Let me expand on the vey valid point you raised. I have spent significant amount reading and trying to rationalize the contradictions which are writ large in this "existence or being for Islam". The truth is back in British Raj Islam was used for a politcal agenda. There was no deep philosophy behind it but just plain politics of convenience. It was a lie dressed as a rally call "Pakistan reason is Islam" because such a message worked nicely amongst the semi-literate masses who don't ask too many questions.
It was a lie because if indeed there had been even a shred of truth to it then as a country made for Islam for Muslims would be for all Muslims. As you know Islam does not have class of Muslims. It is a global, trans-national religion. If the makers of Pakistan had been true to the "Pakistan for Islam" then you as a Turkish Muslim, a Nigerian Muslim, a Malay Muslim, a Black Muslim from New York could move to Pakistan and just declare you are a 'Muslim' and that would be it.
For example you can see Israel. It is homeland of Jews. It accepts any Jew from any place on earth of any ethnic group. Pakistan does not follw that format. Thus the reality is Islam was used as a ploy in 1947 to get a state. Once it was got it constitutionally became a federation of what in fact were broadly four/five ethnic based provinces.
In fact even the name Pakistan is a acronym of those 4/5 provinces. P for Punjab, A for Afghania, K for Kashmir, S for Sindh, with suffix Istan from Baloch
istan. The fig leaf of 'Islam' has been kept simmering in the pot by the ruling elites as it was expediant to placate the masses and divert them from economic reforms or political accountability. Furthermore during the Cold War it innoculated the state against the threat from the socialists and communists.