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Govt temporarily suspends social media services across Pakistan

what is Islamic verdict if the states does not honour its commitment,arrests leader of a large political party which happens to be religious? what is islamic verdict if the state lets every protest go on for months but a religious party is beaten and threatens and told protest is against islam by the seculars (the irony)? and what is islamic verdict when a islamic political party is banned in les then 4 days while secular and liberals parties have asked for mutiny, breaking of nation and burned whole nation when theirleader are harmed? or threatened?what is islamic verdict when police is firing on ppl who are just sitting on the roads to protest ?

fact is all the parties have done much worse,more harmful things ,longer protests etc . the only reason for TLP being manhandeld and singled out is ,because its a religious party with a very large support base and its supporter are average pakistanis who will make it the biggest party if this keeps going on for 1 or 2 years . TLP only weakness is it has no financial clout or backing of big guys. for the rest tomorrow when other parties call for strike , i hope these shamefull ppl who are asking for mullah blood ,will use the same dirty language for their brothers in crimes.

I repeat if TLP starts attacking hospitals, public property, stopping people's lives

HOW should the people and the state punish them

What is the correct punishment
what is Islamic verdict if the states does not honour its commitment,arrests leader of a large political party which happens to be religious? what is islamic verdict if the state lets every protest go on for months but a religious party is beaten and threatens and told protest is against islam by the seculars (the irony)? and what is islamic verdict when a islamic political party is banned in les then 4 days while secular and liberals parties have asked for mutiny, breaking of nation and burned whole nation when theirleader are harmed? or threatened?what is islamic verdict when police is firing on ppl who are just sitting on the roads to protest ?

fact is all the parties have done much worse,more harmful things ,longer protests etc . the only reason for TLP being manhandeld and singled out is ,because its a religious party with a very large support base and its supporter are average pakistanis who will make it the biggest party if this keeps going on for 1 or 2 years . TLP only weakness is it has no financial clout or backing of big guys. for the rest tomorrow when other parties call for strike , i hope these shamefull ppl who are asking for mullah blood ,will use the same dirty language for their brothers in crimes.

The other idiots were smart enough not to cause mass public damage

As soon as you idiots started to kill police officers, what did you think was going to happen?

The Jahilat of TLP has cost it

You have disgraced yourselves with your own behaviour and now are a threat to a Muslim state and are working for the enemies in trying to create fassad
The interior ministry on Friday ordered the temporary closure of all social media applications in the country.
In a letter sent to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), the interior ministry asked for "immediate action" to be taken.


"I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and state that complete access to social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube and Telegram) may be blocked from 1100hrs to 1500hrs on 16th April 2021 across the country,"stated the short letter sent to the PTA chairman by the ministry.
The letter is also marked 'Most Immediate'.

The only solution for the problems of Pakistan the minion sitting on the helm can think of is to ban social sites.

Internet service from Cellular companies already down in certain parts of Karachi since 13 April 2021.
Its not about rights! There is a short window for which these platforms are being blocked. It has to do with banning and arresting TLP leaders and to deal with law enforcement situation arising out of it.

Donald Trump's twitter was permanently banned even though he was President. It was because the liberal left of USA did not like what he said in bare terms what they themselves say in nice, concealed terms. And here our desi angrez qaum losing its sh*t over a short term ban!

Social media is not about rights. Its made out to be. Social media is about power and how much you can use it for your objective. Its the quest for power that is concealed in the term 'right'. Its not!
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1. Hats of to the dumb MF who are comparing pakistan shutting down some apps for less then a day to india shutting down the whole internet for months. You all dumb people are the reason Pakistan is in this mess.
2. Twitter is a propaganda app, all we are watching from last 10days is propaganda by TLP. So no worries in banning the app just for a day.
3. People needs to understand were are now dealing with a terrorist party (which in reality TLP is very very close to becoming one). The stare has given so much leverage to the retards. Their way of protest should be dealt with. Parties like TLP who kill and loot and fire on security forces. Then there are those protests backed by terrorists which blackmail state by using dead bodies of people. A clear message should be given to these people.
The guy has been brilliant, he has done more damage to India in a few years then the Nawaz and zardaris did in a few decades

Look at the humiliation India has had to face in the last few years

Yeah, we can see it all over internet. Damage being done in your country today.
all the cry about kashmiri rights but doing the same to our own ppl . what is the difference ?kahmiris are brutalized because of being muslim and in pakistan ppl are also being killed for being affiliated with muslim party ...at the end there is not much difference at the gov level.. response is same ,media blackout and beaten to death by state machinary for being mullah/muslims.
the irony...please try protesting the same way as your beloved mullahs are doing in the country you are residing in and then become the beacon of light
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I repeat if TLP starts attacking hospitals, public property, stopping people's lives

HOW should the people and the state punish them

What is the correct punishment
The other idiots were smart enough not to cause mass public damage
As soon as you idiots started to kill police officers, what did you think was going to happen?
The Jahilat of TLP has cost it

You have disgraced yourselves with your own behaviour and now are a threat to a Muslim state and are working for the enemies in trying to create fassad
woow no damage ?should i post pictures/video here now ?.lets not lie so blatantly . everybody knows the attack on ptv /parliament /breaking police jail and taking criminals to freedom ,asking for mutiny,and blocking roads by pti . so lets not go round and round . i know you hate '' mullah'' and i know why ppl like you hate them but to use different and harsher methods of punishments for some1 who has committed far less of crime is just asking for reaction .
and what are your order for pdm protests ? or ppl who are not ''mullah''?
Same treatment, Pakistan's population is big enough to afford turkey shooting of few million stunted growth zombies
1. Hats of to the dumb MF who are comparing pakistan shutting down some apps for less then a day to india shutting down the whole internet for months. You all dumb people are the reason Pakistan is in this mess.
2. Twitter is a propaganda app, all we are watching from last 10days is propaganda by TLP. So no worries in banning the app just for a day.
3. People needs to understand were are now dealing with a terrorist party (which in reality TLP is very very close to becoming one). The stare has given so much leverage to the retards. Their way of protest should be dealt with. Parties like TLP who kill and loot and fire on security forces. Then there are those protests backed by terrorists which blackmail state by using dead bodies of people. A clear message should be given to these people.

Do you know what the sad thing is

Imran Khan once again is making a stand for Pakistan and all he will get from.the other jahil parties is accusations and ana attempt to take the TLP vote
The interior ministry on Friday ordered the temporary closure of all social media applications in the country.
In a letter sent to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), the interior ministry asked for "immediate action" to be taken.


"I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and state that complete access to social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube and Telegram) may be blocked from 1100hrs to 1500hrs on 16th April 2021 across the country,"stated the short letter sent to the PTA chairman by the ministry.
The letter is also marked 'Most Immediate'.

The only solution for the problems of Pakistan the minion sitting on the helm can think of is to ban social sites.
Not only social media, the whole internet is gone, EasyPaisa, JazzCash apps are also not working.... Another Kashmir like situation in Pakistan at the moment - double standards much?
woow no damage ?should i post pictures/video here now ?.lets not lie so blatantly . everybody knows the attack on ptv /parliament /breaking police jail and taking criminals to freedom ,asking for mutiny,and blocking roads by pti . so lets not go round and round . i know you hate '' mullah'' and i know why ppl like you hate them but to use different and harsher methods of punishments for some1 who has committed far less of crime is just asking for reaction .

Let me repeat

There is s BIG difference between individual acts and mass riots and road blockages for 3 days

At no point did other parties (and remember o HATE THOSE PARTIES) but at no point did they randomly attack hospitals, people's cars, public property and declare their intention to destroy Pakistan

You TLP weirdos have become malignant, you are threatening the country like the TTP

For what someone in France did you jahils are burning your own country

Rather then help make Pakistan strong so it can stand up against the enemies of Muslims in the woeld, you jahils are creating fassad so change becomes difficult and economy is affected

How much longer can the state tolerate religious or ethnocentric supremacists like you or the PTM???
Not only social media, the whole internet is gone, EasyPaisa, JazzCash apps are also not working.... Another Kashmir like situation in Pakistan at the moment - double standards much?

Yaar ours is till 3pm have some perspective for fcuks sake
dont cry when those ppl put ak 47 in the heads of generals and politicians...these ppl are motivated and above all they are everywhere ,,your gardener,your driver ,your milkman etc etc. you cant do riyasati deshatgardi like india on ppl living under you and expect flowers . btw typicall secular an liberal way of dealing with ''your'' ppl .
are you really sympathizing with terrorists & inciting voilence against State of Pakistan ?? because that is not allowed on forum.....
Peaceful protests are always allowed but what Takfiris are doing is destroying public property....
TLP is a Terrorist party under Law
the irony...please trying protesting the same way as your beloved mullahs are doing in the country you are residing in and then become the beacon of light
lets not play holy moly ...we have seen alot of violent protest here also and no, police doesnt go and fire bullets and breaks and burns buses for gov propaganda! why are you comparing west with pakistan? we are talking about pakistan and its not like all the other parties go and sit on the side of roads in pakistan . and dont call for revenge of their leader if harmed etc ..just stop with this hypocrisy sickulars. irony is when you lots use Quranic ayats to help your cause while breaking those same commandments. islam says dont break your promise but sickulers hate islam so much that they ignore this but talk about fasad ,road blocks etc ...shamefull .
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