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Good things about your neighbours

Pakistan: Its beautiful landscapes and women. The civilization remains it has (Harappa, Mohenjo-daro etc). Easy to get along with people (As long as you don't bring in Kashmir issue) ;)
China: Its civilization and culture. Incredible speed of planning and Execution. Their indomitable spirit in standing up to any country especially U.S. :sniper:
Bangladesh: Their spirit and determination to overcome odds(especially poverty and natural disasters).
Sri Lanka: For being the torch bearer of Buddhism in sub continent and their grit in fighting against terrorism.
Nepal: Courage and Sincerity, loyalty of the people(Keeping in mind the Gorkha's contribution).
1. How Vietnamese noodles are different from Chinese noodles? :what:

Mostly similar, but there are some differences. You can try it out at any restaurant and see.

2. Most important part, please post some good examples to convince us about the SK beauties. :yes4: :yes4: :yes4: :D

Here you go, from South Korea:

I always appreciate no martial laws in India and their institutions are more stable compare to Pakistan and are less busy in pulling legs of each others which is big hurdle for progress of any country..

Second positive thing is easiness and frankness you feel when you talk to them..There is no language barrier when Punjabi/Hindi speaker talk with urdu/Punjabi speaker

Chinese dragon Korean girls look much younger than their age..what is secret.
China: *All weather friend, always supported Pakistan.
*An Ancient civilization.
*Their speed of prosperity & development.
*Yummy food.
etc etc

India: *Their focus on getting higher education(at least here in US).
*Their Nationalism & Patriotism.

Afghanistan: *Their braveness, spirit & energy

Iran: *They can stood against anyone for their national interest i.e they have leaders with guts.
*An Ancient civilization.
*Great culture.
*Persian language.

China: *All weather friend, always supported Pakistan.
*An Ancient civilization.
*Their speed of prosperity & development.
*Yummy food.
etc etc

India: *Their focus on getting higher education(at least here in US).
*Their Nationalism & Patriotism.

Afghanistan: *Their braveness, spirit & energy

Iran: *They can stood against anyone for their national interest i.e they have leaders with guts.
*An Ancient civilization.
*Great culture.
*Persian language.
India: *Their focus on getting higher education(at least here in US).
*Their Nationalism & Patriotism.
First one is right but their nationalism/patriotism is actually jingoism which is quiet negative thing

all in all i like general people but not the country as a whole.
Kia genius philosophy mari ha

what is country without people? lol
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Nationalism is Jingoism in a way. The only difference is in degrees of extremism added to it.
Not really nationalism is positive thing just like patriotism which is loyalty/devotion towards your nation and care about it interest and criticise wrong things or wrong policies of your leadership or country man

while jingoism is negative trait which is actually defending all good or bad of your country at any cost..justify wrong doings , unfairness with different excuses. Its actually blind support for your country and to think that your country man cannot be wrong whether he is in uniform or without uniform :)
First one is right but their nationalism/patriotism is actually jingoism which is quiet negative thing

Kia genius philosophy mari ha

what is country without people? lol

Abe log tho Iran ke bhi acche hai :D Aab samjha :D
I'm gonna give my opinion (both positive and negative - hopefully constructive) on China's neighbours, of whom's people I've met and have some knowledge of, here goes:

1. India: I have lots of Indian friends, they are intelligent and friendly, and they make excellent curry! We have lots of similarities in terms of culture, values and phase of development. If both countries can put our differences aside (I won't go into that today), there is a huge potential for cooperation and development in Asia - we directly govern and influence 40% of the human race. In terms of the Indian economy, being Chinese, I understand the difficulty of governing such a large and diverse population; but I do agree with some that India has a few things they can learn from China. Though I feel in general the Chinese have a better impression of Indians than Indians do Chinese. (Probably because there is a lot of anti-Chinese media in India, whereas whenever India is mentioned in China, we talk about their culture/good food)

2. Pakistan: I have lots of Pakistani friends too, they are proud and loyal people with honesty and integrity. They have a good opinion of the Chinese, and therefore whenever I meet one, I always become immediately friendly with them. They were the first country to recognize the PRC during our most difficult time - against all adversity they helped us in our time of need. So now that we have become more wealthy and in a position to help, it is as they say in Game of Thrones: 'A Lannister always pays his debts.' I understand Pakistan has some problems with religious extremism and terrorism, but I do not know enough about it to make an intelligent comment - so I won't.

3. Vietnam: Very warm and friendly people - I love to go out for meals with them. Love their food, weather and scenery. I don't have that many Vietnamese friends, but lots of Vietnamese girls are really nice to me :-) so I assume they are all nice. In terms of their economy - they are in a similar position to China in the early 2000s - big supply of labour at relatively cheap prices. They have a good opportunity to become the next (mini) China in terms of establishing a big manufacturing base, but to support that they need to invest heavily to have a skilled labour force as well as excellent infrastructure.

4. Russia: Proud and earnest people, I like their no BS style. Like us, they are a big country with a long and proud history. Good people to drink with. Lots of great minds and scientists (albeit lots have gone to the West, like India and China). If Putin can stabilize new Russia, they will be the new Energy superpower in the coming century.

5: Japan: I love their Food! (I'm big on food if you can't tell by now). Proud and intelligent people - makes excellent consumer electronics not even the US or Germany can beat. I have been to Japan a few times, and although their people are friendly and polite - I get a feeling they don't really welcome outsiders - not just Chinese people. This is in stark contrast to visiting India where people are friendly, warm and welcoming. I don't want to get too political, but a lot of their policies tends towards an aim of a 'pure race', and I can feel it in their society even as a tourist. I use to really like Japanese culture - e.g. Manga and Language, but these interests have dropped and my opinion of Japan has changed after visiting it.

6: South Korea: Again, very friendly people! Like us Asians they are intelligent and have good work ethics. It punches way above its weight for its size in terms of its economy and cultural influence. Not sure about the girls though - recent studies suggests almost 50% of women from age 16-40 has had plastic surgery - I'm not into that kind of thing. What you guys see on TV is packaged 10 times over, they're not as good in real life trust me.:-) sorry if I offended any Korean girls

7: North Korea: I wish the US would agree to leave the Korean peninsula after reunification, so that China, the US and SK would see to the collapse of the Kim regime and we will have peace and prosperity in East Asia - I know, easier said than done.

Too late today. I'll leave it at that - let me know what you guys think.
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