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Attacks on polio teams kill three in northwest Pakistan

Why doesn't Pakistani govt. use celebrities, like India did roping in Amitabh Bachchan for its Polio campaign
I hope the people who kill polio workers end up getting polio, and get crippled for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately though it is usually little children who catch it, and have to suffer for the sins of adults who prevent them from getting vaccinated.

BTW polio workers who venture into those areas are truly heroes. Their sacrifice is no less than that of policemen or soldiers. Maybe even more, as they are not trained to defend themselves or expected to get martyred in the line of duty.

Everybody responsible for the existence of polio in this day and age - the people who shoot health workers, the people who authorize it or condonce it with their apathy, and the people who start and perpetrate misinformation that vaccines cause impotence (or whatever the hell they believe), are all responsible for the lifelong crippling and wasting away of children who do not get vaccinated. All it takes to eliminate that horrendous disease is one injection in infancy. It is so simple, thanks to the miracle of modern medicine.
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oh lord! Only if These terrorist vermin understood the worth of the NGO initiative......direct military action will be in vain as it will only bolster the anti govt stance..there needs to be a honest, and untiring need for educating these people.
Can anyone explain why these moron's target Polio workers?? There have been similar incidents in past too..... Why polio workers? What is the logic these morons have to kill those innocent workers who is risking their life to make kids life better....
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