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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

More countries are recognizing the Pakistani perfidy. Either Pakistan needs to change its policies or be damned by more and more countries for its terrorism policies.
If that's all true then it should be taken to the UN and rubbed thoroughly in the face of India for the world to see. If Pakistan can prove such things are happening in Kashmir then it should be publicizing the pictures and the stories relentlessly on any world media outlet it can get to listen. BUT, that does not justify the use of irregular jihadi terrorist forces by Pakistan in retaliation. IMHO.
How can we rub it in India's face through the UN? All these countries, Germany, UK, US, France, they are all afraid to make a single statement against India since that would mean losing their business.

The UN's top echelon is morally bankrupt and is in no place to tell us what is unacceptable. It is ridiculously assumed we are even trying to commit terror, we're trying to kill Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir - which is legitimate and a commendable cause if you view from the fact that everyone in Kashmir wants to see them dead anyway and they are in the process of killing Kashmiri civilians as well.
How can we rub it in India's face through the UN? All these countries, Germany, UK, US, France, they are all afraid to make a single statement against India since that would mean losing their business.

The UN's top echelon is morally bankrupt and is in no place to tell us what is unacceptable. It is ridiculously assumed we are even trying to commit terror, we're trying to kill Indian soldiers serving in Kashmir - which is legitimate and a commendable cause if you view from the fact that everyone in Kashmir wants to see them dead anyway and they are in the process of killing Kashmiri civilians as well.

Good that informed Pakistanis know the current ground reality no one wants to go against India on Kashmir.

This is the situation when we are just emerging.Imagine the stance when we have fully emerged from the woods. !
How can we rub it in India's face through the UN? All these countries, Germany, UK, US, France, they are all afraid to make a single statement against India since that would mean losing their business.

Well Pakistan has already convinced China to go for the visa-stapling issue, and to deny entry to an Indian general who served in J&K.

If your politicians ask China to step up the pressure, then I'm sure another understanding could be reached.
Stern message and good move by Germany..:tup::tup::tup:

I wonder when the same leaders leave india they have nothing to say or even repeat the statements made by them when at the ATM.
I wonder when the same leaders leave india they have nothing to say or even repeat the statements made by them when at the ATM.

Accept the reality don't satisfy yourself by linking these statments with money or defense deals by doing that you just making fool of yourself and no one else..!

And about repeating the statment..! why will a country repeat a statment again and again..! Country's make statment once for clarifying there stand on a particular issue,not again an again..

And thats what is done by USA, UK, FRANCE ,GERMANY...!
More countries are recognizing the Pakistani perfidy. Either Pakistan needs to change its policies or be damned by more and more countries for its terrorism policies.

as long as Pakistan fails to do some introspection.....its of no use ...its Pakistan that has to understand .....they don't even realize that its bad for its own economy....
as long as Pakistan fails to do some introspection.....its of no use ...its Pakistan that has to understand .....they don't even realize that its bad for its own economy....

Not only economy, but also lives of its citizens..many terrorist attack taking place in Pakistan can be traced back to the organisations it created to spread terror in India.
Accept the reality don't satisfy yourself by linking these statments with money or defense deals by doing that you just making fool of yourself and no one else..!

And about repeating the statment..! why will a country repeat a statment again and again..! Country's make statment once for clarifying there stand on a particular issue,not again an again..

And thats what is done by USA, UK, FRANCE ,GERMANY...!

Accept the reality, Well son if u cant understand this then you should know that I have accepted the reality that these world leaders who come to your country and bs about Pakistan to secure deals (and you should accept this reality that it is associated with the money that you guys are dishing out) are full of sh!t if not short of it. where were they when the whole Kashmir insurgency was at full swing in the 80's-90's you guys were crying and whining even then. But then the money was short, and the west still needed us more then they needed u. Now our short coming is that we have a fleet full of retarded traitors who wont mind selling their mothers when it comes to money, as our rulers. So they come and they bark more then usual, but mind u this happens mostly when they are there, and if you are not wise enough to see the pattern. Obama came and secured loads and loads of deals with india bashed Pakistan, go back to washington happy. Minimi came did the same got a 20 million$ deal. Ca-moron secured deals for england bashed Pakistan went to Afghanistan didnt have any thing to say when there. So get a life dude, we in Pakistan have understood the bs that comes our way when it comes to some western leader whose economy is in shambles visiting india. The only setback is that we have as I said earlier traitors and nothing short of it as our leaders. If they had any shame they would put their foot down so hard that the echo of which would have been heard in their capitals. And trust me we have more then one way of dealing with these morons. But the irony. So till then enjoy it till it lasts, and the comments I make about india being the ATM well if u cant see the funny side of it then I am sorry for you.
Not only economy, but also lives of its citizens..many terrorist attack taking place in Pakistan can be traced back to the organisations it created to spread terror in India.

U need to be more aware of the facts and need to stop talking out of you know where. The attacks that are happening in Pakistan are done by the TTP which had nothing to do with Pakistan. Its another debate altogether which has been done time and again. And you should go look at those threads, to understand who these organizations are. Why the heck would we be supporting an organization that is in return killing our own people.
Hint Cameron style ;)
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