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Had warned Pakistan of consequences if IAF pilot not returned.

And suddenly those with a particular bias are backing Indian media and Modi's word of mouth as the divine truth as it suits a particular narrative :astagh:...lol. If it happens to go against national interest, who cares, lol, as far as we score some cheap internal political points.:ashamed:

Modi, Iran and Afghanistan are threatening Pakistan publicaly, what's there to believe or not?
Only unbelievable possibility is that either Modi is fake character or either all of media is quoting him wrong.
Warnings went both ways and after 1971 fiasco, that was the first time we put India in its place where she actually belongs. India was proven to be third world country too much fart and no substance and all bunch of shameless liars. Difference of paper tigers and actual tigers shone through. All world saw us as a statesman while India was seen as weak and good for issuing the empty threats. When Indian air force turned out to be impotent then instead of fighting man to man, starts issuing threats of missile attacks to scare the world at large. India can try the path of missile attacks too lets see what you get back from us on your head that India will never forget. Making peace is a hard choice but only brave heart people follow that path. India can try as much as she wants to enlarge her dick on spending more on the IAF but at the end of the day performance counts. So message for India is a simple one we are not going anywhere as neighbours so wise up and don't be shameless prats for rest of your lives.
Let him JUMP around he is doing more damage than any good, India is loosing its credibility day by day let them live in a FOOL'S Paradise. Pakistani release of the pilot was covered live by many international media outlets Like BBC CNN meaning their Humiliation was Covered GLOBALLY

Do not twist the the situation and subject as pathetic chamcha party is trying form day one.
No one EVER said pilot wasn't supposed to be returned.. I say it again, Indian pilots should have been fed well and kept well and respected and returned.... Happy?
The point is that Pilot should have been kept until modi's dead line collapsed, and why such a common sense didn't came about, when objective was (as claimed) modi's humiliation. Reason for that is US policy plans about India. Either IK acted stupidly or he's serving US regional policy.
They did warned and gave a time frame for the return of AbhiNonDone, there's no denial on this one, but same time US approached IK as well and told Modi's time frame must be met in all conditions.
Yes Modi might have called your mama otherwise no news of that! I have seen you making up sh*t on some threads...remove QA picture you ungrateful Bi*ch
there is literally no proof of this. You are quite literally making this up.
Please don't shoot me for making this up.... but may be you should stop riding on twisting historic facts.
They did warned and gave a time frame for the return of AbhiNonDone, there's no denial on this one, but same time US approached IK as well and told Modi's time frame must be met in all conditions.
Now Modi can cash in all he wants and take the gullible Indians for a ride, if Modi was worth his salt, why doesn't he try and take back his Monkey that we are holding for several years.
Since we are not at war, under some Geneva convention, we were obliged to return him.
Defeated, humiliated, relieved of his uniform but Modi will say he instructed Pakistan to dress him in a suit.
Yes Modi might have called your mama otherwise no news of that! I have seen you making up sh*t on some threads...remove QA picture you ungrateful Bi*ch

Here comes the real mouth piece of defence.pk administration.
You shall be soon become a think tank or moderator, or will earn loads of positive points.
I can also understand, you are upset for my other remarks on other threads... you must be the MAMA of DESERT FIGHTER.
Do not twist the the situation and subject as pathetic chamcha party is trying form day one.
No one EVER said pilot wasn't supposed to be returned.. I say it again, Indian pilots should have been fed well and kept well and respected and returned.... Happy?
The point is that Pilot should have been kept until modi's dead line collapsed, and why such a common sense didn't came about, when objective was (as claimed) modi's humiliation. Reason for that is US policy plans about India. Either IK acted stupidly or he's serving US regional policy.
Objective was to de-escalate the situation, not humiliating Modi.
Returning the pilot was the right move. Pakistani leadership called India out publicly and humiliated them on 27th. That was enough to show the world that Pakistan is neither scared nor weak.
As for Modi's claims, he is shit and the whole world knows it now.
In this February fiasco, Pakistan played extremely well, in all respects. Period. Some people have the habit of finding fault in every thing. There is no remedy for them.

"Aata gundhi ae, tay hildi kyun ae"
Objective was to de-escalate the situation, not humiliating Modi.
ok.. no objection to such a noble objective but if you read this thread carefully, claims are that objective was humiliation of modi.

Returning the pilot was the right move.
It was indeed... but the timing was wrong, few hours later would have killed loads of discussions and ever lasting modi chest thumping.

Pakistani leadership called India out publicly and humiliated them on 27th.
Now you say humiliation.... contradicting to your first sentence.

That was enough to show the world that Pakistan is neither scared nor weak.
Returning pilot only show we comply to Geneva, but returning pilots on foreign pressure only reflects cowardice.
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Now Modi can cash in all he wants and take the gullible Indians for a ride, if Modi was worth his salt, why doesn't he try and take back his Monkey that we are holding for several years.
Since we are not at war, under some Geneva convention, we were obliged to return him.
Defeated, humiliated, relieved of his uniform but Modi will say he instructed Pakistan to dress him in a suit.

Let us see the overall effect.

1. India got humiliated. Did anyone pull back investments from India? Was India placed on an FATF grey list? Did India become less popular as a tourist destination? Did anyone announce denying visaa to Indians? No. The only thing that happened in Trump considered pulling away 3rd world country status. And some time later, India conducted an anti-sat test.

2. India couldn't get back Kalbhushan. What was India's bottom line? Is Kalbhushan a factor in Modi's campaign? No. Modi's campaign would have been affected if Abhi remained captive. But we see the United States of America as Modi's personal assistant, paving the way for his release. We see Trump talking about India 'looking at something very strong'. Here is the situation in simple words: India took a gambit, then relied on World Powers backing it if things went South. And it didn't even have to do the begging. We ran begging for peace and complied like a good servant with foreign demands.

Look, if we need positive change, we need to be brutal about accepting our own failures. Nothing will improve until we call people out regardless of their position. The Abhi fiasco is a failure of leadership. Accept this and demand better from Imran Khan.
Now Modi can cash in all he wants and take the gullible Indians for a ride, if Modi was worth his salt, why doesn't he try and take back his Monkey that we are holding for several years.
Since we are not at war, under some Geneva convention, we were obliged to return him.
Defeated, humiliated, relieved of his uniform but Modi will say he instructed Pakistan to dress him in a suit.
Are we going make such explanations, each and every time modi will claim his diplomatic victory?
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