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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

Chinese-Dragon said:

India already threatened war after the Mumbai attacks of 2008, and India is under constant pressure from the people to do something about what they perceive as "training camps" in Pakistan.

That is where the flash point will be.

Chinese-Dragon said:
If India attacks Pakistan, then absolutely we will join in, and the global community will support Pakistan against such an aggressive move by India.

Ahh so what this implies is, China will continue to support terror against India (a la block JuD) and when India finally gets pissed off and attacks Pak. China will then honorably come to it's allies help and protect it from the bad agressor (though the world community will be on India's side) :D
Them and many other world leaders.

See the rest of what I said.

India is under enormous pressure from its own people to "do something" about the perceived training camps in Pakistan. If another Mumbai happens (God forbid) then that will be the flash point.

China won't be the one to start the next war in the subcontinent, like I said... we are doing too well out of the current economic system.
Except that China will not start the war. China is gaining too much from the current economic system to throw it all away.

So why would China enter a war anyway? To throw the exact things that you just mentuioned as being beneficial to China?

India already threatened war after the Mumbai attacks of 2008, and India is under constant pressure from the people to do something about what they perceive as "training camps" in Pakistan.

That is where the flash point will be.

Where is the pressure. There was no pressure when I was there last week? something u know that Indian's do not?

In fact I meant to ask you. How is the pressure level on the North Korean brotherly situation?
Ahh so what this implies is, China will continue to support terror against India (a la block JuD) and when India finally gets pissed off and attacks Pak. China will then honorably come to it's allies help and protect it from the bad agressor (though I think the world community will be on India's side) :D

I'm sick of you making allegations that I support terrorism like you did before. (Which conveniently you've still not answered). Now you're doing it against my country.

No, in this war, India will be the aggressor. Pakistan is an ally of both the USA and China, who will both come to help Pakistan when you try something across the border.

EDIT: As per the moderator's above posts, we should get back on topic.
There should not be any more off topic posts, discussion should be limited to the news in question.

And I was thinking you will never ask :) And of course India vs. Pakistan is better anyday :)

To the point, how will this reflect on the upcoming EU trade incentives. Because as you know the lovely Italian playboy may be out of office soon and it is already risky with all eggs in one sac :)
heard that their was a strong response from pakistan foreign ministry on the german remarks
could anyone post a link
I'm sick of you making allegations that I support terrorism like you did before. (Which conveniently you've still not answered). Now you're doing it against my country.

No, in this war, India will be the aggressor. Pakistan is an ally of both the USA and China, who will both come to help Pakistan when you try something across the border.

EDIT: As per the moderator's above posts, we should get back on topic.

China yes USA a big no they never did and they never will.

As far as what the German Chancellor had to say about Pakistan, no matter what the intentions were economic or what ever. The leadership in Pakistan need to grow a pair and take a stance. Till they dont do it there is nothing and I mean nothing that will stop this from happening the western leaders at the behest of or to please the indians will keep using us as the punching bag to show their muscle and win favors in shape of hefty deals from the indian establishment.
China yes USA a big no they never did and they never will.

As far as what the German Chancellor had to say about Pakistan, no matter what the intentions were economic or what ever. The leadership in Pakistan need to grow a pair and take a stance. Till they dont do it there is nothing and I mean nothing that will stop this from happening the western leaders at the behest of or to please the indians will keep using us as the punching bag to show their muscle and win favors in shape of hefty deals from the indian establishment.

and oh yes whatever the whole world says about its all to please india.
you guys will never wake up, the whole world has been calling you epicentre of terrorism in major forums and you keep your ears shut to that blame every thing on your incompetent govt, that they didnt reply to it sternly.
atlast its left to pakistan to make up whatever it wants to underestand.
Maybe once NATO stops using "Terror for political goals" people might take notice.
and oh yes whatever the whole world says about its all to please india.
you guys will never wake up, the whole world has been calling you epicentre of terrorism in major forums and you keep your ears shut to that blame every thing on your incompetent govt, that they didnt reply to it sternly.
atlast its left to pakistan to make up whatever it wants to underestand.

As I said before, a few countries does not make up "the whole world".
So all the countries who would have voted for J-u-D to be banned would be making this "whole world" do you think?

I'm not talking about that, look at the post I quoted to see what I was talking about.

And as the moderator said, no more off-topic posts. I'll chat with you again, just like I did before on the JuD thread.
I'm not talking about that, look at the post I quoted to see what I was talking about.

And as the moderator said, no more off-topic posts. I'll chat with you again, just like I did before on the JuD thread.

Well this is in no way offtopic because it has to do with the support of terror groups in Pakistan as a foriegh policy as Mrs. Merkel mentioned today. The context being that these few countries as have denounced this strategy of Pakistan do not consist of the whole world. So my simple question to your response of a "whole world" that does not agree with India here.
Germany on Saturday made it clear that terrorism is not a means to solve political problems and this is "unacceptable"

Completely agree, which is why Pakistan has never used terrorism to solve political problems.

On the other hand, Karzai openly admits to sheltering Pakistani Baluch terrorists to both the UN and US officials (per wikileaked cables), and as part of ISAF, which is responsible for security in Afghanistan, one has to wonder about Germany's own commitment to 'not using terrorism for furthering political goals'.
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