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Gujrat Muslims' massacar supportd by Govt

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Gujarat govt supported Muslim massacre: report
Friday, October 26, 2007
NEW DELHI: A private television news network broadcast footage of men accused of taking part in deadly Gujarat riots in 2002 apparently admitting that the Hindu-ruled local government supported violence against Muslims.

India Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadev has demanded the arrest of former Chief Minister Gujarat Naredndra Singh Modi whereas Congress said that the report has proved that the incidents were a planned massacre.

The tv network Thursday showed secretly recorded interviews by a news magazine with several people it identified as right-wing Hindus.

The video interviews show several men reportedly boasting about their role in the widespread killings and referring to the involvement of police and tacit support of politicians.

At least 2,000 people, mostly Muslims, were killed after a Muslim mob was accused of torching a train, burning 59 Hindus alive.

The footage shows a man reportedly admitting to slitting a pregnant woman's stomach and bringing out the foetus with a sword -- an incident that has been widely reported in the media.

The news network did not get a later comment from the men whose interviews were secretly taped.

The western Gujarat state is ruled by India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and is headed by hawkish Hindu leader Narendra Modi.

Several of those shown on television were said to be Hindu militants from groups affiliated to the BJP.

Rights groups have accused Modi, who faces polls in December, of encouraging the violence.

Last week, Modi walked out of a television interview when persistently quizzed over his role in the riots.

The BJP said it expected "some dirty things" from the ruling Congress party ahead of the elections.

So far, more than a dozen people have been convicted over the bloodshed.

An enquiry by the state-run railways later ruled the fire on the train which sparked the riots was an accident.

Gujarat govt supported Muslim massacre: report
BJP is known for their anti muslim policy this isnt the first time something of this sort actually happened. Muslim massacar is routine thing being done in india.
No IceCold if you had watched the Sting Operation secretly shot by Indian Channel .
Many fanatic hindu leaders of sangh have been shown saying they had taklen part in killing of Muslims and they were proud to so.
One even has said he made local bombs also which were used in massacaring and burning Muslims alive in Gujrat by hindus
I believe muslims of india should see it for themselves, how secular India really is and how in reality miniorities are allowed to practise their rights. And the worst part is that the government that is supposedly the guardian of the rights of the muslims and other miniorities is the one behind this all. It is indeed shamefull.
i will come to your post later IC

Gujarat riots sting: Lalu demands arrest of Modi, Advani -India-The Times of India

Gujarat riots sting: Lalu demands arrest of Modi, Advani
26 Oct 2007, 1410 hrs IST,PTI

Write to Editor

PATNA: Accusing Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and BJP leader L K Advani of "orchestrating mass murder" in Gujarat after the Godhra train inferno, RJD supremo and Railway Minister Lalu Prasad on Friday demanded their immediate arrest in the wake of a sting operation.

"The sting operation by a weekly aptly christened operation 'Kalank' (disgrace) has exposed Modi's deep involvement in the post-Godhra Gujarat riots. People now know the real faces involved in the crime against humanity," Prasad told reporters here.

"Since Modi enjoys the patronage of senior BJP leader L K Advani, the opposition leader in the Lok Sabha, the latter cannot escape culpability for the mass murder," he said.

Prasad demanded that criminal cases be instituted against the two leaders immediately and they be sent to jail.

The Railway Minister said the incidents were a "blot" on Indian democracy as also humanity and the then Prime Minister, Home Minister Advani and Home Ministry officials were "equally guilty" along with Modi for the carnage.

The weekly had on Thursday claimed it had "irrefutable" evidence that the killings of Muslims post-Godhra train carnage in Gujarat was "not a spontaneous swell of anger but a genocide" planned and executed by top functionaries of the Sangh Parivar and state authorities "with the sanction" of Modi.
Prasad apprehended that the BJP could utilise the sting operation to once again whip up passions in the state with an eye on elections.
Two Muslim leaders welcome Modi's UK visit

Two Muslim leaders welcome Modi's UK visit

Lallu is the Indian Court Jester.

Who cares about what he has to say?

Yet, both the burning of the train carrying pilgrims and the riots are disgraceful.

We are not talking about what he said but the sting operation wherein What the fanatic hindu leaders of Bajrang Dal and other fanatics claiming proudly the massacar of Muslims.
Let forget what Lallu says.
Ahead of polls, Gujarat riots haunt Modi-India-The Times of India

Ahead of polls, Gujarat riots haunt Modi
26 Oct 2007, 0110 hrs IST,TNN

NEW DELHI: The victims, the state government, the courts and social activists have all spoken out on the 2002 Gujarat riots, said to be the worst communal strife since Independence.

Now in a sting operation, Tehelka has recorded scores of self-confessed rioters speaking out on the riots - how deadly arsenals were built and transported across the state, how mobs were mobilised and Muslims killed, the role of the police, and even that of Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi.

At the very outset, however, a disclaimer should be made. These recordings of rioters, often bragging about their "feats", have not been cross-checked by TOI.

They are being presented as they have been reported by Tehelka in public interest. BJP reacted to them on Thursday evening, describing the sting as "not investigative journalism" but a "collusive" conspiracy to denigrate Modi on the eve of Gujarat polls.

Congress reacted to the expose by calling the disclosures "mind-numbing". The rioters, according to the magazine, opened up to its reporter who posed as a researcher working on the resurgence of Hindutva.

The reporter, Ashish Khaitan, obviously approached them as being sympathetic to the Hindutva cause. He has clarified that all these disclosures by the rioters were voluntary and that no money was exchanged in the sting operation. By evening, the expose was also being broadcast on television networks.
If there is truth in what is claimed by the rioters, including BJP MLAs, leaders of Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the Gujarat riots were carried out by religious zealots with the open support, and often with encouragement and assistance from the state police and administration. Indeed, the phrase "state-sponsored genocide", often bandied about by activists, may not be an exaggeration if these claims of rioters are correct.

Take for instance, the claim of Haresh Bhatt, a Bajrang Dal leader in 2002 who is now the BJP MLA from Godhra. He claims the chief minister's response in the wake of the Godhra incident, in which 58 Hindu pilgrims were burnt in a train, was "favourable" to the suggestion of retribution. Says Bhatt: "He had given us three days... to do whatever we could...After three days, he asked us to stop and everything came to a halt."

Bhatt said his firecracker factory made bombs and a "complete" rocket launcher.
I believe muslims of india should see it for themselves, how secular India really is and how in reality miniorities are allowed to practise their rights. And the worst part is that the government that is supposedly the guardian of the rights of the muslims and other miniorities is the one behind this all. It is indeed shamefull.

I think you should have to do some research about crediabiliy and credintiles of Lalu Prasad Yadav before blaming the State government for backing the killing of Muslims. All this war of words are only for the political stunts, thereby gaining visibility in public. You should specifically check about what Lalu Yadav has done for the social welfare of Muslim before raising voice about minority rights. You should forget that, only because of this democracy, many people are able to garner desire to raise voice against such social turmoil. Even Ordinary Muslim man living in India do know about their rights and responsibility as well as feel that all this publicity are carried out only to garner minority vote bank during Election.
I don't get it. Modi massacred 2000 Indians. Why is he still in office? Indians should be up in arms about it all!

I don't need Jana's permission I know.

But she blames me for derailing and then you blokes get ballistics that I have gone off thread. Ask Rheman.

I was being totally clear so that I am not blamed as usual when things get inconvient and my replies removed!

Modi is in office because Moslem fanatics abetted by ISI burnt a train of pilgrims and the Moslems still vote for him!

Modi and the fanatics on both sides have screwed it up and so let us analyse it rather than flame!

The Shia, Ahmediya and Minorities persecution can fill volumes and I don't want to do it since this forum is quite balanced, unless goaded!

I don't understand why are people seeking brownie point like children!

The nations will still go on and we can do damn all about it!

Let's build and not destroy!

And we can't change history!

Yet, I understand Jana's problem. She is a journalist and so sensationalism is her birthright including tweaking the truth to serve her purpose to ensure her job and money to exist in this cruel and heartless world!
The gujarat riots are a real blemish on modern india's history. it was a brutal crime that has to be punished. Personally, i believe the perpetrators and masterminds deserve the capital punishment.

Now i know that there radical hindu groups in india who want to wipe out muslims, but the fact remains that the average hindu person does not support these groups. the action of a few extremists shouldnt be a reason to scream out that india is anti-muslim. That will be like calling pakistanis terrorists because of the actions of the radicals in waziristan
What the indian public should do now is to make sure that the perpatrators and masterminds behind these massacres, both hindu and muslim, are arrested and sentenced.
The gujarat riots are a real blemish on modern india's history. it was a brutal crime that has to be punished. Personally, i believe the perpetrators and masterminds deserve the capital punishment.

Now i know that there radical hindu groups in india who want to wipe out muslims, but the fact remains that the average hindu person does not support these groups. the action of a few extremists shouldnt be a reason to scream out that india is anti-muslim. That will be like calling pakistanis terrorists because of the actions of the radicals in waziristan
No doubt. No average human being wants to do so. It's the below average human beings we are talking about.

Hang Modi and be done with it! Instead since 2002 he's been put on a pedestal which you can see how annoying it must be to Indian Muslims. I really can't believe any Muslim in Gujarat is voting for Modi. Whoever it is, is a real enemy of India and thus the 'blemish on modern India' would continue till corrective action is undertaken.
What the indian public should do now is to make sure that the perpatrators and masterminds behind these massacres, both hindu and muslim, are arrested and sentenced.
You mean Modi right?

People are watching how you treat Modi and Modi alone. Your justice system cracking down on the others can wait, but if you pussyfoot around sentencing Modi you won't come off as real.
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