire, my opinion is same from the beginning and i warned of this day.
I was never wrong and now again modi coming back to haunt Pakistani FO.
Let them clarify or may be the humiliation as i feel is so HUGE that they sit quite and hope it pass.
Modi's narrative and lies appeal to you simply because it suits your particular political bias dear.

All that makes you is a self proclaimed, always right, pariah who let's his political bias overshadow national interest.

Hmm, sounds eerily familiar with Dawn, Mumbai and recent Bilawal leaks.
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