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Gujarat does a double! Why can't India under the 'visionary' NaMo.

Swati Shukla

Mar 17, 2011
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Gujarat does a double! Why can't India under the 'visionary' & 'incorruptible' leadership of Shri Narendra Modi ?



Gujarat’s gross state domestic product (GSDP) grew by 11.58 per cent during 2010-11, with all three sectors — agriculture, industry and services — demonstrating an impressive double digit growth rate for the first time since 2005-06.

Latest official figures, prepared by the directorate of economics and statistics, show that agriculture, which had stagnated in the preceding two years, performed the best with 16.73 per cent. The service sector came next, growing by 12.24 per cent, while the industrial sector grew by exactly 10 per cent.
What is particularly significant is that, for the first time in the last one decade, Gujarat managed to achieve a double-digit rate of growth in two consecutive years. In 2009-10, Gujarat’s economy grew by 10.23 per cent. The state has finished the decade on a buoyant note, after the initial setbacks because of the earthquake in 2001 and the communal riots in 2002.

On an average, Gujarat’s economy grew by a remarkable 10.3 per cent over the last one decade, from 2001-02 to 2010-11, something that chief minister Narendra Modi would almost certainly like to highlight as he ruled right through this period. The decadal growth of all three sectors was in double digits — 10.7 per cent for agriculture, 10.3 per cent for industry and 10.9 per cent for services.

Officials said the figures showed a very healthy trend of overall robustness in the state, helped by good rainfall during the 2000s and the extension of the Narmada canal network. The successive Vibrant Gujarat summits, which brought in heavy investments, had put Gujarat on a growth trajectory that would lift India’s GDP as well.

Source :- Gujarat does a double! - Times Of India
gujrat has become the growth engine of india, do you know that gujrat's economy is bigger than pakistan's, after all it is a small state of india. NARENDRA MODI had once told that he considers gujrat as a multi national company of which he is the CEO,and it is his responsibility to run this company in profit's, i guess he is doing it really well. Good going gujrat , keep it up.
I wish we get him as our PM one day.

...but then I know that's not going to happen.

why not? if BJP want's to come back to power than they will have to make him thier PM cadidiate
My opinion is that modi ought to be quarantined in Gujarat. Im sorry if you hate me for this....but that is one big prick in need of a whipping. Just yesterday, the loser denied an MP the right to state her complaint....probably because she was dalit. He had the audacity to oust the MP from a state sponsored event. He should realize not everything revolves around the BJP. I have nothing but spite and vitriol for this man and would spit on his face and drag him through the mud if given the chance.
My opinion is that modi ought to be quarantined in Gujarat. Im sorry if you hate me for this....but that is one big prick in need of a whipping. Just yesterday, the loser denied an MP the right to state her complaint....probably because she was dalit. He had the audacity to oust the MP from a state sponsored event. He should realize not everything revolves around the BJP. I have nothing but spite and vitriol for this man and would spit on his face and drag him through the mud if given the chance.

look at the bigger picture.

Where do you want to see India after 15-20 years?

If you want to see it comparable to where China will be, then your only hope is NM.

I admit he has got his own fallacies but then his positives outweigh his negatives.
My opinion is that modi ought to be quarantined in Gujarat. Im sorry if you hate me for this....but that is one big prick in need of a whipping. Just yesterday, the loser denied an MP the right to state her complaint....probably because she was dalit. He had the audacity to oust the MP from a state sponsored event. He should realize not everything revolves around the BJP. I have nothing but spite and vitriol for this man and would spit on his face and drag him through the mud if given the chance.

As much as i don't want Modi at the national stage, you sound more like a politician from opposition party rather than rational being. You should read more about yesterday's incident and comment.
From Times of India
VADODARA: A major ruckus took place during the inauguration of Krishi Mahotsava for central Gujarat at the hands of chief minister Narendra Modi at Godhra. Congress workers conducted agitation programmes in the town just before the event and were detained following which Dahod Congress MP Prabha Taviyad made irate representations to Modi on the stage of the programme and was physically removed from the dais.
look at the bigger picture.

Where do you want to see India after 15-20 years?

If you want to see it comparable to where China will be, then your only hope is NM.

I admit he has got his own fallacies but then his positives outweigh his negatives.

If development has to come at such a high price, then i don't want this development. India needs to grow, but at the same time our growth needs to be calculated and deliberate. We need good men at the helm.....not just efficient ones.
My opinion is that modi ought to be quarantined in Gujarat. Im sorry if you hate me for this....but that is one big prick in need of a whipping. Just yesterday, the loser denied an MP the right to state her complaint....probably because she was dalit. He had the audacity to oust the MP from a state sponsored event. He should realize not everything revolves around the BJP. I have nothing but spite and vitriol for this man and would spit on his face and drag him through the mud if given the chance.

no lol, he denied her because she was a congress M.P not because she was a dalit , and most of the congress party worker's are the pet dog's of the gandhi family, biggest example is digvijay singh and NARENDRA MODI is the biggest enemy of the courrupt congress party.SO obviously they target him wherever he goes.
If development has such high price then i don't want this development. India needs to grow, but at the same time our growth needs to be calculated and deliberate. We need good men at the helm.....not just efficient ones.

Define good men.
If development has to come at such a high price, then i don't want this development. India needs to grow, but at the same time our growth needs to be calculated and deliberate. We need good men at the helm.....not just efficient ones.

..and a few examples of those good men/women?

Manmohan Singh? (the I-didn't-know PM)
Rahul baba?
Diggy Raja?
Shibu Soren?

Modi is not perfect but he is the best we have got.

oh and BTW, you can say this "I don't want such development" dialogue because you are not the one facing the brunt of this lack of development.

Go and ask a tribal in Orissa who has never even seen a train or a child in Rajasthan who doesn't get enough water to drink and you will have your answer.
no lol, he denied her because she was a congress M.P not because she was a dalit , and most of the congress party worker's are the pet dog's of the gandhi family, biggest example is digvijay singh and NARENDRA MODI is the biggest enemy of the courrupt congress party.SO obviously they target him wherever he goes.

How does one justify entry denial to an MP in a STATE FUNCTION ?!!! As for targeting him, the prick deserves it. Gujarat riots are still a searing reminder why he should be quarantined. If it were up to me i would not leave the fate of my nation to chance.

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