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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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if some one is innocent he cant prove it in the court and if someone is not innocent he can prove himself innocent in court. Thats the problem with the courts not with the laws

my cousin was murdered and almost 4-5 hours before he died he told my father in hospital ( my father is a doctor ) about those who killed him in front of police officers. Still the murderer have been proved inocent. So what should i do. Start a campaign against the laws that deal with such cases( like salman taseer) or take revenge myself( like the elite force jawan)

both are wrong brother
If i get full report of what really happend with your cousin and why the court didn't give justice to you...then i will comment on that... for now all i can say is may he rest in peace.

On the other hand there are big flaws in this law.... Which should be dealt.
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In America the courts do not recognize a practical difference between the two. Nor did our Founding Fathers. That is why they are both bracketed together in the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:The English and their American offspring had had over two centuries of experience here: they could not have freedom of speech without freedom of religion, or the freedom of religion without freedom of speech, including the freedom to insult a religion, no matter how reprehensible the majority of the people found such insults to be.

Theres no such thing as freedom of speech in the west... Try to fool those who dont know and dont derail the thread...
just one quick question from pakistani members.....
how is popular media i mean tv , local news paper , local cables relaying this news?
are they showing the good side of the governer and calling him a brave man???
or they are reporting it as just another murder of high profile politician???
or are they glorifying the murder????
or they have already moved on to reporting "other" important issues like weather???
Sir if courts are so useless then why shouldn't we close those and find some other means of justice cause this is true for all courts around the globe. There is an acused, witness, judge and investigator so..........
When there are flaws you correct them ...... And that what someone is trying to do....
just one quick question from pakistani members.....
how is popular media i mean tv , local news paper , local cables relaying this news?
are they showing the good side of the governer and calling him a brave man???
or they are reporting it as just another murder of high profile politician???
or are they glorifying the murder????

the media has made him shaheed(martyr), but the same media used to curse on this guy and make fun of his drunkeness, his bmw corruption in govt etc

his death will pay way for writers like najam sethi and nadeem paracha to get famous..

one thing is for sure rehman malik will surely get punished or bad securtiy as always.
just one quick question from pakistani members.....
how is popular media i mean tv , local news paper , local cables relaying this news?
are they showing the good side of the governer and calling him a brave man???
or they are reporting it as just another murder of high profile politician???
or are they glorifying the murder????

they are condemning this act
He is no Shaheed. He did not die protecting Islam and Muslims.

The only Shaheeds of Pakistan are those who sacraficed their lives for ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan.

tons of talibanis are dying protecting islam...
will you call them shahid????
just one quick question from pakistani members.....
how is popular media i mean tv , local news paper , local cables relaying this news?
are they showing the good side of the governer and calling him a brave man???
or they are reporting it as just another murder of high profile politician???
or are they glorifying the murder????
or they have already moved on to reporting "other" important issues like weather???

They are not glorifiying the murder. Its the big new. they are good side of the news and every body is condeming the act.
You did nt reply to the post above...

1. Your mother does nt get insulted... but the Prophet saw does get insulted... and on occasions has been insulted (I m not sure about this Aasia case though... I have supported her side in the matter because I do not think she has insulted the Prophet saw)

2. You will cut off all relations with one person... You cannot do this when you are dealing with a whole society... You have to establish law and order...

3. You will insult their mothers in return... why try to impose your will on others... Someone might just want to give the person a bloody nose... Now imagine a billion people trying to give someone a bloody nose? Such a fool wont last after the first million blows actually...

As for your comments about seeing the Psychiatrist... You have completely ignored the details that I gave you and events when the Prophet saw himself ordered blasphemers to be killed (only after the Islamic State was established)... I dont want to elaborate on what your logic basically implies in this matter... You think deeply about that...
Why are you trying to equate your intellect with the Prophet's?

On top of that why are you picking and choosing only the violent things you can find from the Prophet's example. It is my personal belief that there were always extenuating circumstances - circumstances that don't exist today.

The Prophet was thrown garbage at, he forgave them.

The Prophet was pelted with stones, he forgave them.

Furthermore, the Prophet destroyed Quraysh's idols, what about their Blasphemy laws? Shouldn't they have killed the Prophet, or now you'll say they had more tolerance than the Prophet (nauzibila).

For some reason, being Islami is now translated as how fast you can loose your cool and start killing in the name of Islam. What about forgiving in the name of Islam?

Idiotic people call the Prophet a pedophile, you will kill those in Pakistan what will you do to those out of Pakistan? I have been hearing this for the past 10 years of my foruming experience. I have debated in many forums and did my best to dispel this notion of people. How? If I went crazy and fumed steam from every orrifice in my body what good would that have done to Islam?

Instead I researched, read about the Arabian culture in those days, the circumstances, the precisie turn of events and the consequences of the Prophet's last marriage. If I was a mindless bumbling idiot who could only demand blood I would've only harmed Islam and nobody would've known any better.

I repeat again and emphasize, asking to kill for Blasphemy is rondhu pana. Instead make a choice to serve Islam, turn this hate filled enemy of Islam to your side by being a sensible person.
In America the courts do not recognize a practical difference between the two. Nor did our Founding Fathers. That is why they are both bracketed together in the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:The English and their American offspring had had over two centuries of experience here: they could not have freedom of speech without freedom of religion, or the freedom of religion without freedom of speech, including the freedom to insult a religion, no matter how reprehensible the majority of the people found such insults to be.
When it comes to writing law, thats how it has to be written in Pakistan too. But for the sake of argument and arguing for the logic about it, it has to be understood that secularism is not anti-religion its the simple separation of the proverbial church and state.
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