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Grave of India-Pakistan war hero Brig Usman 'vandalised' in New Delhi

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How many Jews were left after the Egyptians drove them out?
Do really believe this biblical story?
The inscriptions deciphered by the Rosetta stone has allowed the archeologists to decipher Egyptian history. So far there is no archeological evidence that the Red Sea parted. Roman actions against Jewish kingdoms are far better documented including the revolt in 70 AD resulting in the destruction of the second temple.

How many survived Hitler?
As of 2018 there are 14.6–17.8 million Jews globally as documented by the Berman Jewish DataBank, which is less than 0.2 percent of the total world population.
Yes they are growing So what's your point?
You are also discounting the fact that the global Jewish community is deeply divided into the Haredim, Ashkenazis, etc. as well as secular agnostic atheist Jews.
Will they establish the Kingdom of David from the "Nile to the Euphrates"?
We have 150,000 Indian origin Parsis.
5 million Kurdish Zoroastrians.
And close to 2 million Iranian Zoroastrians.

5 million Kurdish Zoroastrians speak a completely different language from the Iranian Zoroastrians and likewise the Iranian Zoroastrians don't speak Gujarati like their Indian counterparts.
Again, will they re-establish the Persian Kingdom of Cyrus?

It's a start. Of the resurgence.
Bottom line is that the Atash is far from extinct.
It takes one spark to build a raging fire.
There is no historical or anthropological evidence, that a resurgence can occur with such a small population group with no country, military base or territory to operate from. The native Americans should have regained their territories by now.
The once conquered and depopulated Muslims of Central Asia finally expelled most of the Mongols ( those who remained converted). This was simply because a critical mass of their population survived and they were militarily supported by friendly external Muslim nations to wage a bloody campaign that lasted 100 years. Likewise the Spaniards in Andalusia were able to re-establish a Christian kingdom because they had support from other Christian nations in the region ( Portugal etc.).

As far as I can see, the middle East already is engulfed in a raging fire.
Lets see how far and how strong it will burn.
And what will emerge from the rakhyu ..

The Middle East has been on fire for the last 2500 years from the time the Hittites battled the Medes ; the Assyrians battled the Israelites.,
What emerged from there were three mono-theistic religions two of which spread far beyond the Middle East to cover 55% of the world's population or a total of 4.2 billion people ( 2015 figures, Pew Research).
The Indian sub-continent was not very peaceful either and a well documented massive war was fought over an inter-family gambling debt. Something did come out of it which was a sense of righteousness. We hope this sense of righteousness and justice prevails, though at the moment it doesn't seem likely.
Being blunt here.

There aren't enough guns in Pakistan that can save you and Indian Muslims put together should the Hindu truly weaponize and mobilize.

You like to instigate sitting behind a nuclear curtain.

Our Muslims are poor.

They are not stupid.

Cheers, Doc
Pakistan has India's number, with or without the help of Indian Muslims, Indian Sikhs, Maoists, forest sprites or anyone else.

It has become a zero sum game.

Think about it doctor sahib. Just think logically.

Let's say Pakistan snatches some territory off India by some remarkable sequence of events. Do you think Hindustan, as rabid and frothing at the mouth as it has become, will sit back and accept this?

There is no turning back the wheel set in motion by Modi - egged on by a good few psychopathic non-Hindu citizens it would seem.

He cannot undo his recent works and he seems only to be gaining support of his delusional fanatical citizens. The real issue here is that Pakistan and India will realise their destiny in due course of time. What Indian Muslims do during all of that is ultimately of little consequence to that grand scheme, regardless of my sympathies for them.
Do really believe this biblical story?
The inscriptions deciphered by the Rosetta stone has allowed the archeologists to decipher Egyptian history. So far there is no archeological evidence that the Red Sea parted. Roman actions against Jewish kingdoms are far better documented including the revolt in 70 AD resulting in the destruction of the second temple.

As of 2018 there are 14.6–17.8 million Jews globally as documented by the Berman Jewish DataBank, which is less than 0.2 percent of the total world population.
Yes they are growing So what's your point?
You are also discounting the fact that the global Jewish community is deeply divided into the Haredim, Ashkenazis, etc. as well as secular agnostic atheist Jews.
Will they establish the Kingdom of David from the "Nile to the Euphrates"?

5 million Kurdish Zoroastrians speak a completely different language from the Iranian Zoroastrians and likewise the Iranian Zoroastrians don't speak Gujarati like their Indian counterparts.
Again, will they re-establish the Persian Kingdom of Cyrus?

There is no historical or anthropological evidence, that a resurgence can occur with such a small population group with no country, military base or territory to operate from. The native Americans should have regained their territories by now.
The once conquered and depopulated Muslims of Central Asia finally expelled most of the Mongols ( those who remained converted). This was simply because a critical mass of their population survived and they were militarily supported by friendly external Muslim nations to wage a bloody campaign that lasted 100 years. Likewise the Spaniards in Andalusia were able to re-establish a Christian kingdom because they had support from other Christian nations in the region ( Portugal etc.).

The Middle East has been on fire for the last 2500 years from the time the Hittites battled the Medes ; the Assyrians battled the Israelites.,
What emerged from there were three mono-theistic religions two of which spread far beyond the Middle East to cover 55% of the world's population or a total of 4.2 billion people ( 2015 figures, Pew Research).
The Indian sub-continent was not very peaceful either and a well documented massive war was fought over an inter-family gambling debt. Something did come out of it which was a sense of righteousness. We hope this sense of righteousness and justice prevails, though at the moment it doesn't seem likely.

What country or military base did the Jews have to operate from before the creation of Israel?

Today 25 million of them hold 2 billion of you at bay. With assured destruction should you venture against them beyond a point.

I hope you realise which community gave India its nuclear bomb and it's most definitive military victory.

Are spread across the west with powerful lobbies.

And control fortunes larger than the GDPs of many nations.

Never say never.

If desert Bedouin can bring down two world empires, then world empires can rise again.

And what's your point about language?

Do all Muslims speak the same language?

Do all Christians speak the same language?

Do all Hindus speak the same language?

World Zoroastrianism is centered out of India and it's Parsis.

The last link to the original flame.

It is we who are leading this resurgence.

Who have stayed quiet and have been plotting for a thousand years.

Stay tuned. This story is about to unfold.

Cheers, Doc
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Indian Muslims need guns. Nothing else.

We are witnessing precisely what the Nazis did to German Jews prior to the holocaust.

Some of our Indian colleagues continue to wonder why we feel very strongly that Indian Muslims should arm themselves immediately.


"It appeared to be unplanned, set off by Germans' anger over the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. In fact, German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and other Nazis carefully organized the pogroms. In two days, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. The pogroms became known as Kristallnacht"

but but but, how dare Indian Muslims even consider arming themselves and fighting back. How dare they.
A lot of them are too weak or too afraid to arm themselves. They still live in a delusional world where they can live together in peace. Atleast if their armed it will make the mobs think twice. Most of the strong people left for Pakistan during partition.
What more they can do to prove their loyalties. Seriously a war hero grave is not even safe. The true face of secular India. Now we should call it psycho india. (patent pending).
What country or military base did the Jews have to operate from before the creation of Israel?

Today 25 million of them hold 2 billion of you at bay. With assured destruction should you venture against them beyond a point.

I hope you realise which community gave India its nuclear bomb and it's most definitive military victory.

Are spread across the west with powerful lobbies.

And control fortunes larger than the GDPs of many nations.

Never say never.

If desert Bedouin can bring down two world empires, then world empires can rise again.

And what's your point about language?

Do all Muslims speak the same language?

Do all Christians speak the same language?

Do all Hindus speak the same language?

World Zoroastrianism is centered out of India and it's Parsis.

The last link to the original flame.

It is we who are leading this resurgence.

Who have stayed quiet and have been plotting for a thousand years.

Stay tuned. This story is about to unfold.

Cheers, Doc

White Canadians gave india it's nukes as over 1.4 billion indians NEVER invented nuclear technology or weapons:

White Canadians have NEVER EVER fought or died for the indian military as they regard indians as being inferior and lower than animals.
5 million Kurdish Zoroastrians.
Interesting. So I like how you're not restricting yourself to Persia but going pan-Iranic.

Kurds get overlooked in the international discourse. But they're a large nation. Could be the smaller rival to Persia if they were an independent nation. And they have a sister religious tradition to you Zoroastrians- Manichaeism- if I'm not wrong. Descended from the same prototype maybe.
What country or military base did the Jews have to operate from before the creation of Israel?
If you knew your history you would'nt ask that question.
The British and the French through the Arab Revolt, and the Balfour declaration in World War 1 made a homeland for the Jews out of the defeated Ottoman Empire.
The object was to get the Jews out of Europe and foist the mess over there.
The Jews on their own would never have defeated the Ottoman Empire because they had no base. The Christians fought for them so that they leave Europe.

Today 25 million of them hold 2 billion of you at bay. With assured destruction should you venture against them beyond a point.
It's not 25 million Jews. its their 2.4 billion Christian allies.
Additionally if living under a constant rain of rockets, threat of terrorist attacks and having to give up a large chunk of territory won in a war is "holding at bay" Zionism's enemies are pretty happy with that. It has been like that for 72 years and it shall be so for the next millennium. During its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and destroyed twice. It will go on unless the Zionists make a stupid mistake for a greater Israel. It won't matter if a couple of Muslim states including your neighbor are vaporized. Zionism will go into the history books forever and out of 1.8 billion Muslims enough will survive to repopulate.

I hope you realise which community gave India its nuclear bomb and it's most definitive military victory.
You mean the "community " that chickened 🐥out when you offered them bases for their aircraft to bomb our nuclear assets?
The "community " that has set up a backdoor hot line with us so that if our NCA gets an itchy trigger finger after a preemptive Indian attack we don't say "Here's one for you Moshe, see you Heaven",
For years that "community" well knew what we were cooking in our pot and they did "Didley Squat" about it because they knew we didn't see them as an adversary. Our eyes were firmly fixed east.

Never say never.
If desert Bedouin can bring down two world empires, then world empires can rise again.
No, but I can assure you of one thing.
If your Hindutva regime really wants to end the mleches in the region and makes good on its word we would like to have the honor of being mentioned in the future history books of having eliminated the two greatest threats to our people's since the Mongols. Your people will possibly survive to repopulate to a wretched existence. The survivors of the "community " you are referring to will be cursing you with their "bell,book and candle".
As for us, our martyrdom will be our satisfaction.
Ignore @padamchen he has a blind spot when it comes to Muslims. His bias clouds him.

This was simply because a critical mass of their population survived and they were militarily supported by friendly external Muslim nations to wage a bloody campaign that lasted 100 years. Likewise the Spaniards in Andalusia were able to re-establish a Christian kingdom because they had support from other Christian nations in the region ( Portugal etc.).

You stress that Indian Muslims are kaput. But the fact that Islam thrives on the periphery of India on both sides is Indian Muslims' strength. The Christians of France did not let Xtianity die in Iberia. Fars and Baghdad did not let Islam die in Balkh and Merv. And so as long as India has Pakistan and even Bangladesh (I'll come to that later) at its periphery, Muslims or Islam cannot be wiped out from India. It's not so much even a conscious effort. But a concerted effort to wipe out Islam from mainland India will lead to massive chaos and pushback that will end up destroying India itself.
Ignore @padamchen he has a blind spot when it comes to Muslims. His bias clouds him.


You stress that Indian Muslims are kaput. But the fact that Islam thrives on the periphery of India on both sides is Indian Muslims' strength. The Christians of France did not let Xtianity die in Iberia. Fars and Baghdad did not let Islam die in Balkh and Merv. And so as long as India has Pakistan and even Bangladesh (I'll come to that later) at its periphery, Muslims or Islam cannot be wiped out from India. It's not so much even a conscious effort. But a concerted effort to wipe out Islam from mainland India will lead to massive chaos and pushback that will end up destroying India itself.
Right, Well said !
I responded to Padamshri @padamchen on his veiled nuclear threat to us from a certain "community ".

They did "didley squat" to help the Aryavarta retain its supremacy of the Brahmastra.
World Zoroastrianism is centered out of India and it's Parsis.
The last link to the original flame.
It is we who are leading this resurgence.
Who have stayed quiet and have been plotting for a thousand years.
Sorry for being dense. I don't normally meet a communal paranoid Bawa and you are the only one of your kind. I have very nice Bawa friends here in Karachi. No one so far has told me they want to resuscitate the Persian Empire.,

So why didn't the "victorious " Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw lead his valiant Aryan warriors across Pakistan all the way to Iran to build the new fire temple in Tehran. After all the entire Indian cabinet demanded the continuation of the war on the Western front.
Was he waiting for the Simurgh?
He wasn't talking about Jews. He was talking about Parsis.
In his opening post he was blowing the shofar so I was confused.
Have never seen such a delusional Bawa.
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I disagree with you on both points. The only other people who understand and can relate to the condition of Indian Muslims, are Pakistanis. My experience with Pakistanis in the west has been very good. It really comes as a surprise to me to see a small minority on PDF that displays such antagonistic feelings.

The condition of Muslims in India has gone so bad in the last 6 years, that the chance for self correction no longer exists. It is imperative that the international community take action, though I don't expect them to do anything as well.
Generally u will find Pakistanis of two different mindsets when it comes to Muslims of other countries.

1) Those who adhere to the concept of a "Muslim ummah"...they feel kinship with Muslims anywhere...and any challenges, discrimination, or any other problem faced by Muslims elsewhere is a cause of concern to them. Examples include Palestine, Rohingya(Myanmar), Bosnia, etc...this extends to Indian Muslims as well.

2) Those who have either given up on the "Ummah" concept or never adhered to it in the first place. They wish to put Pakistan/Pakistanis first. This mostly stems from almost daily reminders that there's no such thing as "ummah" and it's each man for himself(each nation for itself). Some recent examples include...
- OIC sidelining Pakistan continuously...about raising Kashmir issue while it was in complete lockdown/blackout and ppl were being blinded by pellet guns, jailed, suppressed, etc. On the contrary some Arab countries instead gave medals to Modi.
- Maldives and Bangladesh(both Muslim countries) siding with Indian narrative to ostracize Pakistan in SAARC...effectively turning it into an India led organization.
- In 2017 Palestine recalling its ambassador from Pakistan under Indian pressure.

These are just some of the very very recent examples. The list is long...and a harsh reminder to the realities of the world. The ones here who r saying that the problems of Indian Muslims are their own...and Pakistan/Pakistanis have nothing to do with them...are from this second group.
india will live forever
a grand son of a hindu said

kuchh bat hai ki hasti mitati nahi hamari
sadion raha hai dushman daure jahan hamara .

long live hindustan .

Quoting Iqbal? He is our national poet.
Your national poet is Tagore who
wrote a poem praising the Prince of Wales which became your national anthem. :laugh:
Why can't you dig up a Sanskrit sloka to pep yourself up?
The ones here who r saying that the problems of Indian Muslims are their own...and Pakistan/Pakistanis have nothing to do with them...are from this second group.
Yes, some of us are skeptical of the Ummah . In 1914 the Arabs decided that they were Arabs first and Muslims afterwards they sided with British Imperialism to topple the Ottoman Empire and deliver Jerusalem to the Christians and the Zionists on a platter. Our obsession with the Ummah led us to trust a section of our population who loved their language and identity far more than their "Islamic brethren" and joined the "kuffar" to deliver us the most treacherous blow ever.
Today the Khadimal Harmain Sharifain are teaming up with the kuffar and the saihoonis to bankrupt and disarm us
یہ مسلمان ہیں جنہیں دیکھ کے شر ما یں یہود-

The Indian Muslims are our very own. They are the only Muslim community in the world who really care for Pakistan and have given a fearsome sacrifice in blood and tears for us. If Pakistan was a super power, or if the Ummah was united we would have given our blood to help our brethren.

The blunt fact is we can't.

Our position today is like Turkey in from 1919-1923 when the Turks bankrupted, and defeated, faced an invasion from 6 major western powers, North African ( "Muslim") nations, and dozens of mini-ethnic paid "Language Nationalist " type groups. The Turks calied it Istiklal-e-Harbi. The Turks watched in helpless horror as minority Muslim populations in their once held provinces like Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania were wholesale slaughtered by occupation armies. Even the majority Muslim territories were not spared and overrun by Armenia Georgia backed by the Soviet Union ( a dozen Kashmirs). None of the Arab Ummah countries, quickly signing oil contracts and squabbling over Shiekhdoms cared as Turkey starved and bled to death.

It was then that Turkey realized it couldn't save the Turkish minority population in the distant territories it once controlled (though it later helped the Cypriot Muslims) which is why they made a "Turkey first" slogan. If Turkey had to help its brethren it had to first look out for itself and survive. Turkey became insular and even recognized Israel. It was a punch in the nose to the Arabs to their once "enemy" recognize their sworn enemy. Turks turned the "Arabs first" equation to "Turks first".
To sum up, it is not being suggested that we neglect Indian Muslims emotionally. All that is being suggested is, that we cannot be held psychologically hostage to their plight. Our enemy knows how to hurt us emotionally and degrade our morale by inflicting death and violence on Indian Muslims, The Greeks and Bulgarians did exactly that to the Turks but the Turks survived to exact vengeance later.

Pakistan must survive.
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