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Gripen for Bangladesh?

Yeah because BBS lies about its life expectancy, mortality rates and education. The PPP at least has ICP oversight/validation (if you know what that is and where it comes from)....so I will compare that more confidently for now. First build up a credible statistics organisation and you can compare to other countries better. It also goes for Myanmar btw. Right now its like saying your slop is better than the others slop....because you claim the colour is bit better on your end and you stuck some toothpick flag with a number on it....when it really is all just slop.

The claimed cattle data for BD proves just how compromised BBS claims are on common sense level.

The point of mentioning the cherry pick is that anyone can do it for projections. Here is one where BD will only grow 4% or less long term:


The tears from you lot were quite delicious :D.

Coming to PwC one, you do understand that Myanmar has a population more than 3 times lower than yours? Why would we expect them to be in the arbitrary cut-off of top 32 world economies by PwC? What if they come in at rank 33 or within top 40 etc? It doesn't mean they are doing worse than BD lol (by that argument lots of massively wealthy countries not in the top 32 are also doing worse than BD)....simply put their population is 1/3rd of yours. But per capita they are doing better than you and the trend suggests they will be doing better than you in future too:

They have 48% higher realised consumption per capita than you right now. By 2022 it will be 56% higher according to IMF projection (of much shorter and thus relevant debate wise than PwC/Harvard/WB/BRICS 2050 projections). Just remember they were behind you on PPP per capita in the early 2000s. Not surprising given the amount of something as basic as steel/electricity you lot consume per person.

Sorry feeble minded one, try again using a consistent unitary source rather than trying to cherry pick from apples and oranges from whatever years/definitions being used. Something like this:


Idiot that's not a apple and orange comparison, that is the correct figure that Myanmar consume only 19 kg per person per year. This is from another source from Myanmar itself from this year.

"Myanmar’s annual steel consumption rate is 19 kilogram per person of total of 50 million population, or a total of only 1.33 million tonnes a year. "

Regarding per capita GDP in nominal term it will always remain lower then Bangladesh. In terms of PPP it's higher only because price are cheaper in Myanmar. China has higher GDP in terms of PPP then USA but is it really rich compared to USA? Answer is no.
Idiot that's not a apple and orange comparison, that is the correct figure that Myanmar consume only 19 kg per person per year. This is from another source from Myanmar itself from this year.

"Myanmar’s annual steel consumption rate is 19 kilogram per person of total of 50 million population, or a total of only 1.33 million tonnes a year. "

Regarding per capita GDP in nominal term it will always remain lower then Bangladesh. In terms of PPP it's higher only because price are cheaper in Myanmar. China has higher GDP in terms of PPP then USA but is it really rich compared to USA? Answer is no.
That Nilgiri is just a pussy.
Look at him when he gets cornered,he will bring another topic.
Can't counter my counter-points for his trashy car theory.
Thus he just brings another motorcycle theory to save his face
Why? Because you say so? You are the one bringing up HDI to compare, HDI uses PPP, end of story. Try to understand why if you can.

Myanmar per capita projected to be higher than BD in that "projection" too. Talking about projections, what did Harvard say regarding the future growth rate of BD? Cherry picking a projection is a silly argument.

You consume less then half the steel an average Burmese person does....RIGHT NOW.

We are back to faulty nominal again? Stay consistent. I am talking about actual consumption volumes, not what their faulty extrapolation to USD (based on solely one commodity class with guaranteed LDC quota) supposedly is.

You consume less than the Burmese per capita deal with it....and the difference is only growing according to the IMF.

Dare you to post that on the thread. Actually I already answered it there, and BD members have used the same source data on that....they are just too low IQ to realise how badly it defeats their argument (in their rush to claim local herd success).

I can easily use reverse calculation to show how much cattle would be needed to be smuggled from India to make BD claims around the world figures. Basically would involve 6 - 7 times BD (claimed) local herd (of 24 million) each year.

Given how BSF murders your people each day, fat chance of that.

Add to all this that BBS in its figures said its all with next to no input from other country cattle (want the link to the article again to read?)....so yeah again you fail.

@pher @dy1022 check this guy out, he's mad again, must be getting beaten up by his SG owner again and wage withheld for bad disgusting habits :D

So assuming twice the cost, why is there not say half the per capita demand in BD compared to India? Or even a third? Or even a tenth? Why less than a 100th? You are that price inelastic? :lol: Want me to bring in motorcycles next (since thats more your LDC price range)?

@dy1022 170 million people buy 20,000 (imported 2nd hand mostly) cars a year. I kid you not! Less steel per capita consumption from these people than war torn Yemen....whats up with that? Notice how they also cannt answer why they have next to 0 production too, stick only to explaining why their (import) consumption so low lol. Watch this thread, its gonna be quite funny.

Haha wrong.... given the dbl price but 100+ times less per capita consumption that Mr. Nabil (the parasite in singapore as Chinese member called him) just posted (thanks nabil! I love it when you guys unwittingly prove my point).

Sorry no curve elasticity looks like that (coefficient of 0.02 P.E) for something as basic as transport (and heritage item of 100+ years industry)....its only explained by much lower realised disposable income....lo and behold BD's PPP per capita being atrocious low.

But then again BD is a special country, LDC and all :lol: . i.e logic deficient country (in addition to original meaning).
Nice to see comparison between country of 1.324 billion people vs 170 million people.

Do take a look at the percentage of local cheap cars bought in India
For example Tata Safari Storm is 12.36 lakh rupee or simply USD$19158.
So if such trashy cars were being bought in Bangladesh most Bangladeshis can buy around 2-3 cars.

Idiot that's not a apple and orange comparison, that is the correct figure that Myanmar consume only 19 kg per person per year. This is from another source from Myanmar itself from this year.

"Myanmar’s annual steel consumption rate is 19 kilogram per person of total of 50 million population, or a total of only 1.33 million tonnes a year. "

I already posted the consistent source that uses same timeframe and definition from worldsteel.org

No need to find different news sources and links quoting whatever from whenever. Have a good cry again:


Regarding per capita GDP in nominal term it will always remain lower then Bangladesh.

Wrong. No way to make such a prediction. "Always"?

In terms of PPP it's higher only because price are cheaper in Myanmar.

Actually that is not the "only" thing regarding PPP. There is this thing called consumption basket spread too. Your economics 101 is quite lacking.

Price levels btw are often reflection of supply side performance....why should Myanmar be blamed for doing better job on it than BD? They supply better, they consume better. If you cannot do it as well, then the onus is on you lot to improve supply side rather than cry about the prices being higher affecting your consumption rate. Thats a loser LDC excuse.

China has higher GDP in terms of PPP then USA but is it really rich compared to USA? Answer is no.

As a total population, China is now definitely consuming more than the US when aggregated (count every steel bar, cement block, food, labour input etc) in stratified and qualified physical terms. That is what PPP is.

That does not mean China is "rich" like the US, because that is where "per capita" comes into place. China would need to be producing 4 - 5 times to have the same consumption per capita as the US....rather than just having surpassed (and thus still consuming 4 -5 times less than the average American) on total physical consumption (given their population is 4 - 5 times the US).

Again your stupidity comes through in not understanding basic concepts.

Nice to see comparison between country of 1.324 billion people vs 170 million people.

Bring it down to per capita pal, anytime any place. 20,000 car consumption a year of 170 million people would mean what, we would have to buy 150,000 cars for our population? Can't even remember when India last could only afford 150,000 cars (that too end of life import clunkers) for a year....must have been around the same time IA was enjoying quality time with your womenfolk in Dhaka.

For example Tata Safari Storm is 12.36 lakh rupee or simply USD$19158.
So if such trashy cars were being bought in Bangladesh most Bangladeshis can buy around 2-3 cars.

You buy worse than trashy lol. Have you looked at what you import 2nd or 3rd hand lol? No one wants to invest a simple assembly line for a basic model in your swamp for a reason.

Besides you still havent explained why the price elasticity ratio from your own data has coefficient of less than 0.02. We already looked at the exact same car....double the price in BD, but nowhere near half the consumption per capita of India....not even a 10th!

Motorcycles was just one more example, we can do trucks, tractors...anything...you pick it. Any manufactured product (Esp the further along supply chain it is), we have 0.0X kind of implied P.E ratio argument from your logic for LDC BD ....all because "taxes/tariffs" and "price levels" and not actual supply side + consumption basket....i.e its the beggar argument from you lot (things are so expensive waaaaaah).

What a pathetic excuse instead of actually understanding what supply side economics is and why its severely compromised in BD. But then such a parasite (quoting @pher ) knows nothing, it is stuck trying to survive off the scraps endlessly rather than grow its brain....but has some ego to think it knows something on the subject matter. Thats BD in a nutshell too btw.
I already posted the consistent source that uses same timeframe and definition from worldsteel.org

No need to find different news sources and links quoting whatever from whenever. Have a good cry again:


Wrong. No way to make such a prediction. "Always"?

Actually that is not the "only" thing regarding PPP. There is this thing called consumption basket spread too. Your economics 101 is quite lacking.

Price levels btw are often reflection of supply side performance....why should Myanmar be blamed for doing better job on it than BD? They supply better, they consume better. If you cannot do it as well, then the onus is on you lot to improve supply side rather than cry about the prices being higher affecting your consumption rate. Thats a loser LDC excuse.

As a total population, China is now definitely consuming more than the US when aggregated (count every steel bar, cement block, food, labour input etc) in stratified and qualified physical terms. That is what PPP is.

That does not mean China is "rich" like the US, because that is where "per capita" comes into place. China would need to be producing 4 - 5 times to have the same consumption per capita as the US....rather than just having surpassed (and thus still consuming 4 -5 times less than the average American) on total physical consumption (given their population is 4 - 5 times the US).

Again your stupidity comes through in not understanding basic concepts.

Bring it down to per capita pal, anytime any place. 20,000 car consumption a year of 170 million people would mean what, we would have to buy 150,000 cars for our population? Can't even remember when India last could only afford 150,000 cars (that too end of life import clunkers) for a year....must have been around the same time IA was enjoying quality time with your womenfolk in Dhaka.

You buy worse than trashy lol. Have you looked at what you import 2nd or 3rd hand lol? No one wants to invest a simple assembly line for a basic model in your swamp for a reason.

Besides you still havent explained why the price elasticity ratio from your own data has coefficient of less than 0.02. We already looked at the exact same car....double the price in BD, but nowhere near half the consumption per capita of India....not even a 10th!

Motorcycles was just one more example, we can do trucks, tractors...anything...you pick it. Any manufactured product (Esp the further along supply chain it is), we have 0.0X kind of implied P.E ratio argument from your logic for LDC BD ....all because "taxes/tariffs" and "price levels" and not actual supply side + consumption basket....i.e its the beggar argument from you lot (things are so expensive waaaaaah).

What a pathetic excuse instead of actually understanding what supply side economics is and why its severely compromised in BD. But then such a parasite (quoting @pher ) knows nothing, it is stuck trying to survive off the scraps endlessly rather than grow its brain....but has some ego to think it knows something on the subject matter. Thats BD in a nutshell too btw.
First,second or even third hand.
It still costs more than cars in India.
Due to the high price of cars and heavy traffic people are reluctant in buying cars.
Well these are just simple logic which you lack.
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনীর there is little hope for BAF's MRCA purchase before 2020-2021 নিয়ে ২০২০-২১ এর আগে কোন আশা নেই।অর্থাৎ ২০২০-২১ এর আগে অর্ডার করা হবে না।

তবে However as a Stop Gap by 2018 হিসেবে ২০১৮ সালে under G2G এর ভিত্তিতে new fighter is expected. according to reliable sources নতুন ফাইটার জেট কেনা হবে বলে নির্ভরযোগ্য সুত্রানুসারে জানা গেছে।

২০২১-২২ এ বিমানবাহিনীর পুরাতন F-7MB গুলো অবসরে যাবে এবং F-7BG কে ২৫ নং স্কোয়াড্রনে পাঠানো হবে।সেই হিসেবে ৫ নং স্কোয়াড্রনের জন্য নতুন ফাইটারের ডিল ২০১৮-১৯ এ হবে তা মোটামুটি নিশ্চিত বলা যায়।২০২১-২২ এই তা বহরে যুক্ত হবে।

প্রধান first Candidate হিসেবে আছে রাশিয়ান is MiG-35 এবং চাইনিজ and J-10B/C. কিন্তু চাইনিজ ফাইটারের প্রতি বিমানবাহিনীর এখন আর ইচ্ছা নেই।তাই সম্পুর্ন F-7 ফ্লিট কে রাশিয়ান to be relaced by MiG-35 দিয়ে রিপ্লেস করা হবে এবং MiG-35 ই হবে আমাদের পরবর্তী the next Backbone fighter.

এছাড়া ২০২০-২১ পর্যন্ত আরো নতুন জেট ট্রেইনার,মিডিয়াম হেলিকপ্টার,সার্চ এন্ড রেসকিউ হেলিকপ্টার,এট্যাক হেলিকপ্টার, ড্রোন,ট্রান্সপোর্ট বিমান এবং মধ্যম ও দুরপাল্লার এয়ারডিফেন্স মিসাইল এবং রাডার ক্রয় করা হবে বলে নির্ভরযোগ্য সুত্রানুসারে জানা গেছে।

পরবর্তী কোন আপডেট পেলে জানানো হবে
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনীর there is little hope for BAF's MRCA purchase before 2020-2021 নিয়ে ২০২০-২১ এর আগে কোন আশা নেই।অর্থাৎ ২০২০-২১ এর আগে অর্ডার করা হবে না।

তবে However as a Stop Gap by 2018 হিসেবে ২০১৮ সালে under G2G এর ভিত্তিতে new fighter is expected. according to reliable sources নতুন ফাইটার জেট কেনা হবে বলে নির্ভরযোগ্য সুত্রানুসারে জানা গেছে।

২০২১-২২ এ বিমানবাহিনীর পুরাতন F-7MB গুলো অবসরে যাবে এবং F-7BG কে ২৫ নং স্কোয়াড্রনে পাঠানো হবে।সেই হিসেবে ৫ নং স্কোয়াড্রনের জন্য নতুন ফাইটারের ডিল ২০১৮-১৯ এ হবে তা মোটামুটি নিশ্চিত বলা যায়।২০২১-২২ এই তা বহরে যুক্ত হবে।

প্রধান first Candidate হিসেবে আছে রাশিয়ান is MiG-35 এবং চাইনিজ and J-10B/C. কিন্তু চাইনিজ ফাইটারের প্রতি বিমানবাহিনীর এখন আর ইচ্ছা নেই।তাই সম্পুর্ন F-7 ফ্লিট কে রাশিয়ান to be relaced by MiG-35 দিয়ে রিপ্লেস করা হবে এবং MiG-35 ই হবে আমাদের পরবর্তী the next Backbone fighter.

এছাড়া ২০২০-২১ পর্যন্ত আরো নতুন জেট ট্রেইনার,মিডিয়াম হেলিকপ্টার,সার্চ এন্ড রেসকিউ হেলিকপ্টার,এট্যাক হেলিকপ্টার, ড্রোন,ট্রান্সপোর্ট বিমান এবং মধ্যম ও দুরপাল্লার এয়ারডিফেন্স মিসাইল এবং রাডার ক্রয় করা হবে বলে নির্ভরযোগ্য সুত্রানুসারে জানা গেছে।

পরবর্তী কোন আপডেট পেলে জানানো হবে
Again stop gap then BAF will be sink under training fleet only.Some one driving & i am reading book.
Again stop gap then BAF will be sink under training fleet only.Some one driving & i am reading book.

BD needs to dump Russia and go for Western arms. Russia arms have little future as the country is getting technogically backward even with respects to China.

2-3 squadrons(16 planes per squadron) of Western fighters would be affordable for BD. If BD government can find 4 billion dollars to build Padma Bridge, then it can find the same to upgrade the BAF - heck I would say that as the Padma bridge costs are finished by next year and the economy is getting larger every year, 6 billion dollars would be affordable.
If BD government can find 4 billion dollars to build Padma Bridge, then it can find the same to upgrade the BAF - heck I would say that as the Padma bridge costs are finished by next year and the economy is getting larger every year, 6 billion dollars would be affordable.
The need
A bridge is an asset that gives a return. Both economically and socially.

While a fighter jet is just a depreciating, money eating asset. While a war with the two neighbors is not possible for BD at least for next 10-20 years and by that time, the fighter you just bought becomes a toothless fighter.
The need
A bridge is an asset that gives a return. Both economically and socially.

While a fighter jet is just a depreciating, money eating asset. While a war with the two neighbors is not possible for BD at least for next 10-20 years and by that time, the fighter you just bought becomes a toothless fighter.

A fighter will last for 30 years. Ever heard of deterrence?
War may not be likely with India but Barmans are morons and
so who knows. Better to be prepared than be caught with your
pants down.
Why is India buying weapons if they are useless?
i think BAF should go for J-10C/D (as a replacement for F-7). NO more other 4th generation jet, after 2030 BAF should go for 5th generation. in that time I also hope many 5th generation fighter will be available in afordable price..............:coffee:

j-10 can fight very well against jf-17, mig-29, su-30, mirage...............:pop:
Last edited:
First,second or even third hand.
It still costs more than cars in India.
Due to the high price of cars and heavy traffic people are reluctant in buying cars.
Well these are just simple logic which you lack.

The point is, say doubling or tripling the street price should not reduce the demand 100+ times.

Price elasticity of demand can only account for so much past the inherent average disposable income/consumption. Infact transport sector goods in a poor country is fairly inelastic demand to begin with given low investment even in % terms.
JF17 Block III should in theory close that capability gap by quite a lot for a considerably lower cost.
Technically yes . If Pakistan air Force can use JF17 , and Indian air Force can use Hal Tejas , so why Bangladesh can't .
So such types of air craft should be ideal , as bangladesh can buy large numbers .We don't need to attack anyone , but we need to protect our sky from enemy .
Technically yes . If Pakistan air Force can use JF17 , and Indian air Force can use Hal Tejas , so why Bangladesh can't .
So such types of air craft should be ideal , as bangladesh can buy large numbers .We don't need to attack anyone , but we need to protect our sky from enemy .

JF-17 is the worst 4th generation fighter.

BD needs enough to defend against both India and Myanmar. JF-17 is not up to the mark.

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