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Gujarat does a double! Why can't India under the 'visionary' NaMo.

Bad for the communal fabric?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: the communal harmony in Gujrat has touched a new level under the leadership of NaMo. For the last 9 years, ever heard a case of religious discrimination (other than false teesta ones). Why do you think Tata, Ambanis, Bharati, Hinduja brothers, imam of Ahemadabad, Maulana Ghulam Mohammed Vastanvi, Parsi community etc. etc. etc. are praising Modi and his work?? Think About It.

What does the praise of Industrialists have to do with communal harmony? Fans of Narendra Modi must realise that the riots & the killings that occurred in Gujarat were real & not some fiction created by any NGO (including Teesta Setalvad). Communal harmony can be achieved only when the communities in question are at peace with each other, not where a community feels that it has no choice but to support a hated figure simply for survival. Businessmen (Muslim or otherwise) have their own calculations, ordinary Muslims in Gujarat still harbour resentment over what happened post Godhra. Lack of violence does not necessarily translate as communal harmony which as the word itself implies requires communities to be at peace & in tune with each other.
Even if I believe you, the least Modi could do is apologize. On behalf of his govt simply to convey a sense of loss. But he aint apologizing either. He thinks he and his govt. did nothing wrong and it was alright to 'allow' mobs to take law into their own hands and go on rampage to avenge Godhra. And I think you know why he doesnt apologize. He is afraid of losing the Hindu votebank in Gujarat. Is that the kind of PM you want? God forbid if an incident like Godhra happens when he's the PM. Riots would break out all over the country while he will allow the mobs to vent their anger before calling in the security forces.

Actions Speak Louder than Words. And That's what NaMo believes in. Minorities are happier in Gujrat than any other State of India, And that's enough for secular people.
Lets not change the goalposts, I am comparing like for like. Please understand that I am not taking any real credit from Modi, but I don't understand why people need to exaggerate.

Can you post the numbers with Mumbai removed.
Why should we compare Maha GDP without Mumbai? What will be the GDP of Gujarat without Ahmedabad?

We are comparing the state GDP so lets compare that.

Bihar and UP are having good growth rates due to base effect. Maharastra has higher growth rate due to inclusion of Mumbai which has unfair advantage of being home to some unique industries like Bollywood, Financial capital, Head quarters of various companies.
Maha has a bigger GDP than Gujarat and it actually grew faster than Gujarat in some years.

And Gujarat has its own advantages as well. An extended coastline, a historical mercantile tradition and an existing industrial infrastructure.

That is why Nitish Kumar turning around Bihar is a bigger sucess than Maha. Because without the traditional advantages Bihar is still growing at such an excellent rate.

Yes its been in top 5 earlier, but now its in top. I can be in top 10 of my class without opening a book, but i need to study my off if i want to number one. It wasn't a liner equation, but an exponential one.
And it deserves credit for this year if that is true. And for the last year credit should go to Bihar, and before that Maha which had top GDP growth rate for 3 of the last 8 years according to the economic survey.

If it continues to stay at the top for more than two years in a row that is an added achievement.

Its the poor who are voting for him, which means that they are happy with him. Gujarati's are hardworking and proud people, they skip meals rather than living on govt bakshis. Thats why there are no free handouts in Gujarat.
And the poor vote for Congress, BSP, RJD and others. The poor are the majority voters if you didn't know.

And I think it is wrong to say that only Gujarati poor work hard while the poor of other states are basically waiting on govt. handouts. It is also very disrespectful.

The hunger and starvation rates I quoted are from independant stats. The point is multidimensional poverty when it comes to Gujarat is higher than UP. If Modi turns that around in the next few years hopefully that would be another achievement. But until then, it shows that their lack of inclusive devlopment.

Gujarat's investment is in more of Industrial sector while 80% FDI in India is in service sector. So, its natural for Maharastra and Karnataka will take major chunk owing to Financial sector and IT sector respectively. I think you should know that domestic investment every year is 5 times more than FDI and majority of that investment goes to Gujarat. Why can't you just go through the investments made by TATA's , Essar's , Bharat Forge, Alang, Pipavav's, Reliance and many more industries in Gujarat. I bet its more than whole FDI received by India from last 10 years.

Well the links I quited are official figures for FDI. And the truth of the matter is that Maha still tops Gujarat in FDI over ten years. All the MoUs that get signed every year only a quarter on average makes it in actual investment.

What I don't understand is why not give the credit to the Maha govt. for getting the highest amount of FDI almost every year in a row for the past decade?

Infact, the total FDI from Jan 2000 to 2010 follows the order Maha, NCR, Karnataka and then Gujarat. If you do a search on this you will easily find the data for this.

The point I am making is lets look at facts rather than exaggerate. If Modi deserves credit for being top destination in FDIs. A bigger credit should go to the Maha CM and Delhi CMs. If growth rate is the requirements, then give Modi credit when Guj is on top and then other states when they are on top. If hunger and poverty is the indicator for development then point the drawbacks and give credit to states that have reduced poverty levels even if their GDP growth is not of the charts. Facts, not emotions should guide us.
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