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Gül: Turkey will not accept Iran possessing nuclear weapons

If Iranian people were educated outside of Iran they would know last 1000 years Turks ruled them. :/

This is what you get when you live in a country like Iran that indoctrinates its people.

Nobody ruled Iran for 1000 years. Iranian mentality and culture ruled Iran since 500 A.D. Thats why Turks who migrated to Iran became culturally Iranian, and Arabs under the Abbasids became Iranian too. Iran was never Arabized or Turkified, and the people who ruled Iran, fought and died for Iran. Thats why they were tolerated.

But unlike Turks in the west, we are educated. You have probably never seen a university from the inside.
I think you're right. More accurately i'd say that America are the only ones that have gone beyond using it as only a softpower tool.
The way I see it Turkey is aligned with the west, a military example in the form of NATO, and a political and economical example in the form of it trying to to join EU earlier. There is a close relationship in other words. Now how would this relationship change in the case of Turkey building a bomb? Would the net effect, depending on how you measure it, be a gain for Turkey do you think?
Israel wants to encircle Turkey with Greece and Israel. It has nukes.
Iran wants to encircle Turkey with Iraq, Syria and Armenia. It is close to get nukes.
Turkey desperately needs a stabilizer.
Qajar was an Iranian dynasty not a turkish one or an alivestani one.

"The Qajar (or Ghajar) rulers were members of the Karagoz of the Qajars, originally the members of the Qarapapaqs of the larger Oghuz peoples. Qajars first settled during the Mongol period in the vicinity of Azerbaijan and were among the seven Qizilbash tribes that supported the Safavids. The Safavids "left Arran (present-day Republic of Azerbaijan) to local Turkic speaking khans" and "in 1554 Ganja was governed by Shahverdi Soltan Ziyadoglu Qajar, whose family came to govern Karabakh in southern Arran".

Qajars filled a number of diplomatic missions and governorships in the 16-17th centuries for the Safavids. The Qajars were resettled by Shah Abbas I throughout Persia. The great number of them also settled in Astarabad (present-day Gorgan, Iran) near the south-eastern corner of the Caspian Sea, and it would be this branch of Qajars that would rise to power. The immediate ancestor of Qajars, Shah Qoli Khan Qajar Quvanlu (also spelled Ghovanloo) of the Quvanlus of Ganja, married into the Quvanlu Qajars of Astarabad."

Basically, Qajar homeland was Ganja in present-day Republic of Azerbaijan.
Nobody ruled Iran for 1000 years. Iranian mentality and culture ruled Iran since 500 A.D. Thats why Turks who migrated to Iran became culturally Iranian, and Arabs under the Abbasids became Iranian too. Iran was never Arabized or Turkified, and the people who ruled Iran, fought and died for Iran. Thats why they were tolerated.

But unlike Turks in the west, we are educated. You have probably never seen a university from the inside.

Seriously this guy is funny. Everyone who ruled Iran became iranified lol, I feel sorry for your inferiority.

Mate you have to accept it even if you don't want to, you got ruled by Arabs and Turks for more than 1000 years.
Those claims are not true, and one can not use them as an excuse of spreading threats. This is not some street fight among kids. Lucky for you, no one takes the words of some random military guy seriously, in Turkey.

True..We are used to see some heavy beard lunatic mullah iranian generals throw some empty threats at Turkey.."We will bomb this, we will bomb that, we will unleash hell upon you, we will shake the ground bla bla" as if Israel has no means to protect its soil...Give me a break :D
Seriously this guy is funny. Everyone who ruled Iran became iranified lol, I feel sorry for your inferiority.

Name one Turkic leader who didn't celebrated Iranian culture, didn't thought he was part of Greater Iran, and who tried to Turkify Iran? Why do you think we have not one Turkic tradition or festival in our culture? You guys supposedly rules us 1000 years, while nobody was culturally Turkified.
Is that the answer Iran will give for nuclear strike on Tehran?

Iran missiles can be stopped. Missile defense shield will take care of that.

I wonder what the true purpose of those russian Iskander anti missile batteries recently stationed in Syria is all about? Are they perhaps fully syncronized with Iranian offensive CBMs stationed in Iran?

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Seriously this guy is funny. Everyone who ruled Iran became iranified lol, I feel sorry for your inferiority.

Mate you have to accept it even if you don't want to, you got ruled by Arabs and Turks for more than 1000 years.
He is a Kurd with inferiority complex. What do you expect? No history, no culture, no language, etc.
Israel wants to encircle Turkey with Greece and Israel. It has nukes.
Iran wants to encircle Turkey with Iraq, Syria and Armenia. It is close to get nukes.
Turkey desperately needs a stabilizer.

Encircle in what sense? Couldn't NATO work as a military stabilizer?
Name one Turkic leader who didn't celebrated Iranian culture, didn't thought he was part of Greater Iran, and who tried to Turkify Iran? Why do you think we have not one Turkic tradition or festival in our culture? You guys supposedly rules us 1000 years, while nobody was culturally Turkified.

Everything was Turkish part of them. From their governmental structure to everything. If your shia today it was because of Turks.
Everything was Turkish part of them. From their governmental structure to everything. If your shia today it was because of Turks.

Their governmental structure was Persian. Hell, even the Abbasids Arab took over Persian bureaucracy, just like the Ottomans. You guys were made muslims because of Persians:

Bernard Lewis:

"Iran was indeed Islamized, but it was not Arabized. Persians remained Persians. And after an interval of silence, Iran reemerged as a separate, different and distinctive element within Islam, eventually adding a new element even to Islam itself. Culturally, politically, and most remarkable of all even religiously, the Iranian contribution to this new Islamic civilization is of immense importance. The work of Iranians can be seen in every field of cultural endeavor, including Arabic poetry, to which poets of Iranian origin composing their poems in Arabic made a very significant contribution. In a sense, Iranian Islam is a second advent of Islam itself, a new Islam sometimes referred to as Islam-i Ajam. It was this Persian Islam, rather than the original Arab Islam, that was brought to new areas and new peoples: to the Turks, first in Central Asia and then in the Middle East in the country which came to be called Turkey, and of course to India. The Ottoman Turks brought a form of Iranian civilization to the walls of Vienna..."

The Samanids revived Persian culture by patronizing Rudaki, Bal'ami and Daqiqi. They also determinedly propagated Sunni Islam. However, the Samanids repressed Ismaili Shiism but were more tolerant of Twelver Shiism. Islamic architecture and Islamo-Persian culture was spread deep into the heart of Central Asia by the Samanids. Following the first complete translation of the Qur'an into Persian, during the 9th century, populations under the Samanid empire began accepting Islam in significant numbers.

Through zealous missionary work as many as 30,000 tents of Turks came to profess Islam and later under the Ghaznavids more than 55,000 under the Hanafi school of thought. The mass conversion of the Turks to Islam eventually led to a growing influence of the Ghaznavids, who would later rule the region.

Samanids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Their governmental structure was Persian. Hell, even the Abbasids Arab took over Persian bureaucracy, just like the Ottomans. You guys were made muslims because of Persians:

Bernard Lewis:

Samanids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, not because of Persians, because we decided to do so, Persians didn't rule over Turks and impose it on Turks. We chose to be Muslims. Turks always ruled others, nobody ever ruled over the Turks.

This is not the story of Persians, Persians are only muslim because Arabs conquered you and made you muslim by force.
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