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Gulf leaders agree on unified military command at Bahrain summit

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Gulf leaders agree on unified military command at Bahrain summit

The annual summit of Arab monarchs in the Gulf opened in Manama on Tuesday with a call for closer economic integration and unity in the face of the turmoil which has swept much of the Middle East.

The Secretary General of the Gulf bloc announced that Gulf ministers agreed on the establishment of a unified military command and confirmed a move towards a Gulf Union.

The final statement from the summit also demanded Iran end what they called interference in Gulf Arab affairs, reiterating the six U.S. allies' long-held mistrust of their regional rival.

A communique issued at the end of a two-day summit of the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) also called on the international community to bring a swift end to massacres and violations of international law in Syria.

On Monday, the first day of the summit, Saudi Crown Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Monday expressed the kingdom’s hope for the declaration of a Gulf Union.

“We aspire to a strong union with integrated economies, a joint foreign policy and a common defense system,” Prince Salman said.

Meanwhile, King Hamad of host country Bahrain called for the GCC to provide “a security umbrella for its peoples” and urged “economic complementarity” between its six member states.

Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, Kuwait’s emir, called for humanitarian aid for Syrian civilians and urged Iran to reach a peaceful settlement with neighbors, including over three Gulf islands in dispute with the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

He announced a donor conference for civilians caught up in the Syrian conflict to be held at the end of January at the request of the United Nations.

In an exclusive statement to Al Arabiya, UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan said the GCC was concerned by Iran’s nuclear activity, and the Bushehr reactor in particular. He added that the lack of transparency by Iran on its program has raised suspicions over whether the nuclear activity is intended for peaceful purposes.

The two-day summit was to focus on strengthening “Gulf unity... especially politically, economically, in defense, security and culturally,” Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed al-Khalifa had said.

Last week, Bahrain said an announcement over a union of the six member states would not be made at the summit.

A Gulf union would supersede the existing GCC and bring member states even closer.

In November, the six Gulf states recognized a newly-formed opposition bloc as the Syrian people's legitimate representative.

The GCC members -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- were the first to recognize the opposition coalition.

"The states of the council announce recognizing the National Coalition... as the legitimate representative of the brotherly Syrian people," GCC chief Abdullatif al-Zayani said.

He said the oil-rich bloc would support the coalition in the hope that "this will be a step towards a quick political transfer of power."
The overall gross domestic product in 2011 of the GCC states -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the UAE and Saudi Arabia -- amounted to 1.37 trillion dollars, a diplomatic source said.

In 2003, they launched a symbolic customs union which has been beset with problems, failing to meet its target date of 2005, with the transition period systematically extended to 2015.

And a monetary union announced in 2009 with the aim of creating a common currency has also failed to materialize, with just four nations -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia -- signing up to it.

The six have also discussed plans to expand a security treaty they signed in 1994 with the aim of increasing security cooperation in the face of the Arab uprisings, sources said.

Gulf leaders agree on unified military command at Bahrain summit
الثلاثاء 12 صفر 1434هـ - 25 ديسمبر 2012م

قمة المنامة تقر اتفاقية الأمن وإنشاء قيادة عسكرية موحدة

دعت إلى الانتقال السلمي بسوريا وطالبت إيران بالكف عن التدخل في شؤون دول المجلس

اختتمت قمة مجلس التعاون الخليجي أعمالها اليوم الثلاثاء بالتأكيد على المضي في مبادرة خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز الهادفة إلى الوصول للاتحاد الخليجي بين دول مجلس التعاون.

وتحدث الأمين العام لمجلس التعاون الخليجي، عبداللطيف الزياني، في البيان الختامي للدورة الثالثة والثلاثين لمجلس التعاون الخليجي، عن إنشاء قيادة عسكرية موحدة تقوم بالتخطيط و قيادة القوات البحرية والبرية والجوية في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، إضافة الى إقرار الاتفاقية الأمنية بين دول المجلس.

كما شدد الزياني، على ضرورة الانتقال السلمي للسلطة في سوريا ودعم الائتلاف الوطني السوري كممثل للشعب السوري، إضافة إلى ضرورة تقديم المساعدات الإنسانية للشعب السوري.
الانتقال السياسي في سوريا

هذا وشدد قادة مجلس التعاون الخليجي في بيانهم الختامي على ضرورة "الإسراع في عملية الانتقال السياسي" لوقف إراقة الدماء والدمار في سوريا.

وعبر المجلس "عن عظيم ألمه وحزنه لاستمرار النظام (السوري) في سفك الدماء البريئة، وتدمير المدن والبنى التحتية"، بحسب ما ذكرت وكالة "فرانس برس".

وطالب مجلس التعاون "المجتمع الدولي بالتحرك الجاد والسريع لوقف هذه المجازر وتقديم كافة أشكال المساعدات الإنسانية العاجلة للشعب السوري الشقيق لمواجهة الظروف الحياتية القاسية".

وبحسب البيان سيعقد مؤتمر دولي للجهات المانحة في 30 يناير/كانون الثاني في الكويت للحصول على مساعدات إنسانية للمدنيين السوريين الذين تضرروا جراء النزاع المستمر منذ 21 شهرا والذي أوقع أكثر من 44 ألف قتيل بحسب منظمة سورية غير حكومية.

وأكد مجلس التعاون الخليجي دعمه لموفد الجامعة العربية، والأمم المتحدة لخضر الابراهيمي معرباً عن الأمل في أن تساهم مهمته في "تحقيق التوافق في مجلس الأمن، خاصة الدول دائمة العضوية وفق صلاحيات ومسؤوليات المجلس في الحفاظ على الأمن والاستقرار الدولي"، في تلميح إلى روسيا والصين حليفتي النظام السوري اللتين استخدمتا الفيتو لعرقلة ثلاثة مشاريع قرارات للضغط على نظام بشار الأسد منذ اندلاع الثورة في مارس/آذار 2011.
التدخل الإيراني

كما طالب زعماء مجلس التعاون الخليجي إيران بالكف عما وصفوه بالتدخل في شؤون دولهم، بحسب ما ذكرت وكالة "رويترز".

كما جدد البيان الختامي للقمة رفض احتلال إيران للجزر الإماراتية مع دعم حق السيادة للجزر الثلاث.

وقال البيان إن المجلس أبدى رفضه واستنكاره لاستمرار التدخلات الإيرانية في الشؤون الداخلية لدول مجلس التعاون وطالب إيران بالكف فوراً ونهائياً عن هذه الممارسات وعن كل السياسات والإجراءات التي من شأنها زيادة التوتر وتهديد الأمن والاستقرار في المنطقة.

هذا وستعقد القمة المقبلة لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي في الكويت.

قمة المنامة تقر اتفاقية الأمن وإنشاء قيادة عسكرية موØ*دة
هذا شخص بأكستاني بس أعرف اقرأ و أكتب لغه عربيه
1.Military groupings are usually motivated by external threats. Here we see a reverse. This tie-up is a result of the Arab Spring which may turn into a Revolution - not an Arab revolution, but an Islamic. The unity seen is also result of the internal pressures on the regimes which are increasingly seen by the populace as Western plants. Yemen is not included. Qatar is a reluctant entry. Bahrain has sectarian issues baffling its rulers.

2. The WCC (Western Christian Civilization) had in the first place converted the region into pockets for ease of exploitation. The irony is that the same WCC is pushing for an unification now - again for ease of exploitation.
Haza fard karobari....beroon al mercedes and androon local lari
Ladies and gentleman Introducing the Hypocrites

1)The final statement from the summit also demanded Iran end what they called interference in Gulf Arab affairs, reiterating the six U.S. allies' long-held mistrust of their regional rival.

Then they wrote a chg to Terrorist operating in Syria plus this.

2)"The states of the council announce recognizing the National Coalition... as the legitimate representative of the brotherly Syrian people," GCC chief Abdullatif al-Zayani said.

3)Melding in Pakistanis internal affairs.

I cant wait till they decide to join :victory: we all no the fireworks that will start after oh boy oh boy cant wait even civilized Europeans cant make a go of it cant imagine what will happen here OH Boy oh BOY.
I assure you that this unified military wont enter any war. It is solely made to protect the ruling families from protests/ revolutions. The people who point fingers at Iran are living in mirage. Iran poses no threat to the gulf states UNLESS the gulf states are planning to allow the US to attack Iran from their bases in the GCC. This is the only two reasons they would do that.
I assure you that this unified military wont enter any war. It is solely made to protect the ruling families from protests/ revolutions. The people who point fingers at Iran are living in mirage. Iran poses no threat to the gulf states UNLESS the gulf states are planning to allow the US to attack Iran from their bases in the GCC. This is the only two reasons they would do that.

An Iraqi defending Iran... you must be so proud of yourself...

It seems your militia type regime is affecting your judgments, those countries put their citizens first and that's why they live the highest living standards in the world and even their debt get paid by those governments. The people are happy and content except the sellouts, Iranian sellouts. GCC now is different from GCC in 1990, and anyone willing to test their strength is going to get crushed.
Congratulations my GCC brothers, we are looking for a full unity, stronger and more prosperous to be a thorn in the eyes of Islam and Arab enemies as you have always been, forward...:sniper:

... The annual summit of Arab monarchs in the Gulf opened in Manama on Tuesday with a call for closer economic integration and unity in the face of the turmoil which has swept much of the Middle East.

... The final statement from the summit also demanded Iran end what they called interference in Gulf Arab affairs, reiterating the six U.S. allies' long-held mistrust of their regional rival.

... A communique issued at the end of a two-day summit of the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) also called on the international community to bring a swift end to massacres and violations of international law in Syria.

... On Monday, the first day of the summit, Saudi Crown Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Monday expressed the kingdom’s hope for the declaration of a Gulf Union.

... Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah, Kuwait’s emir, called for humanitarian aid for Syrian civilians and urged Iran to reach a peaceful settlement with neighbors, including over three Gulf islands in dispute with the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

... In November, the six Gulf states recognized a newly-formed opposition bloc as the Syrian people's legitimate representative.

... And a monetary union announced in 2009 with the aim of creating a common currency has also failed to materialize, with just four nations -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia -- signing up to it.

A look at the underlined phrases will sum it all up.

The first statement here clearly shows their main concern; internal situation. They are more concerned about blocking something like the Arab Spring over here.

The second point asks Iran to stop meddling while the next few lines are about supporting the Syrian rebels and even recognizing them as legitimate representatives of the Syrian people. ( Libya anyone?? )

The GCC's common currency in not going to work because the UAE is not pleased at having it head-quartered in Riyadh with the KSA already being the heavy-weight in a future Gulf Union.

... those countries put their citizens first and that's why they live the highest living standards in the world and even their debt get paid by those governments. The people are happy and content except the sellouts, Iranian sellouts. GCC now is different from GCC in 1990, and anyone willing to test their strength is going to get crushed.

The "highest living standards" and debt-free status comes from oil. Once that is over or the world shifts to a newer energy source, these same countries will become the most indebted nations on earth.
The GCC's strength has been tested time and time again with Israel sitting right in front of it and smirking all the while. This perceived strength comes from American support and can only last as long as the US wishes it to last. True strength lies in independence, not dependence.
The "highest living standards" and debt-free status comes from oil. Once that is over or the world shifts to a newer energy source, these same countries will become the most indebted nations on earth.
The GCC's strength has been tested time and time again with Israel sitting right in front of it and smirking all the while. This perceived strength comes from American support and can only last as long as the US wishes it to last. True strength lies in independence, not dependence.

You guys are so funny, USA is dependent on GCC and not vise versa and that's why US governments get harsh crirtisim from Americans for depending on Saudis. Ksa doesn't get USA money and Saudis don't get killed by US drones, look at yourselves guys plz.
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