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Had warned Pakistan of consequences if IAF pilot not returned.

I feel so sorry for kulbhushan ..this proves that modi isnt doing anything for him..all he needed was to show his chest and we would have released him
What went behind the scenes which resulted in early release of abhinandan.

Nothing much. It is all by now pretty clear.

Summary of Modi mentality;

Every time Modi gets slapped, he says "I dare you to try again" but does nothing apart from farting.
When asked how/why you got slapped, the justification is "I only get slapped when I allow it".

100s of millions of disciples of Modi suffer from the same disorder.

"Ib kay maar kay daikh"

I feel so sorry for kulbhushan ..this proves that modi isnt doing anything for him..all he needed was to show his chest and we would have released him

It was not altogether necessary to show the chest. Modi could have shown his 56" a$$, to KHAN, to get him released.
Multiple diplomatic channels conveyed indian message to Pakistan about possible missile strike on 28 Feb.pakistan released pilot under diplomatic pressure and it was clearly Indian diplomatic victory.it was clear that on feb28, India and Pakistan both decided to attack each other and escalate to war but Americans interfered.pakistan refrained from aggressive posture and by releasing indian pilot,Pakistan provided excuse to modi and to win this election easily which he will.
On April 21, Modi had raised the issue of the government’s response to the Pulwama terror attack, and said that Pakistan knew there would be 'a night of slaughter' if it didn't return the captured IAF pilot.

New Delhi: The Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday said that it cannot comment on a statement made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a rally last month, in which he quoted an “American official” as having said India has put missiles on standby.

On April 21, Modi had raised the issue of the government’s response to the Pulwama terror attack with airstrikes on Balakot. The day after Balakot, Pakistan had retaliated with airstrikes in Kashmir and an Indian Air Force pilot was captured in the resulting dog fight.

As per the PTI report, Modi said, “We conducted a press conference and warned Pakistan that if anything happened to our pilot, you will keep telling the world that Modi did this to you.”

He then claimed that “a senior American official said on the second day that Modi has kept ready 12 missiles and might attack and the situation will deteriorate”.

“Pakistan announced it would return the pilot on the second day, else it was going to be a qatal ki raat (night of slaughter),” he added.

Thereafter, as per the PTI report, Modi stated, “This was said by America, I have nothing to say about this now, I will speak about it when the time will come.”

At a special briefing by Ministry of External Affairs on Thursday, a question was asked to clarify India’s position on the prime minister’s remarks at the election rally. “These are operational details. Please contact relevant ministries,” replied MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar.

Factually, the only official statement that India made on February 27 was by the MEA spokesperson.

“In this engagement, we have unfortunately lost one MiG 21. The pilot is missing in action. Pakistan has claimed that he is in their custody. We are ascertaining the facts,” said Kumar as part of the two paragraph statement on Pakistan’s retaliatory airstrikes. This was the only reference made to Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman at a media event called by MEA.

Later that evening, MEA issued a press release at around 6:45 pm, but again this was not a “briefing” as the prime minister had claimed in his April 21 speech reported by PTI.

“India also strongly objected to Pakistan’s vulgar display of an injured personnel of the Indian Air Force in violation of all norms of International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Convention. It was made clear that Pakistan would be well advised to ensure that no harm comes to the Indian defence personnel in its custody. India also expects his immediate and safe return,” said the MEA press release dated February 27.

With the Wing Commander still in custody overnight, Indian high-level official sources were keen to communicate on February 28 that Pakistan was spreading disinformation about India’s military posture.

Sources, which have been quoted in various media outlets, had stated that the Pakistani foreign office had called Western diplomats in Islamabad for a briefing on the night of February 27. The Western countries had conveyed to India that Pakistan was claiming that India was ready to conduct missile strikes.

This claim by Pakistan was also mentioned by Prime Minister Imran Khan in his speech at the parliament on February 28 afternoon. It was during that speech that he announced that the Indian pilot will be released.

This claim by Pakistan of missiles on standby and a submarine patrol were dismissed outright by Indian sources as efforts by Pakistan to spread disinformation to the international community.

As The Wire reported, “Indian government sources strenuously denied these claims, calling them “manufactured news” by Pakistan to create a “war psychosis”. ANI reported that sources said that Pakistan “was lying that India moved naval ships to launch missile strikes”.

The Hindu article dated February 28 also stated: “The sources blamed a ‘war psychosis’ whipped up by Pakistan on Wednesday, with its officials warning the international community of a “massive Indian missile strike” in response to the Wednesday attacks by Pakistan, despite the government making it clear it would not escalate the situation.”

In an article published on March 17, Reuters claimed, based on an unnamed Western diplomat and Pakistani minister, that India had threatened to fire at least six missiles. The news agency later stated that India had denied “holding out a missile threat”.

It is not clear which “American official” the prime minister was referring to his in April 21 speech, as no US official has made any public statement on this matter.

Hahahahahahahaaha :rofl::lol::rofl::rofl::rofl:

We humiliated india, bombed 6 places including brigade HQ, shot down multiple jets, arrested wing commander alive....and this cow piss drinker wants Indians to believe we returned the pilot bc of his “threat” and not bc of diplomatic maneuvering??

Hey indians on this forum or reading this, do even YOU believe this? :lol:
I have tried, but fail to recall any other Indian PM, at least in the past about 45 years, who has provided so much entertainment and fun to the Pakistanis. He really is a perfect joker and clown, to the hilt.
Would be fun thinking when Indian's heard from us that their missiles are ready to fire.
Their comms channels would've been jammed by just everyone asking everyone if they're going to shoot lmao.
modi ki involuntary suhaaag raat hu gai thi lol :p

Yes, and Modi said on that night that:
"Mairi changi tarha tauhlki wajaaween, tay thaika laaween tin taal da":omghaha:
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Night of Slaughter Became Night of Laughter:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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