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Guardian writer asks Indians to get a reality check

This Pankaj Mishra is a male version of Arundhati Roy. Their views on Maoism and Kashmir are similar. And Both have made India bashing their profession.

If we hid so much dirt under the carper, you wouldnt know about it. We have no qualms about admitting that we have a long way to go.

Yes, we do go to other countries for education and better job. But we dont leave India, we come back.

:rofl::rofl: I cant digest this..

So you're studying in Antigua?..
Some low life has changed the Article heading suiting his inferiority complex. I would like to know the PDF policy on this issue of Changing Article name. Why this poster is using Guardian name for an oped wrote by an Indian author there?

Furthermore i was amazed by responses from few other Pakistanis who jumped the bandwagon like they themselves are flag bearers of austerity socialism when they themselves would distend in blabbering how they do have costlier european cars and western stuff in abundance in Pakistan.

India is in transition which no one can see that!

That Indian on Guardian payroll has pleased his British masters and their white jobless readers who just were busy counting how much they earned looting Asians during recent London riots.

The scumbag was last seen cashing his cheque in ponds and then visiting in a western brand showroom somewhere in India.
Take Hajmola.

Not that its any of your business. I am working here.

But you said you go abroad for education and better jobs, right? What's the harm in explaining the exact purpose? Anyway thank you for clearing it after a bit attitude.
Dear atleast we have computers and i dont think that no one pakistani citizen livining in all those country which you mentioned above.

The funny thing is, this comes from a hater who backs Taliban to kick out the "crusaders".

Then does the reverse hijarat from his Islamic land to move to the country of the same "crusaders" in "North America".

But he has issues if Indian kaffirs move to the countries of Western kaffirs!

At least one thing he is doing right, if he not on welfare, his taxes are financing the hellfire missiles raining on the Taliban. May be the one that killed the Haqqani's son came from his taxes. ;)

Would that make those tax payers to the "crusaders" wajib-ul-qatl? I wonder.
It's funny that Indians are quick to praise people like Pervez Hoodbhoy, Najam Sethi, Ahmed Rashid when they speak on Pakistan; but cannot bear to listen to their fellow Indians like Arundhati Roy or Pankaj Mishra when they expose the stark realities of India.
because they choose to listen, that's sad for india's own good.
It's funny that Indians are quick to praise people like Pervez Hoodbhoy, Najam Sethi, Ahmed Rashid when they speak on Pakistan; but cannot bear to listen to their fellow Indians like Arundhati Roy or Pankaj Mishra when they expose the stark realities of India.

Would you honestly listen to a person who spend time with terrorists in their hideouts and openly sympathize with them. The very fact that she is still alive after all this is testament to the tolerance and openness of Indian Nation. If India was as she claims in her speeches she would have 'disappeared' long ago.
Kudos to Pankaj for extrapolating every negative point about India and using it for his daily bread. He may find a buttload of India bashers there. But those of us actually staying "in India" know pretty well what the brave new world of globalisation has done.. More than this self appointed India expert. Sure, even he makes some valid points(already known to us), a hint of disdain can be detected. And sure if wanna compare, compare Anna's peaceful movement with the British hooligan riots, you English A**licker. Move along, sir..
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