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Greek/Hellenic Armed Forces Thread - Pictures, News Articles and Discussions on all Greek/Hellenic Military Affairs.

Such a classic ship. The Dutch really know how to build great ships.

Indeed. They're even some of the best and most renowned private yacht and vessel builders in the world. The Dutch ship-building industry goes way back and is well renowned. Most mega million-dollar billionaire yacht owners and super wealthy boat enthusiast have commissioned well known and famous Dutch yacht building companies to build their private boats. So it only makes sense that their naval ship industry is one of the best in the world also.

Hellenic Navy is very impressive. I honestly didn't know how packed and powerful it is. Those 4 Type 214 submarines are amazing, along with all the Meko and Kortanear frigates etc. of course, and the future Belhara frigate from Naval Group France is quite something. The other impressive thing is how 3 of the 4 Type 214 Submarines were built in Greece. Building ships is one thing, submarines is a whole other ballgame.

And this Hellenic Navy S-70B Aegean Hawk is one sick puppy, especially carrying that monster AGM-119 Penguin ASM.






And these Zubr class Hover crafts from Russia are fantastic. I always thought the EN would be interested in something like these because of all the beachhead landing training they perform and is such a huge part of the navy's operational doctrine because of long seacoast stretches and of course, the Suez Canal and Sinai & the Bitter Lakes. Plus they would compliment the Mistrals quite well working out of them or alongside them. But it seems they've never been interested in them for some reason.

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Indeed. They're even some of the best and most renowned private yacht and vessel builders in the world. The Dutch ship-building industry goes way back and is well renowned. Most mega million-dollar billionaire yacht owners and super wealthy boat enthusiast have commissioned well known and famous Dutch yacht building companies to build their private boats. So it only makes sense that their naval ship industry is one of the best in the world also.
You've probably heard about the incident where one of these collided with a Turkish MEKO and damaged it,right?

Screenshot_2022-06-07 Greek frigate Limnos - Wikipedia.png

That caused the Dutch to cheer against the Germans 😂

Here,you can auto-translate the article

And this Hellenic Navy S-70B Aegean Hawk is one sick puppy, especially carrying that monster AGM-119 Penguin ASM.
I've been trying to find some photos I took of it at the EXPO,but I can't.

It's a great helicopter. We're also getting some 10 Romeo,if I'm not mistaken.
Apache attack helicopter photo at full zoom,taken from my balcony on a 28th October celebration

Apache attack helicopter photo at full zoom,taken from my balcony on a 28th October celebration

Awesome! That came out very decent, too. I asked @Ghostkiller if he sees any Rafales flying overhead since he lives in France and bound to see them zipping by overhead and he avoided answering the question twice!? Like I was asking him to reveal his bank account or something lol.

We get F-15s from the Massachusetts National Guard almost every single 4th of July celebration as they get ready to make their pass over Boston and the fireworks celebration. It's pretty wild as it's just before it gets dark, there's 4 of them and they're in single file doing apprx. 5 mile radius turns one after the other and closing the distance between each other on each turn. They do about 7 or 8 of these turns right over our house and the last one they're nice and tight in a finger 4 formation and off they go south to downtown Boston. Pretty cool and we look forward to it every year.

Then there's also F-16s that do something similar for the Red Sox baseball opening game for the season. A pair or 4 will do a flyby and because they get here a bit early and have to time it exactly for the end of the National Anthem, then circle and tighten up and head on downtown lol.

Then I see quite a few Blackhawks and other very cool aircraft in the weeks leading up to the 4th or other occasions. Don't recall seeing any Apaches, though, except at the airshows and our very good friends just saw their son graduate from flight school academy and get his wings to be an Apache pilot. His mom is very happy that the US is not currently involved in any major war, but she was worried to death! I did open a thread on airshow pics somewhere on this forum.
Awesome! That came out very decent, too. I asked @Ghostkiller if he sees any Rafales flying overhead since he lives in France and bound to see them zipping by overhead and he avoided answering the question twice!? Like I was asking him to reveal his bank account or something lol.
Oksem bellah assef hahaha. I didn't mean to avoid you khales ma3lesh. Sometimes I hear big noises (not a normal civil airplane) so idk if they are Rafales or not. But till now I didn't see with my own eyes. Sadly I will be not in France during France's national day (14 July Bastille Day).
Oksem bellah assef hahaha. I didn't mean to avoid you khales ma3lesh. Sometimes I hear big noises (not a normal civil airplane) so idk if they are Rafales or not. But till now I didn't see with my own eyes. Sadly I will be not in France during France's national day (14 July Bastille Day).
Weyn satsafer ya Ghoust?

Weyn satsafer ya Ghoust?
Leh Masr Om El Donia hahahaha

Fascinating thread.

Although I’m surprised if a certain member hasn’t injected himself in this thread threatening to blow up the entire Hellenic Military with one super duper UCAV. @Foinikas I think you know who I’m referring to 😂
Someone who spams in every thread 😂😂hahahah
Then there's also F-16s that do something similar for the Red Sox baseball opening game for the season. A pair or 4 will do a flyby and because they get here a bit early and have to time it exactly for the end of the National Anthem, then circle and tighten up and head on downtown lol.
I used to study in a city with a big Air Force base nearby and sometimes those crazy guys would fly F-16s in the morning,passing over the city soooo low,I'd wake up. I remember the window and whole place vibrating sometimes.

By the way,check my reply to you about the Elli class frigates and the incident with the Turks :P

Although I’m surprised if a certain member hasn’t injected himself in this thread threatening to blow up the entire Hellenic Military with one super duper UCAV. @Foinikas I think you know who I’m referring to
If I remember correctly,he did try it in the first few pages,but nobody paid attention to him 😂
Fincantieri brought a "strong" proposal for the new corvettes in the Helleniv Navy, the FCX-30 the cheapest of all!

So, the Italian company offers 4 FCX-30 frigates, with Initial Logistic Support, weapons, special training equipment, infrastructure, at a lower price, for the first time of the French Gowind!
The construction of 3 of the 4 ships in Greece, in Elefsina (or elsewhere, if the specific yard has not been rehabilitated).

Total cost; 2 billion euros!

This amount includes t
he well-known configuration of the FCX-30, with a 76 mm cannon, 16 MICA VL anti-aircraft missiles, 8 Exocet MM40Blk3c, two dual launchers MU90, radar KRONOS AESA, sonar CAPTAS-2, sonar CAPTAS-2 and a complete electronic warfare suite.

The special thing about Fincantieri as a group, however, is that it has excellent relations with the USA and the US Navy. This means that it is "compatible" with the funding provided by the ONEX by the DFC (US Development Finance Agency).
In short, the Americans can finance the renovation of a Greek shipyard, the Italians can build new frigates / corvettes there, and everyone can be happy.


Fincantieri brought a "strong" proposal for the new corvettes in the Helleniv Navy, the FCX-30 the cheapest of all!

So, the Italian company offers 4 FCX-30 frigates, with Initial Logistic Support, weapons, special training equipment, infrastructure, at a lower price, for the first time of the French Gowind!
The construction of 3 of the 4 ships in Greece, in Elefsina (or elsewhere, if the specific yard has not been rehabilitated).

Total cost; 2 billion euros!

This amount includes t
he well-known configuration of the FCX-30, with a 76 mm cannon, 16 MICA VL anti-aircraft missiles, 8 Exocet MM40Blk3c, two dual launchers MU90, radar KRONOS AESA, sonar CAPTAS-2, sonar CAPTAS-2 and a complete electronic warfare suite.

The special thing about Fincantieri as a group, however, is that it has excellent relations with the USA and the US Navy. This means that it is "compatible" with the funding provided by the ONEX by the DFC (US Development Finance Agency).
In short, the Americans can finance the renovation of a Greek shipyard, the Italians can build new frigates / corvettes there, and everyone can be happy.


I was just reading to article. French,British and Italians brought great offers,but the problem is,only the French support us politically. The others were neutral during the 2019-2020 provocations and still are.

The Dutch haven't had a comeback yet on the Sigma corvettes.

The ideal would have been to have some of all these,but we can't 😋

Whatever the decision though,I wish we get them soon. Like very soon. French are offering Gowind HN,the British are offering essentially frigates in the price of corvettes and full MEKO 200HN modernization...and the Italians...this. With lower prices!
I was just reading to article. French,British and Italians brought great offers,but the problem is,only the French support us politically. The others were neutral during the 2019-2020 provocations and still are.

The Dutch haven't had a comeback yet on the Sigma corvettes.

The ideal would have been to have some of all these,but we can't 😋

Whatever the decision though,I wish we get them soon. Like very soon. French are offering Gowind HN,the British are offering essentially frigates in the price of corvettes and full MEKO 200HN modernization...and the Italians...this. With lower prices!
The article says: if the Italians work with the Americans on the issue of shipyards, I think they will get the project. Personally, I consider FCX-30 as the best corvette, a small FFG(X) Constellation class.
The article says: if the Italians work with the Americans on the issue of shipyards, I think they will get the project. Personally, I consider FCX-30 as the best corvette, a small FFG(X) Constellation class.
How many are the Italians offering?
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