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Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

I'm not so sure about Buddhism.

Maybe @Juggernaut_Flat_Plane_V8 could jump into this debate.


It acknowledges the existence of the Indian Pantheon (and by extension also Iranian Pantheon?) as very real, but not just that relevant to its stated goals

But what is more interesting Buddha underscores the archaic Iron Age Brahmanic view that the Daevas (Gods) and the Asuras (Titans) inhabit the same realm and go to battle with each other time to time

This is much different than later Hinduism where Asuras are considered powerful evil beings who have fallen to Hell

Early Brahmanism considers Asuras of the same class as Gods, living in the same realm as Gods , but hostile to the Gods

If I am not mistaken in Zoroastrianism, Asuras are given the same status as Daevas in the Vedas....So almost the same Pantheon but Inverted----------->this is what I felt in my cursory reading, but I may be wrong

Moment to Moment Mindfulness is considered food of the Gods in Buddhism and will earn you protection of the Gods, but the goal is to go beyond the Gods, to go beyond anything

In very lay man terms, Proper Buddhism is suicide bombing of the Soul...even the Soul is destroyed..so that there is neither existence nor non-existence anymore, neither being nor non-being
Islam is freedom

Thanks. I always get the spelling wrong.

It acknowledges the existence of the Indian Pantheon (and by extension also Iranian Pantheon?) as very real, but not just that relevant to its stated goals

But what is more interesting Buddha underscores the archaic Iron Age Brahmanic view that the Daevas (Gods) and the Asuras (Titans) inhabit the same realm and go to battle with each other time to time

This is much different than later Hinduism where Asuras are considered powerful evil beings who have fallen to Hell

Early Brahmanism considers Asuras of the same class as Gods, living in the same realm as Gods , but hostile to the Gods

If I am not mistaken in Zoroastrianism, Asuras are given the same status as Daevas in the Vedas....So almost the same Pantheon but Inverted----------->this is what I felt in my cursory reading, but I may be wrong

Moment to Moment Mindfulness is considered food of the Gods in Buddhism and will earn you protection of the Gods, but the goal is to go beyond the Gods, to go beyond anything

In very lay man terms, Proper Buddhism is suicide bombing of the Soul...even the Soul is destroyed..so that there is neither existence nor non-existence anymore, neither being nor non-being

Our Ahuras are your Asuras.

Your Devas are our Daevas.

Samudramanthan actually happened.

Your Soma is our Haoma.
Parsis look different then Dravidians, mainly due to their Eurasian DNA. But in my opinion, doesn't really matter.

Not really. I have seen a number of indian parsis and they look just as gangu as all other indians. Their Eurasian DNA has been destroyed by the influx of hyper ugly and physically repulsive indian gangu DNA.
Not really. I have seen a number of indian parsis and they look just as gangu as all other indians. Their Eurasian DNA has been destroyed by the influx of hyper ugly and physically repulsive indian gangu DNA.

Lots of Pakistani oldies here have seen me.

As did some Iranis recently.

Why don't you post your Aryan photo here.

dont flatter yourself

i understand your hate like hindus hate Muslim the message of Islam freed people from tyranny and destroyed your empires persian and hindu empire are now histroy!
Muslims Fucked them hard that is why this clown hate Muslims.he want every iranian become majosi.but they cannot get their glory days back.muslims will again destroy them.
Thanks. I always get the spelling wrong.

Our Ahuras are your Asuras.

Your Devas are our Daevas.

Samudramanthan actually happened.

Your Soma is our Haoma.

I was led into a wild goose chase regarding the identity of Soma, and have now settled into a view that Iranian Zoroastrians use the original Soma/Haoma in an unbroken tradition..

Slightly off Topic: and in the realm of High speculation...Buddha is considered by some to be descendants of Iranian Scythians rather than that of Kshatriya Indo-Aryans......given that he was of the Sakya (Saka?) clan...The Sakya clan gave an extreme amount of importance to racial purity when it came to descendants....Buddhism gives a high importance in placing Buddha's remains (and other Masters') under Stupas which seem hark back to Kurgan Burial Mounds....But then again what chance is there that a single Saka clan in 7th century BCE would leave its tribe in Central Asia and move through India to settle in the borderlands of Nepal? i would say close to zero since the first historically attested Saka presence in subcontinent date back to 2nd century BCE....3 centuries after the Buddha...Buddha was considered very handsome in his time but not that strikingly different compared to the ruling Kshatriya nobility of Iron Age lower Ganga valley
Muslims Fucked them hard that is why this clown hate Muslims.he want every iranian become majosi.but they cannot get their glory days back.muslims will again destroy them.

they are relics living in past!!

all the major empires hate Muslims from rome to parsia to hindus they were conquered but respected and now they are filled with hate! all we have to do is unite and beleive and show them their real place after we propogate them and invite them to freedom of Islam!!
they are relics living in past!!

all the major empires hate Muslims from rome to parsia to hindus they were conquered but respected and now they are filled with hate! all we have to do is unite and beleive and show them their real place after we propogate them and invite them to freedom of Islam!!

Yes yes


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