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Gunmen kill polio vaccinator in Quetta


Jan 31, 2010
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Gunmen kill polio vaccinator in Quetta – The Express Tribune

QUETTA: Unknown gunmen on Tuesday killed a polio vaccinator in Quetta, highlighting resistance to the country’s immunisation campaign, officials said.
The shooting happened in the Killi Jeo area of the provincial capital a day after a three-day campaign kicked off across the country, senior government official Tariq Mengal told AFP.
Balochistan, which borders Afghanistan and Iran, is plagued by sectarian violence between the Shia and Sunni community, as well as by Taliban attacks and a separatist insurgency.
The Taliban have banned immunisations in some areas, condemning the campaign as a cover for espionage since a Pakistani doctor was jailed after helping the CIA track down al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden using a hepatitis vaccination programme.
In Tuesday’s incident, a team of male and female vaccinators was engaged in a door-to-door campaign to administer polio drops to children below five years of age when unknown gunmen on a motorbike shot dead a male volunteer, Mengal said.
“We are investigating if the dead man had any dispute with the attackers or the shooting was carried out by opponents of the campaign,” he said.
The campaign has been suspended in several areas of Quetta as the shooting sparked fear among the vaccinators, he said.
“We will assess the security situation before resuming the campaign on Wednesday,” he added.
Killi Jeo is home to thousands of Afghan refugees and local tribesmen.
Pakistan is one of only three countries where the highly infectious crippling disease remains endemic, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria.
There have been 30 confirmed cases of polio in Pakistan this year according to the government, 22 of them in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.
The Taliban have banned immunisations in some areas, condemning the campaign as a cover for espionage since a Pakistani doctor was jailed after helping the CIA track down al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden using a hepatitis vaccination programme

Rest in peace , Taliban and their extremists arms and subsidiaries are killing Pakistanis one by one , however we have decided to negotiate with our own murderers
Rest in peace , Taliban and their extremists arms and subsidiaries are killing Pakistanis one by one , however we have decided to negotiate with our own murderers
Yes because we fought them for 9 consecutive years and have failed miserably
Rest in Peace. He is a martyr died serving his people.
Killing a person giving polio drops to the kids .. Really it is way beyond disgusting.

What they do next, kill the doctors?
After all this terrorism when people still say Pak Army is responsible then I feel like slapping that person. BLA with the help of their foreign masters will keep making things worse in Balochistan Province, people will keep getting disappeared & the blame will be thrown on Pak Army. Bugti, Mari, Mangel & others are the enemy of the state & it is only when these terrorists are removed from Balochistan it is only then peace will come to Balochistan, plus most importantly foreign hands needs to be cut off & they must be exposed to the world openly.
New attacks on polio teams kill 2 in Pak.

In a similar attack yesterday five female polio workers were killed

Gunmen shot dead a woman working on U.N.-backed polio vaccination efforts and her driver in northwestern Pakistan on Wednesday, officials said, just a day after similar attacks across the country killed five female polio workers.

The killings are a major setback for a campaign that international health officials consider vital to contain the crippling disease but which Taliban insurgents say is a cover for espionage.

In Wednesday’s attack, the woman and her driver were gunned down in the northwestern town of Charsadda, said senior government official Syed Zafar Ali Shah. He said gunmen targeted two other polio teams in the same town, but no one was wounded in those attacks.

Earlier in the day in the northwestern city of Peshawar, gunmen shot a polio worker in the head, wounding him critically, said Janbaz Afridi, a senior health official. There were also attacks Wednesday on polio workers in the cities of Charsadda and Nowshera, but no casualties were reported there.

Pakistan is one of only three countries where polio is endemic. Militants accuse health workers of acting as spies for the U.S. and claim the vaccine makes children sterile.

The Taliban in the lawless northwestern tribal region also blame the U.S. drone strikes for their opposition to the vaccinations.

On Tuesday, gunmen killed five female polio workers in a spree of attacks in several southern and northwestern cities, prompting authorities to suspend the vaccination campaign in the southern Sindh province.

The three-day campaign, which started on Monday, continued in the northwest and elsewhere in the country.

Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan claimed responsibility for the attacks on Tuesday. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wednesday’s killings.

The Hindu : News / International : New attacks on polio teams kill 2 in Pak.

this is disgusting...this bludy Islamic terrorist groups have crossed all the levels of inhumanity
Yes because we fought them for 9 consecutive years and have failed miserably

So we should lay down our arms and bow before them..... ???

We are not fighting with full force....A swat operation type seriousness required in all our battles..... Waziristan, Bajour, Baluchistan and Karachi..... Army is not required in every operation but will is.....
So we should lay down our arms and bow before them..... ???

We are not fighting with full force....A swat operation type seriousness required in all our battles..... Waziristan, Bajour, Baluchistan and Karachi..... Army is not required in every operation but will is.....
America is fighting them with full force and haven't won and you are not even close to USA when it comes to power and still they are being defeated and you can think you can win against those who never accepts defeat Sir they will keep fighting you for thousands years and you can't afford to fight that war
America is fighting them with full force and haven't won and you are not even close to USA when it comes to power and still they are being defeated and you can think you can win against those who never accepts defeat Sir they will keep fighting you for thousands years and you can't afford to fight that war

and how are they defeated???? I dont see any polio workers dying in Kabul....
and how are they defeated???? I dont see any polio workers dying in Kabul....
America is running away from Afghanistan begging the same Taliban for talks which few years back he didn't wanted to talk asking us to free their leaders so USA can talk to Taliban
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