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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

Sir, yes countries do covert operations and its not some non-state actors that do it.

Do you really think India has a clean slate after LTTE and MB?
The US uses Blackwater (Xe), the Contras, and all sorts of 'non-state actos' to achieve their objectives.

I think Israel is the only country that officially acknowledges that its state agencies carry out assassinations. But all countries have operatives to do the dirty work.

what exactly do you mean by "Every country uses 'non-state actors'".....once a country starts using them they are state actors......so u are admitting to something aren't you?:azn:

No, they are not officially on the state payroll, which is precisely what makes them non-state actors.

It is new reality you have to get use to it..world has no sympathy for supporters of terrorism.

We are perfectly well aware of the new reality. Bashing Pakistan is just part of the West's obsession to prop up India as a counter to China.
Accept the reality, Well son if u cant understand this then you should know that I have accepted the reality that these world leaders who come to your country and bs about Pakistan to secure deals (and you should accept this reality that it is associated with the money that you guys are dishing out) are full of sh!t if not short of it. where were they when the whole Kashmir insurgency was at full swing in the 80's-90's you guys were crying and whining even then. But then the money was short, and the west still needed us more then they needed u. Now our short coming is that we have a fleet full of retarded traitors who wont mind selling their mothers when it comes to money, as our rulers. So they come and they bark more then usual, but mind u this happens mostly when they are there, and if you are not wise enough to see the pattern. Obama came and secured loads and loads of deals with india bashed Pakistan, go back to washington happy. Minimi came did the same got a 20 million$ deal. Ca-moron secured deals for england bashed Pakistan went to Afghanistan didnt have any thing to say when there. So get a life dude, we in Pakistan have understood the bs that comes our way when it comes to some western leader whose economy is in shambles visiting india. The only setback is that we have as I said earlier traitors and nothing short of it as our leaders. If they had any shame they would put their foot down so hard that the echo of which would have been heard in their capitals. And trust me we have more then one way of dealing with these morons. But the irony. So till then enjoy it till it lasts, and the comments I make about india being the ATM well if u cant see the funny side of it then I am sorry for you.

Oouch..!! lol

well well, you are entitled to put forward your opinion.! But sadly that's of only yours and your countrymen..!

Accept the reality kid..! Money and defense deals are not the sole factor behind these statments you are not accepting the loopholes,and neithr you can.But the whole world recognised it and accept it thats why they give such bold statments cause it has its roots in pakistan.! And about 80's and 90's 9/11 did'nt happen at that time, and west was not giving **** to terrorismm and terrorists until they tasted it in there own country.!

I still say 9/11 was the turning point..!

You have your problems regarding leadership and we have our's..! But the point is why germany and other country's have given these statments? and if you look at its roots then every finger points towards "pakistan based terrorists" attackig india..! But you are not going to accept even this(even your ex-president accepted).

so, thats why i said you have your opinion on this but sadly your opinion is only supported by your countrymen not anyone else in world..!(delusion..!):)
U need to be more aware of the facts and need to stop talking out of you know where. The attacks that are happening in Pakistan are done by the TTP which had nothing to do with Pakistan. Its another debate altogether which has been done time and again. And you should go look at those threads, to understand who these organizations are. Why the heck would we be supporting an organization that is in return killing our own people.

Oh really?? Ok if you are familiar with Jaish-e-Mohammed and its origins

now quiz question for you is, what is its relation to Sipah-e-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (which have been accused of many terrorist incidents in pakistan.)

What are Jaish-e-Mohammed's own acts of terrors in Pakistan?

What is nexus between Lashkar-e-Taiba and Al-Qaida ...What is the nexus between Al-Qaida and TTP.

If you are able to find answers to these questions you will see...if not I will elaborate.
We are perfectly well aware of the new reality. Bashing Pakistan is just part of the West's obsession to prop up India as a counter to China.

Well if thats what you believe in, then consider it as your bad luck.
Good job Germany. pakistan is getting exposed and bad publicity.

India is US$1300 billion economy by within 5 years we will be US$ 2 trillion economy and by 2020 US$ 3 trillion what will happen then.
^^Yes your own head of state is on the record stating that your government have supported/turned a blind eye to terrorist organisations in the past, to achieve political ends.

What is to say, that this policy has changed?

:cheesy: Bhagat singh was a terrorist.

All those who fought against Britishers were terrorists.

India funded, made, sheltered terrorists for Indian state terrorism in Pakistan in 71

Indian sponsoring BLA terrorists against Pakistan.

:lol: lolz who is using terrorists for political goals none other than Bharat
Oouch..!! lol

well well, you are entitled to put forward your opinion.! But sadly that's of only yours and your countrymen..!

Accept the reality kid..! Money and defense deals are not the sole factor behind these statments you are not accepting the loopholes,and neithr you can.But the whole world recognised it and accept it thats why they give such bold statments cause it has its roots in pakistan.! And about 80's and 90's 9/11 did'nt happen at that time, and west was not gicen **** to terrorismm and terrorists until they tasted it in there own country.!

I still say 9/11 was the turning point..!

You have your problems regarding leadership and we have our's..! But the point is why germany and other country's have given these statments? and if you look at its roots then every finger points towards "pakistan based terrorists" attackig india..! But you are not going to accept even this(even your ex-president accepted).

so, thats why i said you have your opinion on this but sadly your opinion is only supported by your countrymen not anyone else in world..!(delusion..!):)

U can call me delusional and or what ever u want to, the fact of the matter is that I make my decisions based on what facts are in front of me not what suits my ego (unlike u and ur country men). And if cant seem to comprehend the fact that all the cr@py statements that originate from these so called leaders who are pathetic to their core, come only when they are in india to sign a deal of some sort. Why dont they open their mouth when they are in their own countries, because they dont seem to fell the need for it. As it dont fill their agenda. And another fact that I just realize that a troll or many a trolls like u are best kept on ignore, so bye.

Another point, what is that with u guys whining about Pakistan all the time that they did this and they did that. Have you all no shame, or u just cant remember 71 at all.
:cheesy: Bhagat singh was a terrorist.

All those who fought against Britishers were terrorists.

India funded, made, sheltered terrorists for Indian state terrorism in Pakistan in 71

Indian sponsoring BLA terrorists against Pakistan.

:lol: lolz who is using terrorists for political goals none other than Bharat

Cry-me- a-river !! despite all this, entire world associates you with terrorists.:cheesy:
Oh really?? Ok if you are familiar with Jaish-e-Mohammed and its origins

now quiz question for you is, what is its relation to Sipah-e-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (which have been accused of many terrorist incidents in pakistan.)

What are Jaish-e-Mohammed's own acts of terrors in Pakistan?

What is nexus between Lashkar-e-Taiba and Al-Qaida ...What is the nexus between Al-Qaida and TTP.

If you are able to find answers to these questions you will see...if not I will elaborate.

Please elaborate, but before elaborating also do elaborate on the nexus between a certain raw and MB.
Complete and utter BS, what about the Islamic world and the Chinese world?

See for them they dont exist. The only thing that will float their boat is when some one bashes Pakistan, and if China or the Islamic countries dont do it then they pretty much dont even exist.
Good job Germany. pakistan is getting exposed and bad publicity.

These diatribes we have been hearing for long.

Above all Germany and many other countries who are having trade deals with you know the exact weak and soft points of India and one of these weak points is that bhartis can be fooled very easily by bashing Pakistan ;) so please keep getting happy over Pakistan bashing it really doesnt affect us.

India is US$1300 billion economy by within 5 years we will be US$ 2 trillion economy and by 2020 US$ 3 trillion what will happen then.

mmmm nothing will happen.

The same old mantra will continue and that is India will cry over even if we purchase a grenade, India will cry even if some other country offer us anti-terrorism training.

your economy will go up and rich poor gape will be widening as it is now.
Complete and utter BS, what about the Islamic world and the Chinese world?

No body endorses terror..neither Muslim countries(especially after 9/11) not the Chinese(as they to have had their hands bitten by it...although they still have not openly criticized it.

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