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Guardian writer asks Indians to get a reality check

its difficult for them to accept the reality, they keep boasting its PPP is at 4trillion, and will talking their ar$e 0ff to defend that PPP is more accutrate than nominal GDP```but the reality tells them a very different senario.

Luxury markets are always be the benchmark to reflect the real wealth a region or country has (1900s europ, 40-60s america, and 70s-80s Japan, and now China)
..U.S, Europ, China and Japan are the top 4 luxury markets, where China ranked 2nd and is going to over take U.S in few years time```

and as due to the nature of my business I consitantly travelling to cities like Milano, Roma, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai and Hongkong and living in London, honestly speaking it is more difficult to see indian customers in luxury stores than seeing a woman accidently walking into a men's room (happened once in Amsterdam, and she was hooooot``)

and some denial indians may argue like 'we indians dont like to waste money on Luxury'``(lol try to conveince those indian multi-millionars about that`) and also nonsenses like 100 million mid-income class in India, whereas mid class cotributes the most to the luxury market in europ, north america , china and Japan. i really have no idea how they draw the mid-class line in India.
Typical Jholawadi out of JNU:rofl:

In a lecture Prof Jagdish Bhagwati said that in reference to Mishra's op-ed pieces in the New York Times: "Perhaps the most articulate critics are the ‘progressive’ novelists of India, chief among them Pankaj Mishra whom the op-ed page editors of The New York Times regularly and almost exclusively invite to write about the Indian economy, a privilege they do not seem to extend symmetrically to American novelists to give us their profound thoughts on the US economy!" He then said of Mishra's economic analysis "While economic analysis can often produce a yawning indifference, and Mishra’s narrative is by contrast eloquent and captivating, the latter is really fiction masquerading as non-fiction."

Patrick French in response to Mishra's review [5] of French's book India: A Portrait(2010), suggested that his writing is aimed to please his readers in his new home, Britain: "Pankaj has obviously been on a long journey from his self-described origins—in what he calls a “new, very poor and relatively inchoate Asian society”—to his present position at the heart of the British establishment, married to a cousin of the prime minister David Cameron. But he seems oddly resentful of the idea of social mobility for other Indians."
The Tommy Hilfiger utopia was already existent for the countless folks who could afford it even before India's economic boom.Mr. Mishra seems to be miffed at the reality that percentage of people who can afford such conspicuous consumption is on the rise in India.Not to blame him though,foreign media loves to raise writers who self flagellate themselves and their countries for their whims and jollies.That is in essence why a substandard piece of literature like Aravind Adiga's "The White Tiger" gets the Booker.

Perhaps it makes for great reporting when India ignores her poor as Australia or the United States ignoring their poor is something they have gotten desensitized to.Go figure.
What should we change it to? What you be happier with?
Let me know your desires and il have a reality check and change it. I personally think it suits this thread judging by some of the posts this morning on PDF.

I wasn't talking about you.

The author's title of some American luxury brand not making sales to India's poverty situation seems silly.
He could have given atleast a proper title
its difficult for them to accept the reality, they keep boasting its PPP is at 4trillion, and will talking their ar$e 0ff to defend that PPP is more accutrate than nominal GDP```but the reality tells them a very different senario.

Luxury markets are always be the benchmark to reflect the real wealth a region or country has (1900s europ, 40-60s america, and 70s-80s Japan, and now China)
..U.S, Europ, China and Japan are the top 4 luxury markets, where China ranked 2nd and is going to over take U.S in few years time```

and as due to the nature of my business I consitantly travelling to cities like Milano, Roma, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai and Hongkong and living in London, honestly speaking it is more difficult to see indian customers in luxury stores than seeing a woman accidently walking into a men's room (happened once in Amsterdam, and she was hooooot``)

and some denial indians may argue like 'we indians dont like to waste money on Luxury'``(lol try to conveince those indian multi-millionars about that`) and also nonsenses like 100 million mid-income class in India, whereas mid class cotributes the most to the luxury market in europ, north america , china and Japan. i really have no idea how they draw the mid-class line in India.

You are putting China with PCI less than 5K (give or take) in same league with that of US (48K PCI) and you are calling others for reality check? Do you guys even read the bs you write?

---------- Post added at 06:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 AM ----------

The Tommy Hilfiger utopia was already existent for the countless folks who could afford it even before India's economic boom.Mr. Mishra seems to be miffed at the reality that percentage of people who can afford such conspicuous consumption is on the rise in India.Not to blame him though,foreign media loves to raise writers who self flagellate themselves and their countries for their whims and jollies.That is in essence why a substandard piece of literature like Aravind Adiga's "The White Tiger" gets the Booker.

Perhaps it makes for great reporting when India ignores her poor as Australia or the United States ignoring their poor is something they have gotten desensitized to.Go figure.

Well put. ........
I think all of you could do with a reality check.

65 percent of the world's hungry live in only seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia.

(Source: FAO news release, 2010)

Hunger Stats | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

Poverty is existent in every one of your country and yet all you choose to do is mock each other on the misery of poor people :tdown:
I think all of you could do with a reality check.

65 percent of the world's hungry live in only seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia.

(Source: FAO news release, 2010)

Hunger Stats | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

Poverty is existent in every one of your country and yet all you choose to do is mock each other on the misery of poor people :tdown:

Such disgusting behavior is only found among poor. They will all run to rich countries and do anything to make a living. And then they will come to these websites and disgust humanity. You need to pity such people. They are what they are.
I think all of you could do with a reality check.

65 percent of the world's hungry live in only seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia.

(Source: FAO news release, 2010)

Hunger Stats | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

Poverty is existent in every one of your country and yet all you choose to do is mock each other on the misery of poor people :tdown:

The populations of the 7 countries combined:

1220 million + 1360 million + 65 million + 160 million + 240 million + 185 million + 85 million = 3.32 billion

That's half of the world's total population.

Not trying to justify the world's 65% being in these seven countries, but just some interesting statistics in my opinion.
Last week, as India's TV anchors and columnists worked themselves up into a moralistic frenzy about a measure of poverty proposed by the planning commission (40p a day per person), I visited the new outlet for Tommy Hilfiger in the north Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Press coverage about the opening, and accounts of the new Hermès store in Mumbai, which will sell saris for £6,000, seemed to make debates about India's poverty line look irrelevant. Himachal, too, seemed to be taking a giant step towards becoming a consumer of western brand names.

The shop was empty, the salesmen sunk into torpor. There were no likely customers in sight when I passed it a few days later. Obviously, there are few takers for the reassuringly expensive preppy look in one of India's predominantly rural states. But the wisdom of financial elites and their mouthpieces in the media rarely brushes against actuality. In any case, appearances are everything in the age of globalisation.

Along with Tommy Hilfiger, several new private "universities" have also opened up recently in Himachal. According to a local daily, the Tribune, one of these institutions enrolled students and started offering courses even before it came into legal existence. You might put down this haste to the high demand for quality education among India's overwhelmingly youthful population. But as the Tribune described in a series of reports, the universities not only lack faculties, laboratories and libraries; a few do not meet the criteria for acquiring property in the state.

In other words, private universities have become a pretext for real estate speculators to acquire expensive land from the government: another example of the collusion between state and private business manifested recently in some of India's biggest corruption scandals. These sweetheart deals would be somewhat excusable if, unlike most Indian institutions of learning, the private universities offered an education rather than degrees. But they are only interested in extracting steep tuition fees from parents anxious for their children to join India's new economy. Not surprisingly, as the Wall Street Journal pointed out, 75% of technical graduates and more than 85% of general graduates in India are unemployable.

The professionalisation of education has taken a toll of even the country's elite Indian Institutes of Technology. Last week Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, India's premier software company, said "coaching classes" that help aspiring engineers cram for the IIT entrance exams have caused a sharp deterioration in the quality of students.

But for those making money while the sun shines there is no compelling reason to worry about the future. There is enough beguiling fantasy in the form of cloud-cuckoo-land projections (as much loved by globalised free marketeers as the central-planning communists of old): that India has a "demographic dividend" in the form of its young population, which is all set to out-produce and out-consume every other nation in the world in the next 30 years.

It is this unexamined ideological conceit that David Cameron echoes when he exhorts Britons to summon up the "energy, hunger and drive" of an emerging economy like India. It is also what the Economist magazine amplifies when, in an embarrassingly upbeat report on the Indian economy last year, it exulted that "remarkably, in rural areas more than 20% of Indian students, most of them poor, attend private schools. The literacy rate is rising fast".

So it is, on paper, along with the number of private schools and universities. But last month a study of schools in the biggest states found India's peers in adult literacy are Afghanistan and Papua New Guinea. Many children were unable to read even after three years of schooling. One of the report's researchers, the eminent economist Jean Dreze, told the Financial Times, "after 20 years of meteoric economic growth, there's been so little improvement in terms of the living standards of the people".

Writing on the recent contretemps about poverty lines in the Hindu, Utsa Patnaik, one of India's most respected economists, pointed out: "Per head energy and protein intake has been falling for the last two decades as the majority of the population is unable to afford enough food." Delinked from "nutrition standards", especially in a time of high food inflation that has put cereals and vegetables out of reach for most Indians, the government's poverty line measures destitution rather than poverty.

So how do falsehoods turn into truths in our enlightened democratic societies, which are presumably immune to crude propaganda of the kind churned out by totalitarian regimes? Patnaik explains that "hundreds of economists are closely imprecated within a vast global poverty-estimating structure with the World Bank at its apex, producing increasingly misleading estimates every year in glossy reports". CEO-struck writers and journalists – the "useful idiots" of the rich and powerful – hold up another end of what the economist Ha-Joon Chang calls the "financial-intellectual complex".

It is refreshing when these masters of the universe drop the pretence that they are working so very hard to lift all those hundreds of millions out of poverty. In a remarkable recent interview, Shankar Sharma, an equity trader much loved by India's business periodicals for his apparent omniscience about "market behaviour", denounced India's recent anti-corruption movement as a "lynch mob". Apparently, it had destroyed India's image among foreign investors, thereby "eroding corporate profitability".

Speaking to the Economic Times, Sharma offered a stern lesson in the ways of the world: "Remember, fairly won public contracts rarely have any profitability. It's almost always sweetheart deals that carry supernormal profits."

Sharma may sound a bit too cynical. But he differs only in tone and style from India's most prestigious businessmen, such as Ratan Tata, Anil Ambani and Sunil Mittal. For them, Narendra Modi, the Hindu nationalist chief minister accused of complicity in the murder of more than 2,000 Muslims in 2002 (and still barred from travel to the US), is a great visionary for opening up his state's ample resources to businessmen.

"Markets are not there for morality," Sharma helpfully pointed out. But are they at least there for the sake of national economies? It is nice to think, as the Economist recently claimed, that the "whole of India" got a "big confidence boost" out of Tata's acquisitions of such prominent European brands as Jaguar and Corus. But Tata, like Ambani and Mittal, is putting the bulk of his investments abroad, looking, like so many globalised corporates, for an investment climate and tax regime conducive to more corporate profitability; and the UK chancellor, George Osborne, is only too happy to oblige.

This is the brave new world of globalisation in which nothing is what it seems. And it bears more than a passing resemblance to another promised utopia: an alternate reality in which statistics were shamelessly manipulated, and a tiny privileged elite dominating both political and economic life lorded it over the rest, while propaganda machinery manned by a conformist media and assorted "useful idiots" stood ever ready to deceive the restless masses with loud proclamations of a new dawn for humanity. One day, of course, its bluff was called; and we may not have to wait too long before the Potemkin villages of our own time (Himachal's Tommy Hillfiger and private universities being the least of them) come crashing down.

So please when Indians come on here and tell us India is incredible. Take a pause and think. We ALL have issues. To say your problems are big doesnt mean yours go away. They will just get bigger. I pray we all improve our lands.

India's Tommy Hilfiger utopia is a bluff that will soon be called across the globe | Pankaj Mishra | Comment is free | The Guardian

What kind of ill informed journalist writes this kind of stuff? Was he drunk while writing this?

Firstly,what the planning commission propose was 26 INR daily in rural areas,NOT 40p daily.The author is totally nuts.

Secondly,after the proposal came under criticism,it went under review,and that was reported on 3rd October,while he writes this on 9th October!!The author is ill informed and he writes this for Guardian.I must say,the quality of Guardian has gone down.
Did not bother to read after this.

Criticism makes Planning Commission drop Rs32 poverty line yardstick

@ superkaif : Thanks for bringing this up,but please provide correct,up-to-date information from next time which is relevant with respect to the present.
Nowadays I stop to read your posts while scrolling through the thread and skipping the worthless ones.Please don't make me regret that.
The issue of poverty, unemployment, education and health are real ones. Infact, the only real ones.

But these issues have nothing to do with luxury brands or fancy cars - those are for people who are no more poor. Trying to mix in these two and writing with fanciful anti-capitalist notions, without offering an alternative is useless.

And about making fun of poverty, well poverty is not just limited to financial means - intellectual, ethical poverty is on display all too often here. People justify and call for more murders openly, nations regulalrly assassinate those they want to ''liberate''. To their limited minds, making fun of India's contrasts somehow seem to justify their monolithic world-view which is less natural than poverty.
What kind of ill informed journalist writes this kind of stuff? Was he drunk while writing this?

Firstly,what the planning commission propose was 26 INR daily in rural areas,NOT 40p daily.

I think he meant 40 pennies not paise
I think he meant 40 pennies not paise

Then he is a bigger idiot than what I perceived him to be before.Can some please tell him that we don't use pennies in India??
26 INR definitely does not mean the same thing what 40 pennies mean in UK.

My one day's meal costs me about 30 INR here in a city in India.

Now if he writes 40 pennies in a paper primarily meant for the people in UK,then what will the general idea be?
That is what I call biased and tainted form of journalism.
I think all of you could do with a reality check.

65 percent of the world's hungry live in only seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia.

(Source: FAO news release, 2010)

Hunger Stats | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide

Poverty is existent in every one of your country and yet all you choose to do is mock each other on the misery of poor people :tdown:

Another fact:

India has 18% of the world's population its country ([1.22 billion/6.7 billion] x 100%), & it accounts for 1/3rd (33%, nearly twice of the 18%) of the world's poor:

One-third of world's poor in India: Survey - Times Of India

I think if we took India out of the equation, things would even out.

Please don't kill me for calling a spade a spade.
I have a feeling that the ones who mock poverty have never had to count their pennies in their lives. Probably had it handed to them all their lives from Mummy and Daddy.

Revolting to say the least...
Then he is a bigger idiot than what I perceived him to be before.Can some please tell him that we don't use pennies in India??
26 INR definitely does not mean the same thing what 40 pennies mean in UK.

My one day's meal costs me about 30 INR here in a city in India.

Now if he writes 40 pennies in a paper primarily meant for the people in UK,then what will the general idea be?
That is what I call biased and tainted form of journalism.

Another one of those exploiting people's ignorance of PPP
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