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Giant statue in India to honour an Ancient Pakistani from Swat (123 ft or 37.5 metres high)

Who wants to bet that inferiority-ridden gangus will look after this tacky statue a million times better than the iconic Taj Mahal or any mughal era treasure for that matter?

I feel very happy that a Pakistani is recognised in gangadesh but why make something so tacky? And when will gangadesh recognise the great Mughals who did a heck of a lot more to put "India" on the map than this guy?
You are talking as if we have obliterated monuments built by Mughals. Taj Mahal and other monuments are looked well after, you don't need to worry.

Funny when you call us inferiority ridden though lol.

That Pakistani was following Indian Buddhist philosophy. I won't call it Indian as I would want the world to follow some aspect of it but you guys need to be talked in this way.

Mughals did a lot to put India on the map? You are talking as if Mughals had a sense of nationalism.

I am exhausted when Pakistanis defend themselves by hiding behind the backs of Mughals. I know you will go on with the same thing. So please don't get disappointed if you don't get my reply. I think we both have argued on the same thing some months ago and I don't want to waste my time with you.
Exactly my point. It says tribe not caste.
The word comes from Spanish where it is used for breed, lineage or tribe.
All Hindu gods , well at least the main ones , are of white skin and Caucasian or Central Asian features, meaning they were not from current india but foreign kings and queens who strengthened their position by portraying themselves as god's.
As you wish.
You need to relinquish you Hindu past like your forefathers did to become a good Pakistani and Muslim. If you want to continue to be a closet Hindu, you are better off leaving to India with your Aman ki Tamasha gang.
Bull. Pakistan has no desire to relinquish the rich history and culture that comes with the land it occupies. These are treasures of our heritage and indeed, we have fought for control of this legacy just as much as we have fought for the soil itself. We own the Indus Valley and its legacy. You're beyond confused on this matter.

Take a look at how the philistines in India allow great treasures to fall into disrepair because they are tainted by religious specifications. Would you have Pakistan do the same? Certainly! We Muslims can believe that we inherited the true and righteous destiny of the Almighty's grandest design. However, everything that came before should be guarded by us most jealously and zealously.

We have earned this bounty. Would you have gangus take back their self-declared Hindu heritage from Pakistan's lands?
You need to relinquish you Hindu past like your forefathers did to become a good Pakistani and Muslim. If you want to continue to be a closet Hindu, you are better off leaving to India with your Aman ki Tamasha gang.
You are triggered. I don't need to do anything to prove anything to you. I am son of soil like my father like my grand father and like his grandfather.
If Indians came to know this Padmasambhava is from current landmass Pakistan, they will call him 'Go back to Pakistan'...you are a desh drohi...
Nonsense...panini the first grammarian ( sanskrit)was born in pakistan...much of the Mahabharata happened in present day Afghanistan and Pakistan...our ancient famous university is in present day Pakistan(takshashila)...we love our history...but we don't love converts...many religious hindus chant a verse everyday while bathing in which there is a mention of different rivers of India.. and you know what..there is the name of river sindhu in it as well...this is recited by a person who is living in the extreme South of Tamil nadu as well.

"Ganga Cha Yamuna Chaiva Godavari Saraswati, Narmada Sindhu Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru"
Meaning: The literal meaning of this mantra is: "In this water, I invoke the presence of divine waters from the rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindhu and Kaveri. These rivers are considered as goddesses and I pray to them for considering me for their blessings.
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You are talking as if Mughals had a sense of nationalism.
Mughals did consider this land their own home hence their contributions.
That Pakistani was following Indian Buddhist philosophy. I won't call it Indian as I would want the world to follow some aspect of it but you guys need to be talked in this way.
Just clarify where the Indus Valley is before you go ranting with your interpretations again. This Buddhist guy is a Pakistani. "Indian Buddhism" is a misleading term because it implies some connection between the modern nation state of India and this guy's teachings, when there in fact Is none.
The word comes from Spanish where it is used for breed, lineage or tribe.

The word caste is Jati, also spelled jat, caste, in Hindu society. The term is derived from the Sanskrit jāta, “born” or “brought into existence,” and indicates a form of existence determined by birth. In Indian philosophy, jati (genus) describes any group of things that have generic characteristics in common. Sociologically, jati has come to be used universally to indicate a caste group among Hindus.

Just clarify where the Indus Valley is before you go ranting with your interpretations again. This Buddhist guy is a Pakistani. "Indian Buddhism" is a misleading term because it implies some connection between the modern nation state of India and this guy's teachings, when there in fact Is none.

Okay call it Gangu Buddhism...the Biggest Port of Indus Valley is in Gujarat far away from the confines of Indus Valley...Biggest site of IVC is in Haryana...the only time Skeletons for DNA identification of Indus people were found, it was in Haryana..again outside of the confines of Indus Valley...if 60 percent of the Big Cities of Indus Valley are in Pakistan then 40 percent is in India...

There is a disntinction between Ind and Pak...But Indus Valley Civilization ain't it

The difference arose after IVC...
Okay call it Gangu Buddhism...the Biggest Port of Indus Valley is in Gujarat far away from the confines of Indus Valley...Biggest site of IVC is in Haryana...the only time Skeletons for DNA identification of Indus people were found, it was in Haryana..again outside of the confines of Indus Valley...if 60 percent of the Big Cities of Indus Valley are in Pakistan then 40 percent is in India...
The guy you posted this thread about is from SWAT. Deal with it gangu.
That Pakistani was following Indian Buddhist philosophy. I won't call it Indian as I would want the world to follow some aspect of it but you guys need to be talked in this way.
And today you follow what our ancestors introduced.
The guy you posted this thread about is from SWAT. Deal with it gangu.

That's not so nice... I donot think this Swati gentleman would have said "Deal with it,Gangu" to the Buddha
Beta pehli fursat mai apna DNA check karwao.Hum sub local hain yahan kai.Qureshi likhney sai aap Hashmi nahi ban gaye houn

Are bhai if they want to be genetic mix of Turks, Arabs, Afghans and pashtuns, what problem do you have. Many Pakistanis have the dream to be a B grade Arabs. Let them be.
"exhausted when Pakistanis defend themselves by hiding behind the backs of Mughals"

Not my problem or fault if you remain voluntarily resistant to a major - if not the most important - part of gangadesh's history - the mughal empire. It is wonderful if you personally feel an affinity to them and wish to preserve their legacy. Do note that your opinion is not shared by the elected government of your national who shamefully declare the mughal period an era of slavery for Hindustan.

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