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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

Then please do as Truth Seeker suggested, and 'take it to the UN, establish it, and rub it in Pakistan's face by having it declared a terrorist sponsoring nation'.

What do you think is happening here Sir? With all these heads of states making these statements? And what else would you like these leaders to say so that you get the drift of where they are going with this line?

Also please explain to me how Indian support for terrorists in East Pakistan in 1971, that is still glorified and celebrated in Indian history and the Indian media, should be looked at.

Why don't you find us some non - ONLINE agency sort of history that implicates India in souring the situation in Bangladesh in 1971 for Pakistan and we can then address that. Because when we read about things like blood telegram etc. they actually talk totally opposite of what you claim.

Re taking it to UN, why should India take it to UN. India does not recognize the dispute. The dispute as being claimed is from Pakistan and it is in that exact context Merkel said that Pakistan should not deploy terrorist assets for political objectives.
and oh yes whatever the whole world says about its all to please india.
you guys will never wake up, the whole world has been calling you epicentre of terrorism in major forums and you keep your ears shut to that blame every thing on your incompetent govt, that they didnt reply to it sternly.
atlast its left to pakistan to make up whatever it wants to underestand.

The world according to you the selective states that call us the epicenter of terrorism are the ones that do it out of necessity. Who in the whole world is sacrificing more then any one else in the whole shared of the WOT. We are and still u indians want to moan about what we are not doing for you. Try to do something before u expect us to return the favor, and also stop painting all the Pakistanis with one brush. Our gov is full of sh@t but I dare u to shed some light where you prove that Pakistani gov and other national entities are involved in acts of terrorism in india. Repeatedly u guys have posted this cr!p without proof. And not once have you replied to the indian involvement in the break up of Pakistan.
well i'm not the person who said that "my country never supported any kind of movement to gain politicaly".

Well he said alot of things about india as well. But alas the selective amnesia comes into play.
The world according to you the selective states that call us the epicenter of terrorism are the ones that do it out of necessity. Who in the whole world is sacrificing more then any one else in the whole shared of the WOT. We are and still u indians want to moan about what we are not doing for you.
what u r doing is as a result of ur urge to oust USSR
we had to suffer the same that u suffered
IF u recall our PM was assassinated by LTTE
evry1 supporting it was charged with sedation.
stop painting all the Pakistanis with one brush.
have never done that
Our gov is full of sh@t but I dare u to shed some light where you prove that Pakistani gov and other national entities are involved in acts of terrorism in india. Repeatedly u guys have posted this cr!p without proof. And not once have you replied to the indian involvement in the break up of Pakistan.
read my earlier posts in the same thread and i have said that i dont believe pakistani gov supports it. i have always supported ur govts actions.
But sadly PA and ISI are different institutions
ABOUT 1971
never denied indias role in 1971 partition
what u r doing is as a result of ur urge to oust USSR
we had to suffer the same that u suffered
IF u recall our PM was assassinated by LTTE
evry1 supporting it was charged with sedation.
have never done that

read my earlier posts in the same thread and i have said that i dont believe pakistani gov supports it. i have always supported ur govts actions.
But sadly PA and ISI are different institutions
ABOUT 1971
never denied indias role in 1971 partition

Then what is this argument all about. Your gov dont leave a chance to screw over us but I dont see u guys complaining about it at all. And also u dont trust PA and ISI that is ur problem. U seriously think that raw are angels and dont do any thing in Pakistan.
Killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is in no way equivalent to terror. They are legitimate military targets.
In which case if direct Pakistani support for the killers can be demonstrated it constitutes a violation of the cease-fire and India can choose to either respond militarily or seek another form of retribution; either way, Pakistan is the aggressor under international law and India can argue it is blameless.

I don't know why Pakistanis don't perceive that their constant support of "stateless actors" as Pakistan's weapons against India ultimately damages Pakistan itself. Better to choose the diplomatic route, then: clean up Pakistan's act, suck up to the Kashmiris, and thus put pressure on India to finally hold the decent and proper vote that the U.N. called for sixty years ago.

However, from what I read in the declassified State Dept. cables and Ms. Bhutto's memoirs, Pakistan's politicians lack both the patience and the desire for that route. Father Bhutto, Ayub Kahn, Musharraf - these men wanted conflict for the personal glory they would achieve, rather a win for Pakistan through the dullness of diplomacy. (Mr. Bhutto went so far as to tell the U.S. ambassador that he would keep shedding Pakistani blood in the 1965 battle as long as the U.S. supplied weapons for him to do so. And Pakistanis tell me they long for Mr. Bhutto's days because he "cared" about them!)

Can Pakistanis really convince me that they do not share this opinion and prefer the plodding of peace to the excitement of war?
In which case if direct Pakistani support for the killers can be demonstrated it constitutes a violation of the cease-fire and India can choose to either respond militarily or seek another form of retribution; either way, Pakistan is the aggressor under international law and India can argue it is blameless.

I don't know why Pakistanis don't perceive that their constant support of "stateless actors" as Pakistan's weapons against India ultimately damages Pakistan itself. Better to choose the diplomatic route, then: clean up Pakistan's act, suck up to the Kashmiris, and thus put pressure on India to finally hold the decent and proper vote that the U.N. called for sixty years ago.

However, from what I read in the declassified State Dept. cables and Ms. Bhutto's memoirs, Pakistan's politicians lack both the patience and the desire for that route. Father Bhutto, Ayub Kahn, Musharraf - these men wanted conflict for the personal glory they would achieve, rather a win for Pakistan through the dullness of diplomacy. (Mr. Bhutto went so far as to tell the U.S. ambassador that he would keep shedding Pakistani blood in the 1965 battle as long as the U.S. supplied weapons for him to do so. And Pakistanis tell me they long for Mr. Bhutto's days because he "cared" about them!)

Can Pakistanis really convince me that they do not share this opinion and prefer the plodding of peace to the excitement of war?

U again didnt u leave on the I am quiting because google is banned in Pakistan. A drama queen at its best. Why should we be convincing u or trying to at all. U are the biggest supporter of terrorism on this forum.

As for your accusations

Prove it.

Till then it is nothing but a bunch of baloney.
U again didnt u leave on the I am quiting because google is banned in Pakistan.
As TechLahore predicted, my doing so was precipitate because the Facebook & Wikipedia bans were reversed in a few days, so I returned.

As for your accusations Prove it. Till then it is nothing but a bunch of baloney.
Specify your question, please.
As TechLahore predicted, my doing so was precipitate because the Facebook & Wikipedia bans were reversed in a few days, so I returned.

Specify your question, please.

I told u to prove the accusations that you are making against Pakistan. What specifications do you need. U made some comments, I think that they are self made assumptions and nothing more then that. So the ounce of proving your statements fall on ur head dont u think.
For those who keep quoting Musharaf about the Pakistani involvement in destabilizing india should read what he has to say about india.


Even accounting for all of Musharraf's flip flops, what he says about Pakistan & what he says about India are different & cannot be compared. As army chief & then dictator cum President, he was instrumental in formulating/continuing earlier formulated policies and therefor it would be fair to assume he knows what he is talking about when he refers to Pakistani actions. When he talks about India, he like the rest of you is giving his opinion . Any such allegation requires proof which your leaders have been claiming that they would release at the right time whenever that may be.
Then what is this argument all about.
the argument is that pakistan is supporting groups which are waging jihad aginst people.lin case of 1971 one could term it as a support against the pakistani army and establishment their, and hence could result in an ethical war later.
but the support for jihadi terrorists is another case
its a war on common people of the country. not on the establishment and that is what is the point
U seriously think that raw are angels and dont do any thing in Pakistan.
yes i believe so now
they are now teethless tigers whose teeths where plugged away by our beloved political setup.
I told u to prove the accusations that you are making against Pakistan. What specifications do you need.
Since you will not or can not be specific, I can't answer, can I? Let me suggest if you want to learn more to start by looking at this declassified U.S. document (a series of diplomatic cables) about the 1965 war, as well as related ones before and after it.
What do you think is happening here Sir? With all these heads of states making these statements? And what else would you like these leaders to say so that you get the drift of where they are going with this line?
The 'drift' is trying to gain an advantage in securing business and military contracts with India, in terms of tangible effects, these statements are meaningless. Pakistani Officers continue to receive training and Pakistan continues to receive varying degrees of military and economic support from all nations making these 'statements'.

Why don't you find us some non - ONLINE agency sort of history that implicates India in souring the situation in Bangladesh in 1971 for Pakistan and we can then address that. Because when we read about things like blood telegram etc. they actually talk totally opposite of what you claim.
Its already been discussed in several threads, and former Indian military commanders and officials have themselves admitted their role in supporting terrorists/rebels in East Pakistan.
Re taking it to UN, why should India take it to UN. India does not recognize the dispute. The dispute as being claimed is from Pakistan and it is in that exact context Merkel said that Pakistan should not deploy terrorist assets for political objectives.
The dispute is recognized by the international community, given UNSC resolutions on the issue, not just Pakistan. And please read my posts again to understand the context of my comments.
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