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‘Gita my basis for counselling Hindus in U.S. military’

I think Hindus reclaiming Swastika and word Aryan(which means noble) make them aware of it will help the western countries to tackle the Neo-Nazi menace and weaken their ideology. There are 1 billion of us, similarly Swastika is holy to Buddhists.

BTW They stole it even before Hitler was born for the sake of German national pride to get rid of the baggage of Barbaric history. One German excavator named Heinrich Schellimann in late 1800s while excavating mythical Troy city in Turkey found Swastika signs, now Germans historians saw many civilization using Swastika, now they looked in Rigveda and found the word Aryan and thus they named this hypothetical white as Aryan and no Indian historian was ever consulted for this. The universities across Europe had decided centre for Sanskrit study mainly to fabricate the meaning of Vedic verses to prove there was some White Aryan race as the masters of civilizations across the world.

It is sad that the usage of religious text via misinterpretation leads to mad men using them for heinous acts. Acts that lead to embarrassment and prosecution from bigots around the world for the larger population of that religion which really has nothing to do with the mad men and the ideals.
It is sad that the usage of religious text via misinterpretation leads to mad men using them for heinous acts. Acts that lead to embarrassment and prosecution from bigots around the world for the larger population of that religion which really has nothing to do with the mad men and the ideals.

In such cases the larger population need to vehemently disassociate themselves from the mad men and also need to critically condemn the mad men repeatedly and publicly. Problem arise when the larger population remain silent, that silence is seen by the outside world as silent approval for the mad men. Situation worsens when a portion of the larger population is seen actively supporting and nurturing the mad men among themselves for some purpose, then the line between the larger population and the mad men gets blurred. :)

Good news is that the world don't see the Nazis and the Hindus as one entity or anyway similar in their respective ideologies, it's just the Swastika symbol that the Nazis could use, or misuse, not Hinduism.
The wisdom of ancient Indian dharmic texts should be spread to the rest of the world. Especially the people living in darkness of Abrahamic religions should be washed with the light of dharma.
In such cases the larger population need to vehemently disassociate themselves from the mad men and also need to critically condemn the mad men repeatedly and publicly. Problem arise when the larger population remain silent, that silence is seen by the outside world as silent approval for the mad men. Situation worsens when a portion of the larger population is seen actively supporting and nurturing the mad men among themselves for some purpose, then the line between the larger population and the mad men gets blurred. :)

Good news is that the world don't see the Nazis and the Hindus as one entity or anyway similar in their respective ideologies, it's just the Swastika symbol that the Nazis could use, or misuse, not Hinduism.

What if the protest of the larger population is not promoted as actively as the word of the mad men. What if the statement that the Swastika is a symbol for peace is not shown as much on TV as it is emblazoned on the Nazi emblem?
swastika is a representation if comet. It is true that the swastika used by hindus is not known by most of the world, but the swastika on Hitler's flag has more recall. so what is your point.
What if the protest of the larger population is not promoted as actively as the word of the mad men. What if the statement that the Swastika is a symbol for peace is not shown as much on TV as it is emblazoned on the Nazi emblem?

Then the larger population must make more efforts to make them heard, there are many ways to do that if they are really serious about it. And more importantly, the larger population need to validate their words with their action; at any point in time they cannot be seen to be remotely supporting or nurturing the mad men within themselves for any reason/purpose whatsoever, that will be a serious blow to their credibility and the outside world won't believe in their words anymore. In any case, it always takes more effort to repair a dented reputation, so the larger population need to take a stock of the mess (if any :)) and take corrective measures, if required then drastic measures, to sort out the mess and send a strong messege to the mad men, even by sacrificing any perceived short term gain from them.
Then the larger population must make more efforts to make them heard, there are many ways to do that if they are really serious to make them heard. And more importantly, the larger population need to validate their words with their action; at any point in time they cannot be seen to be remotely supporting or nurturing the mad men within themselves for any reason/purpose whatsoever, that will be a serious blow to their credibility and the outside world won't believe in their words anymore. In any case, it always takes more effort to repair a dented reputation, so the larger population need to take a stock of the mess (if any :) ) and take corrective measures, if required then drastic measures, to sort out the mess and send a strong messege to the mad men, even by sacrificing any perceived short term gain from them.

That depends on off course whether the larger population has any hold on the media that is delivering this impression. As my last post clearly implied, if the larger population has no control over whose voice is heard more by the rest of the world.
One can easily interpret gita to create an army of terrorists.... or nazi war machine.. with no remorse felt when you kill other side because thats your job and you are supposed to do dispassionately.

There is no scope of misinterpretation. Sanskrit is not an ambiguous language like Arabic.
That depends on off course whether the larger population has any hold on the media that is delivering this impression. As my last post clearly implied, if the larger population has no control over whose voice is heard more by the rest of the world.

First we have to see if the larger population or a considerable portion of it is in any way associated with the mad men, supporting the mad men, assisting them or nurturing them, even selectively, for any perceived material, ideological or political gain. If the answer is yes, even a reluctant yes, then much of the credibility of their voice is lost already, the world media won't take their voice seriously. I for one would rather not believe in
the existence of some great conspiracy theory or motivated agenda against any larger population. Instead, if I am a part of the larger population, I would first introspect about whether the accusations against us have any merit or not, and if they have any merit, even partially, then what we can do to rectify that first before blaming the outside world and their media for accusing us, especially for reasons that are under our control. Yes, the rectification process might have some short term costs and sacrifices, maybe major ones also, and here comes the real test of the willingness of the larger population to completely disassociate themselves from the mad men. That's a hard call to take, and the world is still waiting to see that. Action speaks louder than words. :)
I would first introspect about whether the accusations against us have any merit or not, and if they have any merit, even partially, then what we can do to rectify that first before blaming the outside world and their media for accusing us, especially for reasons that are under our control.
What if the bolded part is not shown? Then the onus is on whom? Should the rest of the world willingly choose to remain ignorant? The cold war is testament to that attitude. So perhaps whilst some people might realize the benign origins of the Swastika, most of the world sees it only as a Nazi symbol because that is what the world media portrays it. Despite countless efforts to the contrary that simply go unnoticed because that does not drag in nielson ratings.
It is sad that the usage of religious text via misinterpretation leads to mad men using them for heinous acts. Acts that lead to embarrassment and prosecution from bigots around the world for the larger population of that religion which really has nothing to do with the mad men and the ideals.

The Aryan race theory is still very enticing among Europeans and didn't die down with Germany's surrender and it even entice Italians or Greeks who have a proud history too but still fall prey to it.

During colonial era, there were numerous reasons that Europeans got attracted to Sanskrit and they created things based on need like leftist and anti-Semitic people wanted to disapprove the supremacy of Hebrew language, British had their colonial interests in India (Aryan vs Dravidian theory) and German nationalistic identity and all of them used and collaborated based on their own needs. They created a perception that Aryan is synonym of being European and Whiteman(with blue eyes and blonde hair) and more whiter skin means more claim on Vedic culture and Sanskrit language of brown Indians. The madman named Hitler originated out of all this theories and humiliation of Germans in first world war.
The Aryan race theory is still very enticing among Europeans and didn't die down with Germany's surrender and it even entice Italians or Greeks who have a proud history too but still fall prey to it.

During colonial era, there were numerous reasons that Europeans got attracted to Sanskrit and they created things based on need like leftist and anti-Semitic people wanted to disapprove the supremacy of Hebrew language, British had their colonial interests in India (Aryan vs Dravidian theory) and German nationalistic identity and all of them used and collaborated based on their own needs. They created a perception that Aryan is synonym of being European and Whiteman(with blue eyes and blonde hair) and more whiter skin means more claim on Vedic culture and Sanskrit language of brown Indians. The madman named Hitler originated out of all this theories and humiliation of Germans in first world war.

Actually the whole Nazi madness and subsequent events was a dispute .A dispute that 'who is real Aryan' 'you' or 'me'.?
Indian Civilization was already made so much fans in Europe at that time .So they quarreled each other for ownership and rights for the real descendants of mythical Aryan.
But like you said they didnt consult an Indian for the real meaning of Aryan (or noble in behaviour).
British thought Ashoka and Mauryan Empire was a myth until they find out the evidence of Ashoka rule in 19th century
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