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Grave of India-Pakistan war hero Brig Usman 'vandalised' in New Delhi

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hindus burried your Muslim soldiers abandoned by you in kargil heights , dint you feel any shame for what you did with your momin brothers ?
how shameful .

yoy try and see ?

Evidence? No indian FAKE NEWS please.......... :azn::

hindus never abandoned own armymen whether muslims or hindus in the battlefield , you left your muslim brothers of northern light infantry to die in kargil .
cowards .

I seen it . Good movie .

Meenakshi was super fit in it .
indian soldiers always get honourable last rights .
they are not like chinese or pakistani soldiers wbose death is kept secret .

How did they get last rights being washed away in the frozen waters?
I seen it . Good movie .

Meenakshi was super fit in it .
did you see good movie of 1971 ,gen niazi was superfit in it .
quite entertaining shows your bravery .
did you see good movie of 1971 ,?
quite entertaining shows your bravery .

Yeah but we did manage to allegedly kill 3 million Hindus and make 10 million Hindus run to India ensuring Bangla remained a Muslim state as per partition
Very reductionist Doc. And steeped in error.

I hate to break it to you but the odds don't look good for Zoroastrianism. Nothing personal but there are barely 20,000-40,000 Zoroastrians left in the world.

Islam and Xtianity's strength lie in how widely they are spread out (also pretty much the same reason Judaism survived).

How was the western hemisphere Xtianized? European mothers pumped out 8-10 babies and sent some of them across the ocean to the Americas for a better life.

That's ditto what's happening in Europe but with Muslims. The Syrian and Iraqi wars didn't wipe out Islam. They just helped transfer a little bit of Islam to the white man's land and lay roots there.

Isn't that how Islam came to India? Started out with a small group and now we're 600 million in South Asia alone. Where does Hinduism exist outside of the subcontinent again?

I am not an Indian Muslim. I am a Pakistani.


How many Jews were left after the Egyptians drove them out?

How many survived Hitler?

We have 150,000 Indian origin Parsis.

And close to 2 million Iranian Zoroastrians.

5 million Kurdish Zoroastrians.

It's a start. Of the resurgence.

Bottom line is that the Atash is far from extinct.

It takes one spark to build a raging fire.

As far as I can see, the middle East already is engulfed in a raging fire.

Lets see how far and how strong it will burn.

And what will emerge from the rakhyu ...

Cheers, Doc

The Bully/Bulli Kutta is called the Indian Mastiff incidentally.

Please read up on the history of the breed and when and where it originated.

Cheers, Doc

Nope all the bloodlines come from Pakistan, look it up. You guys just latched on. Aside some Punjabi households in India no on else keeps it. Yet in Pakistan it’s found up and down Pakistan.

The Bully has Indian mastiff DNA. You’re confused about this.
dhobi ka kutta were boys of northern light in nfantry in kargil , they were left to die in kargil , we burried them according to muslim burial rights .

Well thanks for burying Hizb guys :)
Nope all the bloodlines come from Pakistan, look it up. You guys just latched on. Aside some Punjabi households in India no on else keeps it. Yet in Pakistan it’s found up and down Pakistan.


The Bully Kutta is a common guard dog in Tamil Nadu.

Generations long bloodlines.

Dug breeds of the subcontinent are a fascinating variety.

Increasingly being inducted into the Indian Army. The Mudhol Hound.

Cheers, Doc
a ‘Muslim regiment’ of the Indian Army had refused to fight in India’s 1965 war with Pakistan.

This canard has been busted many times:
Indian Army Never Had a 'Muslim Regiment' That Refused to Fight the 1965 War


The Bully Kutta is a common guard dog in Tamil Nadu.

Generations long bloodlines.

Dug breeds of the subcontinent are a fascinating variety.

Increasingly being inducted into the Indian Army. The Mudhol Hound.

Cheers, Doc

It was imported into Tamil Nadu by Punjabis who in turn got their bloodlines from Pakistan.
You’re confusing this with the Indian mastiff link provided.
Here from Tamil Nadu, this is not a Bully.

Nor are all these puppies in the back;

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did you see good movie of 1971 ,gen niazi was superfit in it .
quite entertaining shows your bravery .

yeah I seen it but I thought perveen Babi was fit I’m not into men looks .
I find that "I told you so" deeply problematic. The Muslims in India today had no say on where they were born. They had no say in the creation of Pakistan.

In today's India, Muslims are denigrated, assaulted and killed simply because they share the same religion as the Muslim rulers of generations ago and the people of Pakistan. What you describe, is simply an extension (or perhaps converse) of the same guilt by association proffered to Indian Muslims from the Pakistanis.

Let us also understand that Jinnah's concept of Pakistan was a safe space for South Asian Muslims to live, free from the ills of Hindu majoritarianism. It was never intended to be limited by the boundaries that we see today. Therefore, it would be unfair to criticize those who just happened to end up on the wrong side of Radcliffe's line.

In a similar vein, today many Pakistanis live a comfortable and financially better life in the US/UK than their brethren in Pakistan. Wouldn't it be considered poor manners to criticize and put down those who did not or could not migrate to greener pastures in the west? So why does such behavior elicit glee when it comes to Indian Muslims? Do Pakistanis need Indian Muslims to suffer to validate the thesis of Jinnah? By that same extension, do we need others to suffer to justify the choices we made?
Sir, that was a pure tongue in cheek comment. My opinions on the situation of Indian Muslims do not align with some other contributors on this particular thread. As I have said many times previously, I regard our heritages as shared and intertwined. While Kashmir is a specific territorial matter (and more), most Pakistani Muslims I know do not hold prejudicial views over all Indian Muslims and would clearly be at fault for painting all Indian Muslims with a single brush anyway. You're right - it's easy for Pakistani Muslims sitting and judging from afar and I don't for one second seek to belittle the plight Indian Muslims are in. Perhaps my anecdote about "I told you so" was needlessly flippant on what is actually a serious matter. No harm was intended.
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