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Gulf leaders agree on unified military command at Bahrain summit

You know if that did happen ya Saddam, it would absolutely lead to:

1- Partition of KSA.
2- KSA will spend the money of the oil left paying for copensations to those countries and rebuilding the country.
3- The end of Arabs as a one pact.

I hope you never get a management position not even a school principal.:disagree:

lol it depends on many factors. If we do it we must have a deal with US to not intervene and stay neutral. No country in GCC is match for our military, in fact I suspect they will put little resistance. The problem will come from US and some regional countries. Saddam was an idiot who miscalculated the situation. We must learn from that and do it the right way. I don't recognize Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman because the only reason they are independent now because they were used by Britain as ports. The ideal goal is to unite all Arabia under one country, including Yemen and Jordan. I don't really see that happening without forced annexation.
I am not in the mood for kidding as I have just got home from work, tired and sleepy:sick:

Don't you think it's pathetic and disgusting when you see people (again) who are supposed to be your brothers who should get happy for a possibility of the unity of six Muslim countries and rather get filled of jealousy and start attacking them? And if KSA was a lapdog of USA then Pakistan is what?

Look, I know that this is childish, but in politics there is not a thing called a puppet, it's just interests in which one county may look a puppet and the another one is a master but this is not true and I don't believe in it.

You do realize that some of your 'jealous brothers' have some valid points ! The GCC isn't a Muslim or even an Arabic bloc where the interests of the Arabs is protected; its more of a super sized fiefdom of Royals where one family looks out for the other & keeps their own population busy by dangling carrots in front of them whether they are the 'Kafeel System' or 'More opportunities to make more money' ! It isn't even what OPEC under King Faisal was & He was a man that most Pakistanis take a lot of pride in !

If KSA were attacked Pakistan would go to war but lets be honest to ourselves behind this fluff of a 'unified military command' there is a unified possibility of stifling protests to avoid any future Arab Spring coming to the GCC lands like it was so skillfully avoided in the present with such ruthlessness as in case of Qatar or preemptively in case of most of the rest of GCC.

As for Pakistan being a puppet of the United States - No sh*t ! We recognize that & when the same reasoning is given for the Middle Eastern dynasties with their own personal harems & extravagances to the point that makes one puke, they are found to be above reproach according to most of you !

Here is a quote from the Brother wishing you well

I am losing my strength as food and water shortages are hitting hard here in pakistan. but some one calling me oh my bad sending smoke signals and they wanted to know about the Ex House of Saud Brother or Allie Saddam and they wanna know if any body seen him lately since he went missing in 1990s last seen he and his army were going to House of Saud for Jobs in those mega industrial Cities.

I would appreciate if u could ask your Arab Brother P.s please don't send reply with pigeon as we have not advance to that tech yet.

I couldn't find anything other than a pigeon to send your message with but I received no reply ! The wind tells me they fed hummus to our Pakistani tikka munching, nihari eating pigeon & he died of shame ! :rofl:
You do realize that some of your 'jealous brothers' have some valid points ! The GCC isn't a Muslim or even an Arabic bloc where the interests of the Arabs is protected; its more of a super sized fiefdom of Royals where one family looks out for the other & keeps their own population busy by dangling carrots in front of them whether they are the 'Kafeel System' or 'More opportunities to make more money' ! It isn't even what OPEC under King Faisal was & He was a man that most Pakistanis take a lot of pride in !

If KSA were attacked Pakistan would go to war but lets be honest to ourselves behind this fluff of a 'unified military command' there is a unified possibility of stifling protests to avoid any future Arab Spring coming to the GCC lands like it was so skillfully avoided in the present with such ruthlessness as in case of Qatar or preemptively in case of most of the rest of GCC.

As for Pakistan being a puppet of the United States - No sh*t ! We recognize that & when the same reasoning is given for the Middle Eastern dynasties with their own personal harems & extravagances to the point that makes one puke, they are found to be above reproach according to most of you !

It's like you are saying that all those people need is money with no interest in dignity and that's not true, if you noticed, they are the proudest.

Tell me Armstrong, if you were a UAE citizen, would you ever think of ousting your regime and why? Even the westerner get stunned when they hear about the privileges, respect, and care GCC citizens get.
What ruthlessness happened in Qatar?

Don't hate the playa, hate the game!

Oh sorry Bahrain ! :opps:

Yup I do hate the game & I'm wishing that you guys become democracies ! Arab countries belong to the people who inhabit those lands & have given so much for their respective countries - They are not heirlooms of Royals who probably have a guy just for wiping their arses off after they are done defecating !
Oh sorry Bahrain ! :opps:

Yup I do hate the game & I'm wishing that you guys become democracies ! Arab countries belong to the people who inhabit those lands & have given so much for their respective countries - They are not heirlooms of Royals who probably have a guy just for wiping their arses off after they are done defecating !
We also wish to have democracy, but as long as people are financially secure and treated fairly and respectively by the government, we don't need a revolution but a gradual movement towards some type of a democracy or constitutional monarchy.
BTW only 35 people died in Bahrain during the "ruthless" revolution, 5 of them cops. While Syria almost 50 thousand dead and much more injured and jailed and still you support the government. Hypocrisy on a grand scale.
It's like you are saying that all those people need is money with no interest in dignity and that's not true, if you noticed, they are the proudest.

Tell me Armstrong, if you were a UAE citizen, would you ever think of ousting your regime and why? Even the westerner get stunned when they hear about the privileges, respect, and care GCC citizens get.

Racist would be a better word ! :tup:

And when I say 'them' I refer to the Royals & the Regimes not the People !

And to answer your question - Yes I would ! I am not so shallow as to be bought by money & perks thrown at me instead of having my freedom ! I would not be content with sitting still with a Royal family sitting on top of me as if it was their birth right to rule that particular country - I am a son of the soil & an equal son at that ! I will not play second fiddle to some Royal brat whose only qualification is to be born to a father who is so drunk with wealth - my People's wealth - that he doesn't know what to do with it ! And to have His Royal Highness command me as a subject as if we're still living in the Middle Ages is beyond repugnant ! If we are to talk about dignity that let us tremble with indignation at even a pence that goes to service the desires of our Leaders (Royals & Elected alike) that they had no right to other than them being born at the right place at the right time !

That money & that oil belongs to the People of the GCC not a Royal Family where men either grow fatter or more promiscuous by the year; squandering away wealth that the Almighty blessed you people with not a fat arsed basterd sitting on top !

We also wish to have democracy, but as long as people are financially secure and teated fairly and respectively by the government, we don't need a revolution but a gradual movement towards some type of a democracy or constitutional monarchy.
BTW only 35 people died in Bahrain during the "ruthless" revolution, 5 of them cops. While Syria almost 50 thousand dead and much more injured and jailed and still you support the government. Hypocrisy on a grand scale.

Ruthlessness isn't a measure of 'deaths' but the way in which popular voice was stifled !

And about Syria - The facts are still murky about how legitimate & clean the opposition is with respect to the regime ! The proxy war waged by both sides & their handlers certainly hasn't helped either.
Ruthlessness isn't a measure of 'deaths' but the way in which popular voice was stifled !

And about Syria - The facts are still murky about how legitimate & clean the opposition is with respect to the regime ! The proxy war waged by both sides & their handlers certainly hasn't helped either.
That doesn't make any sense. I don't know what dictionary you use, but killing 50,000 is more ruthless than killing 30 people. At least in my opinion.
As for Pakistan being a puppet of the United States - No sh*t ! We recognize that & when the same reasoning is given for the Middle Eastern dynasties with their own personal harems & extravagances to the point that makes one puke, they are found to be above reproach according to most of you !

That's what I and you say because we not rich, but believe me, if you had the money you would do even more.

There is a secret I would like to share with you, when you see people in GCC and Jordan drive expensive cars or having fancy stuff like the newest phones be sure that most of them get it by easy payments from banks and they barely can pay the monthly fee. It's a culture in which people can't stand being less than others, and they won't gave a chance to others to look at them with sympathy.

That's why you see young people prefer to stay unemployed over working in customer service, construction...ect jobs although they get higher fees than the office jobs. Guess what, my uncle is a carpenter and he built houses for his brothers and father who work in governmental jobs with high education.

Can you believe that this is happening in a non oil 6 million population country which gets annual aids and one of the poorest in water resources in the world, that's why I will never support any people rise regarding an economic hardships because I know that the problem is with the people not the regime here...

"Jordan hosts one of the highest percentages of immigrants in the world in comparison to its total population, with more than 40% of its residents being born in another country, a rate even higher than the United States, according to a 2005 UN Report. Jordan's Arab population mainly consists of Jordanians, Palestinians and Iraqis. In addition, there are sizable immigrant communities from Egypt, Syria, and more recently Libya. There were also 15,000 Lebanese who emigrated to Jordan following the 2006 War with Israel.[131] The non-Arab population which comprises 2% to 5% of Jordan's population, most are Circassians, Chechens, Armenians, Turkmans, and Romanis, all of which have maintained separate ethnic identities, but have integrated into mainstream Jordanian culture. Also, Jordan is home to a relatively large American and European expatriate population concentrated mainly in the capital as the city is home to many international organizations and diplomatic missions that base their regional operations in Amman. Since the Iraq War many Christians (Assyrians/Chaldeans) from Iraq have settled permanently or temporarily in Jordan. They could number as many as 500,000.
In 2004–2007, population increased due to the mass migration of Iraqi refugees. In 2007, there were 700,000–1,000,000 Iraqis in Jordan.[135] In 2009, the population of Jordan was slightly over 6,300,000.[136] (increasing from 5,100,000 in 2004).
According to UNRWA, Jordan was home to 1,951,603 Palestinian refugees in 2008, most of them Jordanian citizens.[137] 338,000 of them were living in UNRWA refugee camps.
Migrant workers in Jordan are believed to account for more than 30% of the labor force in Jordan. The population of migrant workers including domestic workers is divided into 1,200,000 illegal and some 500,000 legal migrant workers in the Kingdom.[139] 500,000 are Egyptians, while the remaining workers are from Syria, India, Yemen, Pakistan, Vietnam, and Nepal. Jordan is home to one of the world's largest population of migrant domestic workers according to Human Rights Watch. Domestic workers number around 300,000, mainly from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. There have been recent recruiting from African nations like Ethopia and Madagascar for the purpose of domestic labor. Furthermore, there are thousands of foreign women working in nightclubs, hotels and bars across the kingdom, mostly from Eastern Europe and North Africa.

Jordan revoked the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians to thwart any attempt to resettle West Bank residents in Jordan. West Bank Palestinians with family in Jordan or Jordanian citizenship were issued yellow cards guaranteeing them all the rights of Jordanian citizenship. Palestinians living in Jordan with family in the West Bank were also issued yellow cards. All other Palestinians wishing such Jordanian papers were issued green cards to facilitate travel into Jordan."
That doesn't make any sense. I don't know what dictionary you use, but killing 50,000 is more ruthless than killing 30 people. At least in my opinion.

Indeed it is nor did I say that it wasn't ! I merely implied that it was :

(a) ruthless of the regimes to band together & crush popular will the way they did !

(b) it is ruthless the way a proxy war is claiming the lives of innocent Syrians with both side being accused of killings & gross human rights abuses !
Racist would be a better word ! :tup:

And when I say 'them' I refer to the Royals & the Regimes not the People !

And to answer your question - Yes I would ! I am not so shallow as to be bought by money & perks thrown at me instead of having my freedom ! I would not be content with sitting still with a Royal family sitting on top of me as if it was their birth right to rule that particular country - I am a son of the soil & an equal son at that ! I will not play second fiddle to some Royal brat whose only qualification is to be born to a father who is so drunk with wealth - my People's wealth - that he doesn't know what to do with it ! And to have His Royal Highness command me as a subject as if we're still living in the Middle Ages is beyond repugnant ! If we are to talk about dignity that let us tremble with indignation at even a pence that goes to service the desires of our Leaders (Royals & Elected alike) that they had no right to other than them being born at the right place at the right time !

That money & that oil belongs to the People of the GCC not a Royal Family where men either grow fatter or more promiscuous by the year; squandering away wealth that the Almighty blessed you people with not a fat arsed basterd sitting on top !

Ruthlessness isn't a measure of 'deaths' but the way in which popular voice was stifled !

And about Syria - The facts are still murky about how legitimate & clean the opposition is with respect to the regime ! The proxy war waged by both sides & their handlers certainly hasn't helped either.

You have a point, but when I see others experience with democracy, I would prefer a stable one which provide his citizens with all their needs. Just look at Iraq after they killed their king in the 1950s, they never witnessed peace. History books prove that the era of King Faisal of Iraq was the most stable, democratic and prosperous in Iraqi modern history. The revolutioneists killed him and his family, and how they have been living since then?

Indeed it is nor did I say that it wasn't ! I merely implied that it was :

(a) ruthless of the regimes to band together & crush popular will the way they did !

(b) it is ruthless the way a proxy war is claiming the lives of innocent Syrians with both side being accused of killings & gross human rights abuses !

Which popular are you talking about? And how did you know they want "freedom"?
Iran will not mind this unity.
They will follow through being united with Iraq. One day you will see Khamenei is in Najaf and they have made up their minds for a new common leader.
You have a point, but when I see others experience with democracy, I would prefer a stable one which provide his citizens with all their needs. Just look at Iraq after they killed their king in the 1950s, they never witnessed peace. History books prove that the era of King Faisal of Iraq was the most stable, democratic and prosperous in Iraqi modern history. The revolutioneists killed him and his family, and how they have been living since then?

Compared with most other democracies around the world, I'm not sure how good that analogy holds !

The same was the case in Afghanistan but 'failures' are what we learn from & 'successes' are what we try to emulate - Not shun the entire system altogether !

Continuing on from your earlier post - Can't your present own elected government which is answerable to the People of Jordan, of Kuwait or KSA etc. provide the same or better subsidies to their People ? The question is not about economic opportunities it is about 'ownership' & 'dignity' - How can one bear to salute a King or a Queen that hasn't an iota's worth of right to be where they are, dismiss governments as they see fit, lavish themselves with ravishes till their heart's desire & still not be answerable to their people...mindful - Yes...answerable - No, is beyond me ?

The People of Jordan are the Sovereigns of Jordan with a birth-right to elect their own representatives to manage their own affairs & ask from them a result card at the end of their tenure to either renew their stay, to dismiss them or to prosecute them for their corruption, nepotism & mismanagement !

Which popular are you talking about? And how did you know they want "freedom"?

The one which brought the protestors to the streets & demand their right to govern themselves as they see fit !
lol it depends on many factors. If we do it we must have a deal with US to not intervene and stay neutral. No country in GCC is match for our military, in fact I suspect they will put little resistance. The problem will come from US and some regional countries. Saddam was an idiot who miscalculated the situation. We must learn from that and do it the right way. I don't recognize Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman because the only reason they are independent now because they were used by Britain as ports. The ideal goal is to unite all Arabia under one country, including Yemen and Jordan. I don't really see that happening without forced annexation.

Are you sure that UAE would pose no threat in case you attacked them? :no: Jordan and Yemen? :D

Anyway, quick unification means quick collapse, it needs years to do it the right way for many reasons. GCC, after 40 years started thinking about confederate unity.

Compared with most other democracies around the world, I'm not sure how good that analogy holds !

The same was the case in Afghanistan but 'failures' are what we learn from & 'successes' are what we try to emulate - Not shun the entire system altogether !

Continuing on from your earlier post - Can't your present own elected government which is answerable to the People of Jordan, of Kuwait or KSA etc. provide the same or better subsidies to their People ? The question is not about economic opportunities it is about 'ownership' & 'dignity' - How can one bear to salute a King or a Queen that hasn't an iota's worth of right to be where they are, dismiss governments as they see fit, lavish themselves with ravishes till their heart's desire & still not be answerable to their people...mindful - Yes...answerable - No, is beyond me ?

The People of Jordan are the Sovereigns of Jordan with a birth-right to elect their own representatives to manage their own affairs & ask from them a result card at the end of their tenure to either renew their stay, to dismiss them or to prosecute them for their corruption, nepotism & mismanagement !

The one which brought the protestors to the streets & demand their right to govern themselves as they see fit !

It's much more complicated than you think it is. I am exhausted now, good night yara...:lazy:
Are you sure that UAE would pose no threat in case you attacked them? :no: Jordan and Yemen? :D

Anyway, quick unification means quick collapse, it needs years to do it the right way for many reasons. GCC, after 40 years started thinking about confederate unity.

You guys enjoy a common language & a culture that overlaps with each other immensely - The potential for unity is immense !

Perhaps a United Kingdom of sorts modeled around that of Britain be a worthwhile thing to look at it with complete autonomy to each independent country !
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