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Government gives green signal to build naval ships worth over Rs 20,000 crore

Seems like you will make the same mistake of having all your assets deployed near your coast like you did in 1971. But cant blame you as you do not have any air asset with the range to reach out and strike.
in 1971 , we had no worthy aircrafts to monitor our EEZ and for survillence of costal areas . now , we have P3 , Fokker , ZDK 03 and Saab 2000 to monitor both sea and air .
And what makes you think why we cannot deploy all our assets against you?
I hope your military higher ups don't think like u . one have to hope for best and prepare for worst . China has much stronger AF than yours and a sane man cant leave that area like that since its the same country with which u have fought once and more powerfull than you.
in 1971 , we had no worthy aircrafts to monitor our EEZ and for survillence of costal areas . now , we have P3 , Fokker , ZDK 03 and Saab 2000 to monitor both sea and air .

I hope your military higher ups don't think like u . one have to hope for best and prepare for worst . China has much stronger AF than yours and a sane man cant leave that area like that since its the same country with which u have fought once and more powerfull than you.

But what aircrafts are you planning to escort it with? And how many can you keep in station? Your idea of having too many HVA deployed in the same region is your choice and no airforce would want to deploy it against you. It is not only the P8I that u need to be afraid of..also the IL 38s will be prowling.

You forget that we too have a navy and a larger number of submarines compared to you. There is a huge difference between your SAAB and the Phalcons. You need to remember...you can only monitor till now but you still lack the numbers to actually be at two places at the same time. We out range you and you need to accept it.
But what aircrafts are you planning to escort it with? And how many can you keep in station? Your idea of having too many HVA deployed in the same region is your choice and no airforce would want to deploy it against you. It is not only the P8I that u need to be afraid of..also the IL 38s will be prowling.

You forget that we too have a navy and a larger number of submarines compared to you. There is a huge difference between your SAAB and the Phalcons. You need to remember...you can only monitor till now but you still lack the numbers to actually be at two places at the same time. We out range you and you need to accept it.

You are arguing with someone who does not understand AWACS deployment.

Just let him live in his bubble.
But what aircrafts are you planning to escort it with?
these HVAs will stay well within our airspace whereas AWE&Cs don't even need to go near enemy airspace bcoz of its long range . If escort is needed , then JF 17 can be used for that role but I think PN needs to induct dual engine long range ac .
You forget that we too have a navy and a larger number of submarines compared to you.
I know that my friend but PN Sub force is more advanced than yours and it is actually sharp sword of PN as compared to obsolete surface fleet . Agosta 90Bs are very advanced than Kilos and also have higher endurance due to AIP which kilos lack till date .
There is a huge difference between your SAAB and the Phalcons.
well there can be slight difference but we have more than double no of AWE&Cs than yours while u have to monitor China also . we are going to receive 3 more Saab Erieye this year .So gap is going to widen .
you can only monitor till now but you still lack the numbers to actually be at two places at the same time. We out range you and you need to accept it.
At least in AWE&Cs , we have clear edge over India .

You are arguing with someone who does not understand AWACS deployment.

Just let him live in his bubble.
Air Marshal Sahab , can u burst my little bubble . I am more than willing to accept my mistake if I am wrong .
SURPRISE!!!!!! we have an army and an air force too, thats why we need a joint command or theatre level command, ill explain.... the very first thing our destroyers will do is a recon ops away from Pakistani waters and few will be kept close in case Pakistan attempts something valiant, after recon ops is done, the frigates under destroyers will sweep in, the ac will cover the flanks and submarines will as always assist a pincer, and this is after accounting all your coastal defences, you ships won't just sit, they will need to fight, we have 2 squadrons of SU 30MKI and 2 squadrons of jaguars for maritime strike roles, MiG 29s from the navy equals to 6 squadrons of 4 gen fighters almost 100+ and then when air superiority is established over Pakistani EEZ, the P8is move in and remember our ships are still waiting outside and the work has been done by destroyers and maritime strike team, army will build on the pressure, so that PAF is committed to Ground attack roles....so not many F16's and JF 17 will be their to heLP your navy.....but this is all about a full scale war....thats never going to happen....
then good luck with that my friend .:-). but I believe your figures are highly exaggerated .
We have 45 MiG 29s and 2 squadrons of each Su30mki and jaguars, thats almost 45+32+32, thats 109, assume 70 of them flying any day, still a potent threat..... Joint commands havr more power compared to single branches fighting alone....if we form a joint command, everyone fights everywhere.....

You forgot to throw in the fleet of sea kings and KA 28s with ASW capability if you are going to bring in everything.
those things havent even been built yet.. and you guys already talking of how it will be used in war with Pakistan. Hold on to your horses guys..

Mmmm. You mean other nations make a weapon first and then decide how it will be used based on how it turned out?????

Identify necessity - plan - build - implement - review - identify necessity

those things havent even been built yet.. and you guys already talking of how it will be used in war with Pakistan. Hold on to your horses guys..

Mmmm. You mean other nations make a weapon first and then decide how it will be used based on how it turned out?????

Identify necessity - plan - build - implement - review - identify necessity
Not required for us.

Helicopters are more than enough.

Bro.. i don't see why we need LPD?? We are not going to invade Maldives or Lanka.. we've troops deployed in A&N
why there's a need for a LDP??
Bro.. i don't see why we need LPD?? We are not going to invade Maldives or Lanka.. we've troops deployed in A&N
why there's a need for a LDP??

We dont need to invade but we need to thwart any invasion if it takes place.
Waste of money given the price,we have no real requirement for large scale amphibious ops.IN trying to blindly copy other blue water navies here in trying to be one.
Invest in subs or f-35 for carrier instead.Half of IN ships dont have functional ASW helicopters and they do this.:tdown:

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