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Govt to file appeal against acquittal in Sahiwal incident

Court can't ask for any kind proof,it's defence counsel or prosecution which asks for proof and witnees.Court just gives verdict on what is put forward infront of it in form of case file.
Court in any case can only direct higher ups for action against those who have shown incompetence in Govt matters.

Most of you never realise that LHC or PHC decide case on basis of case file and what prosecution side puts forward.
Govt Org's have repeatedly failed to put forward strong case against politicans as a result they walk free out of court and we blame courts.
Yeah yeah keep defending while blaming government and when it comes to Sharif family all case files everything go in dustbin. Paisa phek decision dekh.
Yeah yeah keep defending while blaming government and when it comes to Sharif family all case files everything go in dustbin. Paisa phek decision dekh.
Come out of that political dodgem.
Govt can't do anything against judiciary.
Originally as per our constitution, the president had the power to appoint justices to the Supreme Court after consultation with the chief justice. The landmark judgment of al-Jehad Trust (PLD 1996 SC 324), followed by Asad Ali’s case (PLD 1998 SC 161), declared ‘consultation’ of the chief justice, in the case of judicial elevations, binding upon the president, thereby granting chief justice the sole prerogative of recommending individuals for judicial appointment. Through the 18th and 19th constitutional amendments, a ‘Judicial Commission’ — headed by the chief justice, and comprising a majority of judges — was constituted in order to recommend candidates for elevation. However, the sole authority to initiate a candidate’s name, for consideration by the commission, remains with the chief justice, who is not bound to provide any reasons for his preferences.

The superior judiciary enjoys tremendous immunity in the form of removal proceedings of superior court justices as such proceedings are conducted by peers of judiciary only. Moreover, no time frame is set for proceedings before the Supreme Judicial Council.​
I have not solely blamed anyone for this all,it's a mixture of many factors which has led us to this sitution.
Why are all corrupt looters, plunderers, rapists and murderers getting acquittal from Lahore courts??? These patwari judges need to be investigated.
And then we wonder why Natural disasters and frequent earthquakes occur
Our police, lawyers and judges are mostly currupt to core ...Everybody wants to make Quick buck or wants to be celebrity! You can hate mullahs and all but if your honest , even you ppl will admit all this bs would never happen under a mullah/molvis. .All this absence of justice,,, all this currupt ion is because of our secular cleanshave begairats and moustouche unkels , from top to bottom!
Right way to go, the corrupt & treacherous are still powerful in Pakistan unfortunately.
all this currupt ion is because of our secular cleanshave begairats and moustouche unkels , from top to bottom!

Still wondering about what happened under the watch of those TTP "momineens" in swat or what occurred in the madraasa run by molvi burka?

To reduce corrupt practices to a reasonable bare minimum you need a more robust administrative system, which could not only by default choke it but also pin point those notorious loopholes deliberately kept in place to be exploited later on, as corruption couldn't be contained completely.
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