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Good things about your neighbours

A lot of Indians don't even know anything about Pakistan.
thats the big country syndrome, lot of indians dont know enough about their own country, majority of educated Indians cant show where manipur is for example.
No offense taken. :)

we surely have some good roads

I like MANY things about India

Pakistan does have better roads I feel. And is probably cleaner too.

alot of them dont know anything about us even then they act like cry babies always :P

:D True I suppose :)

So here is my take

Pakistan: I feel that in terms of academics, they are still an untapped source. Better road infra than India. Better hosts too I feel.

China - Envious at the fact that they are decades ahead of us. Sheer willpower, discipline and in awe of their command economy.

Sri lanka - The best example of a South Asian country. Love their people and their temperament.

Bangladesh: They have better HDI than Indians. They also I feel have an untapped source in Human capital.
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So much hate





I don't hate Pakistanis, that notion is ridiculous.

Also you win for using Dave chapelle :-)
Pakistan : Less covenant , Security problems
Arabs : Jahiliyya regimes
Azerbaijan : Ties with Israel against Iran

Nothing positive
Pakistan: their fast bowlers, K2
China: infrastructure,
Bangladesh: Water,
Srilanka: HDI,
Nepal: Amazing mountains
Pakistan : Less covenant , Security problems
Arabs : Jahiliyya regimes
Azerbaijan : Ties with Israel against Iran

Nothing positive

erhmmm , Azerbaijan has good relations with Israel , because both are big trade partners.
we dont really give a crap about Iran and don't let any nation use Azerbaijan as a base to attack someone else
Bangladesh: Beautiful countryside. Especially the abundance of ponds and greenery. Moderate and progressive.

Pakistan: Friendly and very hospitable people (barring animosity towards India). Gorgeous mountains and landscape.

Sri Lanka: True to its description from the day of Ramayana, the land of Kubera (god of wealth and prosperity). Paradise indeed.

Nepal: One of the most beautiful country on this planet. Friendly, hospitable, relaxed, and cheerful. Soul mates of India.

Bhutan: One of the most beautiful country on this planet. Friendly, hospitable, relaxed, and cheerful. Soul mates of India.
Pakistan: Resilient and strong people,even in somewhat everlasting war they are united.
Bangladesh:Can teach India about improving our HDI.
China: Jealous of their economy,geopolitical status.
Sri-Lanka: Sometimes we argue.
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