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Had warned Pakistan of consequences if IAF pilot not returned.

According to high official of Indian airforce who was briefing media in the aftermath of Pakistani surgical strikes of 27th Feb, he publically admitted that Pakistan committed "AN ACT OF WAR" by targeting Indian military installations. Modi needs to listen to his own military official to what they are saying. Indian response to Pakistani escalation is nothing short of meek surrender. Always remember what DG ISPR said, we will always dominate the escalation ladder.

Modi BS needs to end.
Hell we didn't even waited for the day light.
Everything is WRONG about the pilot return.... PROCESS.
Let us see the overall effect.

1. India got humiliated. Did anyone pull back investments from India? Was India placed on an FATF grey list? Did India become less popular as a tourist destination? Did anyone announce denying visaa to Indians? No. The only thing that happened in Trump considered pulling away 3rd world country status. And some time later, India conducted an anti-sat test.

2. India couldn't get back Kalbhushan. What was India's bottom line? Is Kalbhushan a factor in Modi's campaign? No. Modi's campaign would have been affected if Abhi remained captive. But we see the United States of America as Modi's personal assistant, paving the way for his release. We see Trump talking about India 'looking at something very strong'. Here is the situation in simple words: India took a gambit, then relied on World Powers backing it if things went South. And it didn't even have to do the begging. We ran begging for peace and complied like a good servant with foreign demands.

Look, if we need positive change, we need to be brutal about accepting our own failures. Nothing will improve until we call people out regardless of their position. The Abhi fiasco is a failure of leadership. Accept this and demand better from Imran Khan.

Message from US was personally delivered to IK (greater than a god for some)

:omghaha: bitch getting smashed everywhere and still talking shit
Obviously, everywhere is not helping.
May be US should put some sense into his head, and he stop being the reason for IK humiliation in future.
It was indeed... but the timing was wrong, few hours later would have killed loads of discussions and modi chest thumping.

Now you say humiliation.... contradicting to your first sentence.

Returning pilot only show we want peace and returning pilots on foreign pressure only reflects cowardice.
All of indian claims have been proven lies.. did that stop them from chest thumping?

Pakistan Army announced that it will attack in broad day light and they did that humiliating india... They never said that we are not going to return the pilot.. in factt he pilot was never part of the plan to begin with so how did i contradict my statement?

There is more to running a country than going to war. Hopefully you will understand that when you grow up
Are we going make such explanations, each and every time modi will claim his diplomatic victory?
Putting him in his place is not exactly an explanation, however blindly giving credit is certainly something else.
BATMAN said: ↑
They did warned and gave a time frame for the return of AbhiNonDone, there's no denial on this one, but same time US approached IK as well and told Modi's time frame must be met in all conditions.
Message from US was personally delivered to IK (greater than a god for some)

Obviously, everywhere is not helping.
May be US should put some sense into his head, and he stop being the reason for IK humiliation in future.
Personally delivered? What does that even mean?

If a dog barks, you don't bark in return. Let india take a practical step and then talk shit if Pakistan doesn't respond.
Message from US was personally delivered to IK (greater than a god for some)

Obviously, everywhere is not helping.
May be US should put some sense into his head, and he stop being the reason for IK humiliation in future.
Ik won the battle big time...we gained more internationally. We smashed them and offer them peace...it worked well for us..
Modi, Iran and Afghanistan are threatening Pakistan publicaly, what's there to believe or not?
Only unbelievable possibility is that either Modi is fake character or either all of media is quoting him wrong.
Don't change the subject dear. You started by quoting a particular narrative of Modi that means he threatened and Pakistan buckled under pressure bla bla bla so I posted that particular post that you have replied above.

I see now that you have deleted the post since but don't portray that you didn't post it and try to make my post seem as if related to refusing to accept random or particular Modi, Iran, Afghanistan threat.

To jog your memory and keep the record straight:
so I posted the following:
And suddenly those with a particular bias are backing Indian media and Modi's word of mouth as the divine truth as it suits a particular narrative :astagh:...lol. If it happens to go against national interest, who cares, lol, as far as we score some cheap internal political points.:ashamed:

@That Guy too posted a reply to the particular post >here<

I hope I have clarified your confusion about my pov and please don't hesitate to ask for further clarification if otherwise.
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Ik won the battle big time...we gained more internationally. We smashed them and offer them peace...it worked well for us..
It worked well for both sides.
While we had the control to make it work well only for Pakistan.
BTW, don't forget pilot was not captured by IK or PTI worker. He was in Pak custody because of armed forces risking their lives for us.

All of indian claims have been proven lies.. did that stop them from chest thumping?

They proven wrong because we said otherwise.
That's the only case where ISPR will not come out and say modi is lying.
We won the day on all fronts, whether it was militarily (neutral international sources) or the war of perceptions(even gagadesh accept sthis). Returning abhiNoneDone was part of the war of perception. Modi sarkar also chest-thumped on the Balakot fiasco. I saw the same PDF members going at length to ridicule the PAF for their “lack of response” . I was more happy on the 27th that these armchair “defence analysts” were put in their place, than the actual response we gave to the vedic superpower. Some of the opinions on the forum make no sense at all. I guess that’s why we are here discussing the incidents and the powers that be are the ones actually handling them. It is my opinion that we should take the win on that day and move forward, rather than every time chai wala farts, we make a new thread to discuss the “incompetence” of our strategies.
Don't change the subject dear. You started by quoting a particular narrative of Modi that means he threatened and Pakistan buckled under pressure bla bla bla so I posted that particular post that you have replied above.

I see now that you have deleted the post since but don't portray that you didn't post it and try to make my post seem as if related to refusing to accept random or particular Modi, Iran, Afghanistan threat.

To jog your memory and keep the record straight:
View attachment 554822 so I posted the following:

I hope I have clarified your confusion about my pov and please don't hesitate to ask for further clarification if otherwise.

Yes.. tell me whats the difference in reading 'backing modi's word pof mouth' as believing him?
Let us see the overall effect.

1. India got humiliated. Did anyone pull back investments from India? Was India placed on an FATF grey list? Did India become less popular as a tourist destination? Did anyone announce denying visaa to Indians? No. The only thing that happened in Trump considered pulling away 3rd world country status. And some time later, India conducted an anti-sat test.

2. India couldn't get back Kalbhushan. What was India's bottom line? Is Kalbhushan a factor in Modi's campaign? No. Modi's campaign would have been affected if Abhi remained captive. But we see the United States of America as Modi's personal assistant, paving the way for his release. We see Trump talking about India 'looking at something very strong'. Here is the situation in simple words: India took a gambit, then relied on World Powers backing it if things went South. And it didn't even have to do the begging. We ran begging for peace and complied like a good servant with foreign demands.

Look, if we need positive change, we need to be brutal about accepting our own failures. Nothing will improve until we call people out regardless of their position. The Abhi fiasco is a failure of leadership. Accept this and demand better from Imran Khan.
You are talking way out of context and out of line.
The subject here is Modi trying to score over Pakistan by lying to the Indian voters,
What the hell does this has to do with India testing some weapon or tourists visiting India.
By making all these points you seem to be overlooking the big picture.
The so called Indian quantitative and qualitative edge compromised with one stroke, those powers hoping to use India to counter China have been forced bask to the drawing board.
All those who were criticising PAF for missing the boat have gone into hiding.
We do have several shortcomings but admiring someones rosy cheeks is fine but no need to smack yourself so you too could have a red face.
Yes.. tell me whats the difference in reading 'backing modi's word pof mouth' as believing him?
Bla bla bla, don't insist on your mistakes even after deleting your own post dear.

Show some integrity then and stick to backing Modi's narrative but instead you delete your post but insist you were right.
We won the day on all fronts
No we won militarily, but on diplomatic level we should have waited for the day light.

rest you need to backup your views with logic. otherwise you and your views are nothing and you are forced to write your worthless views because of the logic presented to expose the ultimate level of stupidness Pakistan showed on diplomatic level.

PAF on 27th february was under the command of PM, who was in touch with Americans.

IMO, US reaching out Pakistani PM in middle of Pakistani wars with India is criminal, such PM shall be held accountable and be impeached by public.
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