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Had warned Pakistan of consequences if IAF pilot not returned.

If you take Modi at face value, then God help you.
We had the opportunity to allow any face to modi... but we gave him all what he wanted.
Leading army was not modi's job, he gave his army free hand. Did Imran Khan said, he gave free hand to Pakistan army?

All that makes you is a self proclaimed, always right, pariah who let's his political bias overshadow national interest.

Modi is here to haunt you... on the issue of compliance of his dead line. Is it hurting your national interests... sorry ot hear that.
We had the opportunity to allow any face to modi... but we gave him all what he wanted.
Leading army was not modi's job, he gave his army free hand. Did Imran Khan said, he gave free hand to Pakistan army?

Yeah he did. That’s why we made a response at all. Preivous governments would’ve made do with condemnation statements. That being said, we couldn’t go full retard and risk a full blown war. So we did what we did on the 27th. Forceful response and retaining the escalation ladder, without it escalating to war. The strategy seems sound to me.

Also thanks for picking and choosing what to reply to. Makes my job much easier.
Yeah and at that time people were also ridiculing PTI for the same leap of logic that you just made. You seriously take that as evidence?
I don't know what Pompeo said in his call to IK, neither i can confirm if he ever called Modi.
It's duty of IK to come clear and state, what was the content of American reach.
All this happening, when Indian was loosing militarily.
AbhiNoneDone was only released to change perceptions and de escalate on the day. Not for the rest of eternity. It was a strategy for just that day. IK did the best he could, blaming him for Indian escalation is a stretch. They had to escalate to save face. I m sure the people devising strategy were aware as well. Also if you think this decision was IKs alone , then you need to understand our foreign policy vis-a-vis India. Him being a rookie or not, the strategy was the best we could do on the day. It was the first time in a long time civil and military was on the same page and you saw the results. As for IK being incompetent and a rookie, i ll leave the political debate for another thread.

Whomever are behind this, they should all be held accountable for a weak diplomatic strategy. They all come across as rookies. And the thing is, this is not the first time we find ourselves militarily strong, only to lose it all on the negotiations table. With Imran Khan, at least I expected a strong defence of our interests on the diplomatic front. If this is the best we can get, then we are destined to remain a third rate nation, always at the mercy of 'superpowers' while our mortal enemy rises to the ranks of Nations that matter.
I don't know what Pompeo said in his call to IK, neither i can confirm if he ever called Modi.
It's duty of IK to come clear and state, what was the content of American reach.
All this happening, when Indian was loosing militarily.

No its not his duty to share everything that was said on the phone. The gist of it was shared.Pompeo urged both sides to de-escalate.
Whomever are behind this, they should all be held accountable for a weak diplomatic strategy. They all come across as rookies. And the thing is, this is not the first time we find ourselves militarily strong, only to lose it all on the negotiations table. With Imran Khan, at least I expected a strong defence of our interests on the diplomatic front. If this is the best we can get, then we are destined to remain a third rate nation, always at the mercy of 'superpowers' while our mortal enemy rises to the ranks of Nations that matter.

It looks to me that it’s the first time we won diplomatically as well. The world buys our narrative. What else is a diplomatic win? You expected India to hand over Kashmir for AbhiNoneDone. ? Also please share your opinion on what would’ve happened if we had kept him?
Yeah he did. That’s why we made a response at all. Preivous governments would’ve made do with condemnation statements. That being said, we couldn’t go full retard and risk a full blown war. So we did what we did on the 27th. Forceful response and retaining the escalation ladder, without it escalating to war. The strategy seems sound to me.

Also thanks for picking and choosing what to reply to. Makes my job much easier.

I have limitation in replying... i'm up against all of defence.pk brigade.
I actually didn't have time to read many posts. It's my compulsion to narrow down to the point.

Here as well i disagree from the beginning....
Clarification: No one ask for escalation, i only maintain that it's unfair to call back our fighters when they are busy shooting Indian fighters in middle of war... this was a tactical error strategic risks.
Modi is here to haunt you... .
Wow, not really, lol but it does tell a lot about you.

Although, I've heard on Indian media that IK, GenBajwa and DG-ISPR do haunt Modi to this day.

on the issue of compliance of his dead line. Is it hurting your national interests... sorry ot hear that.
Oh, the deadline that the entire Pakistani media missed but was softly spoken in your ear by Arnab Goswami. Good one indeed.
Modi's narrative and lies appeal to you simply because it suits your particular political bias dear.

All that makes you is a self proclaimed, always right, pariah who let's his political bias overshadow national interest.

Hmm, sounds eerily familiar with Dawn, Mumbai and recent Bilawal leaks.
View attachment 554826

You are out of logic... so believe what ever.
Actually whatever he's saying is known to all and that's his life line, and those responsible must be questionsed.
It's my compulsion to narrow down to the point.
It is also your compulsion to delete your posts and act as if the reply is about something else entirely as proven >here<
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Oh, the deadline that the entire Pakistani media missed but was softly spoken in your ear by Arnab Goswami. Good one indeed.
Let the FO give this clarification to those who have the power to dictate Pakistan's foreign policy decisions to their own advantage. OR close the thread, because modi is lying to the world and in view of Pakistan FO, we don't need to respond.
It looks to me that it’s the first time we won diplomatically as well. The world buys our narrative. What else is a diplomatic win? You expected India to hand over Kashmir for AbhiNoneDone. ? Also please share your opinion on what would’ve happened if we had kept him?

What else is a diplomatic win? Let's see. Given India's overtly aggressive designs against us, having them removed from FATF adjudication panel? Highlighting India's War Mania in the General Assembly of the United Nations? Starting a resolution calling for an arms embargo on India for destroying regional peace through irresponsible behavior? If I need to explain this to you, then I am losing interest in this debate already. And I have nowhere talked about keeping him. I am only advocating to release him under iron clad guarantees that suit our own interests.
It is also your compulsion to delete your posts and act as if the reply is about something else entirely as proven >here<
So you keep screen shots of ever post i make?
Ask your tribals in administration, they might have deleted my post, as i don't backout of what i say, unless it's a typing error.
You are out of logic... so believe what ever.
I'm not the one who deleted my post and also acted as if never posted but even tried to mislead the reply altogether...that's called being out of logic dear, lol.
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