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Greatest Persians in history


Jalaledin was a Turk ? or he was an Iranian ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

You got to be kidding me . right ?

Khwarazmian dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Khwarezmian Empire 1190 - 1220 (AD)

How could he be a Turk while they were governing Iran unless you call him an Iranian Turk not a Turk cos there is a big big difference between Turks in Iran and in other countries .

No, he was not Iranian Turk. Oghuz rebels revolted against Seljuk dynasty, claimed Khorasan and Khwarezm as their own. Show me one Persian name among Kwarezmshah dynasty.

Do you know what Tigin means? Anush Tigin, for example.
Balochis trace their ancestry back to Arabs.

Their claims have never been proven genetically. The more factual explanation is that the Balochis are Indo-Iranian people, their language itself is classified in the Indo-Iranian family of languages.

It is true that Alexander was a great fan of intermarriage in his Empire. However many Central Asians already had natural European features, even in the places which Alexander's Empire did not touch.

Exactly, ancient Indo-European tribes were already present in Central Asia & in portions of the Sub-Continent. As far as I know, Alexander the great wanted to relocate segments of the population in his empire, but I doubt that would have had much of an effect. The majority of the regions he conquered towards the east were inhabited by Indo-European people who were far purer racially than they are today. I guess the Greco-Roman idea of intermarriage is; marry any woman provided she is racially similar to you so the ethnic appearance isn't destroyed. As far as Pakistan is concerned, no ethnic group has ever been proven to descend from ancient Greeks.
We never had ethnic or racial issues in Punjab, due to the Sufis that enlightened the people.

Very interesting article. A must read.

Btw, this post is not off-topic as many of these sufis and their movements came from Iran.

Yeah my family migrated from a place called shiroz in Iran. My forefathers were all sufis settled in lahore, sailkot, and Multan in Punjab.
Yeah my family migrated from a place called shiroz in Iran. My forefathers were all sufis settled in lahore, sailkot, and Multan in Punjab.

Mashallah, come here and let me kiss your blessed cheeks :D
The Persians are the reason why Pakistanis, Indians, and Turks are Muslims. Sufism is what caused most of us to convert to Islam because of the spiritual message to it.
Buy a ticket to USA and I will bend so you can kiss my cheeks. :cheesy:

Shah jee I wouldn't dream of tickling those cheeks with my beard :D I meant the rosy cheeks on your blessed face not the ones that need wiping daily :cheesy:
Hey dude , Turkey is not the only country has Turk people . Iran had Turkic dynasties too . Apart from these things you can see north west of Iran was ruled by Turkic dynasties However we have no Turk , Kurd , Arab or Fars here cos all counted as Iranians and every one of mentioned tribes had power in a matter of time . I searched but all I found was that this empire is called Iranian and is in the column of Iranian empires ( in other word , the history knows him as an Iranian rather than a Turk ).

If you say he wasn't an Iranian , we first need to know what the meaning of being an Iranian is? Does Iranian mean just Fars people ? or It means everyone living in Iran ?

I think its BS to talk about that cos they were governing in Iran when mongols attacked ..
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