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Guardian writer asks Indians to get a reality check

its difficult for them to accept the reality, they keep boasting its PPP is at 4trillion, and will talking their ar$e 0ff to defend that PPP is more accutrate than nominal GDP```but the reality tells them a very different senario.

Luxury markets are always be the benchmark to reflect the real wealth a region or country has (1900s europ, 40-60s america, and 70s-80s Japan, and now China)
..U.S, Europ, China and Japan are the top 4 luxury markets, where China ranked 2nd and is going to over take U.S in few years time```

and as due to the nature of my business I consitantly travelling to cities like Milano, Roma, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai and Hongkong and living in London, honestly speaking it is more difficult to see indian customers in luxury stores than seeing a woman accidently walking into a men's room (happened once in Amsterdam, and she was hooooot``)

and some denial indians may argue like 'we indians dont like to waste money on Luxury'``(lol try to conveince those indian multi-millionars about that`) and also nonsenses like 100 million mid-income class in India, whereas mid class cotributes the most to the luxury market in europ, north america , china and Japan. i really have no idea how they draw the mid-class line in India.

'S'pore, India top list of big spenders' - Indian Express

I have a feeling that the ones who mock poverty have never had to count their pennies in their lives. Probably had it handed to them all their lives from Mummy and Daddy.

Revolting to say the least...

I agree, my mother was born & grew up in a poor village in Bihar; as did my dad who was born in Ranchi, but moved to Pakistan when he was 3. My (maternal & paternal) grandparents were hard working & highly educated, they were honest people, but lower-middle class. But my parents worked hard, & now, they have incorporated the same values in me: they don't give me or my siblings freebies. But thanks for the poignant post, you are right for the most part of the South Asian culture :tup:
Another fact:

India has 18% of the world's population its country ([1.22 billion/6.7 billion] x 100%), & it accounts for 1/3rd (33%, nearly twice of the 18%) of the world's poor:

One-third of world's poor in India: Survey - Times Of India

I think if we took India out of the equation, things would even out.

Please don't kill me for calling a spade a spade.

Not to teach you simple math yet if you take the 1/3rd out,you still remain with 2/3(66%) which can hardly be constituted as "evening things out".

Instead of keeping in track with almost four year old articles,you could try the new reports for a change.

China, India make massive strides to improve slums: UN report

So forgive us for seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty as things finally seem to be looking up for India.
Another fact:

India has 18% of the world's population its country ([1.22 billion/6.7 billion] x 100%), & it accounts for 1/3rd (33%, nearly twice of the 18%) of the world's poor:

One-third of world's poor in India: Survey - Times Of India

I think if we took India out of the equation, things would even out.

Please don't kill me for calling a spade a spade.

Yes,there is a problem.We don't deny that.Being in denial is the worst that can happen when it comes to solving a problem.

the proper way to look at things is on the basis of percentage.Since,all the countries don't have the same area and not same population,hence the figures may vary for country to country.
In 1981,the percentage of BPL people was as high as 60%.At 2005,we stand at 42%.So,while the population has increased,the percentage of BPL people has decreased.
According to the estimates of the Indian govt. the poverty rate is at 38%.
So,the trend is good, as poverty is going downwards.



Azad India Foundation
Not to teach you simple math yet if you take the 1/3rd out,you still remain with 2/3(66%) which can hardly be constituted as evening things out.

The population of the 6 countries (excluding India's population) is: 3.32 - 1.22 = 2.1 billion

[2.1 billion/6.7 billion] x 100% = 31.34% of the world's total population

The 7 countries accounted for 65% of the world's total poor:

Take India's poverty out of equation (to make it the 6 countries): 65% - 33% = 32%

The 6 countries represent 31.34% of the world's total population, & 32% of the world's total poverty. Evens out perfectly.
ya i made a reality check and found out

More affluent households in India than in much of Europe: survey

link:domain-b.com : More affluent households in India than in much of Europe: survey

Thanks for reminding me do remind me after a decade where we would have surpassed some

other big countries and u pakistani's keep concentrating on what india is doing

The total population of Europe is about 900 million, whereas the population of India is 1220 million, more than 300+ million than the whole of Europe. India also has more poor in its 8 states than all of the sub-Saharan Africa.

---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------

Yes,there is a problem.We don't deny that.Being in denial is the worst that can happen when it comes to solving a problem.

the proper way to look at things is on the basis of percentage.Since,all the countries don't have the same area and not same population,hence the figures may vary for country to country.
In 1981,the percentage of BPL people was as high as 60%.At 2005,we stand at 42%.So,while the population has increased,the percentage of BPL people has decreased.
According to the estimates of the Indian govt. the poverty rate is at 38%.
So,the trend is good, as poverty is going downwards.



Azad India Foundation

I appreciate people like you who accept their nation has problems, rather than beating down the drum of 'more rich households than Europe' etc.
The population of the 6 countries (excluding India's population) is: 3.32 - 1.22 = 2.1 billion

[2.1 billion/6.7 billion] x 100% = 31.34% of the world's total population

The 7 countries accounted for 65% of the world's total poor:

Take India's poverty out of equation (to make it the 6 countries): 65% - 33% = 32%

The 6 countries represent 31.34% of the world's total population, & 32% of the world's total poverty. Evens out perfectly.

Hah,a little too simplistic aren't we? How about plotting the human development indexes of India with the rest of South Asia or the positive indicators of of growth by the world bank or even latest UN reports of uplifting the poor.The poverty figures aren't stagnant at any given point of time my friend.They keep on a positive and negative roll constantly.So yes,China and India have a lot to be cheerful about currently as well as in the future.Don't worry about us spoiling the figures for the rest and rather concentrate on your own perhaps?


India - India Country Overview September 2011

China, India make massive strides to improve slums: UN report

India's poverty to halve by 2015: UN report
Hah,a little too simplistic aren't we? How about plotting the human development indexes of India with the rest of South Asia or the positive indicators of of growth by the world bank or even latest UN reports of uplifting the poor.The poverty figures aren't a stagnant figure my friend.They keep on a positive and negative roll constantly.So yes,China and India have a lot to be cheerful about currently as well as in the future.Don't worry about us spoiling the figures for the rest


India - India Country Overview September 2011

China, India make massive strides to improve slums: UN report

India's poverty to halve by 2015: UN report

Can you quote the original UN reports than use Indian sources? Appreciate it.

This is the World Bank's original statement on their website, saying India's poverty alleviation program is beset by corruption & is not working:

India - Government of India and World Bank Group Join Forces to Stamp Out Corruption in Health Sector Projects

BBC News - India aid programme 'beset by corruption' - World Bank

May 18, 2011: Attempts by the Indian government to combat poverty are not working, according to the World Bank.

But a new World Bank report says aid programmes are beset by corruption, bad administration and under-payments.

As an example, the report cites grain: only 40% of grain handed out for the poor reaches its intended target.
What kind of ill informed journalist writes this kind of stuff? Was he drunk while writing this?

Firstly,what the planning commission propose was 26 INR daily in rural areas,NOT 40p daily.The author is totally nuts.

Secondly,after the proposal came under criticism,it went under review,and that was reported on 3rd October

I think 40 P is 40 pence? Which is about 26 INR.
What kind of ill informed journalist writes this kind of stuff? Was he drunk while writing this?

Firstly,what the planning commission propose was 26 INR daily in rural areas,NOT 40p daily.The author is totally nuts.

Secondly,after the proposal came under criticism,it went under review,and that was reported on 3rd October,while he writes this on 9th October!!The author is ill informed and he writes this for Guardian.I must say,the quality of Guardian has gone down.
Did not bother to read after this.

Criticism makes Planning Commission drop Rs32 poverty line yardstick

@ superkaif : Thanks for bringing this up,but please provide correct,up-to-date information from next time which is relevant with respect to the present.
Nowadays I stop to read your posts while scrolling through the thread and skipping the worthless ones.Please don't make me regret that.

Thank you for this post.
Im grateful and honoured that you dtop to read my posts.
If you do then you will be aware that my normal tone of thread making is not this.
I wish to explain. In the last 2 or 3 days everytime i come on here i have been greeted with threads and posts ripping to shreds Pakistan and Pakistanis. Their seems to be a common ingrediant and that is associated with banned topics and generally talking about how poor Pakistan is and how great India is. It came to my attention that even SpArK has started to join in the gang bashing. Its sad to see.
Now 2 wrongs don't make a right. I put this thread up to say guys Pakistan is not exclusive to problems and issues. A Pakistani starving child is the same as an Indian child. My partner is a Hindu and i am a Muslim. Every month we take it in turns to send to charities based in Pakistan one month and India the next. We both understand the dire straits our everyday people are in.
What annoys me is when the likes of Praful or Nelson feel that their nation is the garden of Eden and Pakistan is blessed with all the cr*p in the world. This thread is for people of that nature to stop and have a reality check.
Please nForce if you doubt what i say check for yourself.
Brother if i offended you fateh71 or Butters that was NOT my intention. My intention is to stop dishing negativity and rubbish about Pakistan because we ALL have issues. Concentrate on solutions or good news in both our nations.
Thanks for reading his.
I wish to explain. In the last 2 or 3 days everytime i come on here i have been greeted with threads and posts ripping to shreds Pakistan and Pakistanis. Their seems to be a common ingrediant and that is associated with banned topics and generally talking about how poor Pakistan is and how great India is. It came to my attention that even SpArK has started to join in the gang bashing. Its sad to see.

Can you point out some of these threads mate?
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