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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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An extremely shocking news.May his soul rest in peace.I hardly used to agree with his point of views and media statements when he was alive.But he's no more among us now, so no more differences.My deepest sympathies go to his family and friends.May Allah SWT give them courage to bear this loss of life.
Murder most foul! | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia | DAWN.COM
Murder Most Foul!
The assassination of the Punjab Governor Salman Taseer this afternoon in Islamabad by an armed guard reportedly deputed for his security raises the fundamental issue once again: that religious indoctrination is feeding the fires of hatred and intolerance. Although details as to the motive of the crime have yet to emerge, by the very trappings it seems little else but a crime of hate.

Mr Taseer had few friends left in his last days. His outspoken defence of the Christian woman, Aasia Bibi, who was accused of blasphemy under questionable charges leveled against her by fellow Muslim villagers and who has been on the death row in a Punjab prison for over a year awaiting appeal in a higher court, made him a hate figure for extremist and Islamist outfits and parties. Major religious parties called out nationwide strikes on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve to demand Aasia Bibi’s execution under the controversial blasphemy law, and to condemn her sympathisers, Mr Taseer being one of the foremost public figures amongst the latter group and thus the object of hate.

He, along with the PPP MNA Sherry Rehman, who has courageously sought to repeal or amend the blasphemy law, have been the only leaders to openly oppose the controversial law, like Benazir Bhutto before them had opposed extremism and Talibanisation and paid for it with her life, while a deafening silence prevails on the subject within the ranks of the PPP itself.

On the political front too Mr Taseer became a controversial figure in his home province the day President Zardari appointed him the governor in Punjab to watch over a provincial government led by his political arch rivals, the Sharif brothers. The sacking of Shahbaz Sharif’s government in 2009, the imposition of governor’s rule and then the restoration of Mr Sharif under court orders in March 2009 as the chief minister, added to the political bitterness that existed between Mr Taseer and the Sharifs. There was little love lost between the rivals till the time of Mr Taseer’s assassination, with no signs of any rapprochement on the anvil whatsoever.

Of late the Sharifs responded to Mr Taseer’s political opposition to their way of governance by resorting to means that were both unfair and untenable. Often volleys were fired at his personality, and his family’s lavish and somewhat indulgent—read ‘un-Islamic’— lifestyle. Only last month Mr Taseer was accused of having left the country without informing the Punjab government in breach of the state protocol; a sustained media campaign followed which despite its best efforts failed to prove that Mr Taseer had gone abroad. Earlier photographs of his family partying away in the privacy of their home were placed in the media. Mr Taseer had the courage and the old world grace not to be bogged down or issue a denial in the face of such ungainly criticism that was clearly below the belt.

The Islamists openly called for his dismissal from the office for supporting the case of the Christian convict, for seeking presidential pardon for her, if it should come to that, and for being a vociferous opponent of the so-called Islamic laws that were introduced by Gen Ziaul Haq and which at best have remained highly controversial. A few also threatened to try Mr Taseer for condoning blasphemy against Islam. But he in that ideological sense represented the somewhat traditional liberal stance of the PPP, which the party itself has not truly been very comfortable with of late.

It remains to be seen what actually motivated the killer to open fire on Mr Taseer, inflicting a fatal wound, but it is not far from informed conjecture to say at this point that the motivation could have most likely been religious intolerance which leads to extreme reactions. The trend is rampant nowadays, and has led to wholesale killing of citizens, attacks on Sufi shrines and places of worship of rival Muslim sects, and of the minorities.

This is partly because hypocrisy takes the best of many politicians from across the spectrum. Even non-religious parties like the MQM, the PML-N and the PML-Q, could be seen losing their composure when it comes to issues such as demanding the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui from her American prison, citing little else in her defence besides her bona fides as a Muslim woman convict, but in reality wishing to add to the woes of their political rivals’ government. Similar is the stance taken on American drone attacks, even though everyone knows that Pakistan Army provides or shares the intelligence over which such aerial strikes are carried out against extremist elements.

Back to Mr Taseer’s assassination, it was rather uncanny to overhear a conversation that I did between two security guards outside the building they were deputed to guard, within minutes of the news of Mr Taseer’s death breaking. One guard congratulated the other on the assassination while the other responded by saying that the killer was indeed a very courageous man, God be praised.

This is not the country that makes one feel very safe.
even if she was cleared, there was maximum chance of her getting murdered.

People do that when they sense that the trial is not fair or the pressure is being applied from different sections.

Once they know that it was just a ploy to harass the accused they will show anger against those who accused.
See two things, I've told you this separately, now I'll tell you this here again...

1) For grown ups - and good people, our mothers don't get insulted - ever.
2) If they ever did, violence is way far from an acceptable option that I would recommend. Primarily I will cut off all relations.
3) If I feel really pissed off - and I can hardly see myself stooping so low, I will insult their mothers in return :P

These are just words. If you feel the need to kill people because someone insults the Prophet or God or any other tenet of faith, then I think you (as in whoever) need to be treated by a psychiatrist since you can take my word for it - this is not normal, this is lunacy, this is definitely psychiatric ward material.

I personally feel, Salman Taseer ke sau gunah maaf hogaye, since he died defending a justice, humanity, and freedom.

You did nt reply to the post above...

1. Your mother does nt get insulted... but the Prophet saw does get insulted... and on occasions has been insulted (I m not sure about this Aasia case though... I have supported her side in the matter because I do not think she has insulted the Prophet saw)

2. You will cut off all relations with one person... You cannot do this when you are dealing with a whole society... You have to establish law and order...

3. You will insult their mothers in return... why try to impose your will on others... Someone might just want to give the person a bloody nose... Now imagine a billion people trying to give someone a bloody nose? Such a fool wont last after the first million blows actually...

As for your comments about seeing the Psychiatrist... You have completely ignored the details that I gave you and events when the Prophet saw himself ordered blasphemers to be killed (only after the Islamic State was established)... I dont want to elaborate on what your logic basically implies in this matter... You think deeply about that...
Thats the problem....

If some one is innocent he cannot prove it in court. Because its all on investigation of ASP plus so called witness.....

Aasia bibi had fight with those women who are the witness here..... Transparency on its best.

if some one is innocent he cant prove it in the court and if someone is not innocent he can prove himself innocent in court. Thats the problem with the courts not with the laws

my cousin was murdered and almost 4-5 hours before he died he told my father in hospital ( my father is a doctor ) about those who killed him in front of police officers. Still the murderer have been proved inocent. So what should i do. Start a campaign against the laws that deal with such cases( like salman taseer) or take revenge myself( like the elite force jawan)

both are wrong brother

In history, will it be Salman Taseer Shaheed ? or will it be Salman Taseer dead ?
People do that when they sense that the trial is not fair or the pressure is being applied from different sections.

Once they know that it was just a ploy to harass the accused they will show anger against those who accused.

good excuse.
Thats the problem....

If some one is innocent he cannot prove it in court. Because its all on investigation of ASP plus so called witness.....

Aasia bibi had fight with those women who are the witness here..... Transparency on its best.

Well yes..If there was no compelling evidence against her..The GOP could have intervened and said that since no hard evidence has been found against her..she is innocent and that would have been the end of it...
But no..the silly billies called our rulers complicated the issue and promoted it to a much higher level of fuss...
YOU are the one translating the support to freedom of speech as support to people insulting religion. These are two different things.
In America the courts do not recognize a practical difference between the two. Nor did our Founding Fathers. That is why they are both bracketed together in the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The English and their American offspring had had over two centuries of experience here: they could not have freedom of speech without freedom of religion, or the freedom of religion without freedom of speech, including the freedom to insult a religion, no matter how reprehensible the majority of the people found such insults to be.
Ever wondered why? We are the followers of a prophet(P.B.U.H) who was known for his kindness and tolerance. So why it is difficult to follow his footsteps? Aren't we Muslims supposed to follow him?

I m with you on this... You know me well enough...
Thats the problem....

If some one is innocent he cannot prove it in court. Because its all on investigation of ASP plus so called witness.....

Aasia bibi had fight with those women who are the witness here..... Transparency on its best.

Sir if courts are so useless then why shouldn't we close those and find some other means of justice cause this is true for all courts around the globe. There is an acused, witness, judge and investigator so..........
tomorrow headline would be

nation mourns over shaheed taseer's martyrdom :rofl: zerdari will be shaheed too one day :disagree: jo maar gya woh shaheed jo bach gya woh ghazi :rofl:
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