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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

How exactly is building damns and port and highways against India? Would you like to try again?

Turnkey and Build and Operate with critical manpower imported and equipments towed in? Sounds like friendly versions of Rental power plants Sir? And we could go in to offers project by project and see so much more and discuss. I do that for a living.

But like I said earlier, it is only Pakistan's bad luck to be in a position that it is accepting even deals that bleed the country as being nice and relatively favourable. Only if to denouce the current approach towards all matters with India and even Kashmir and go about achieveing the objectives differently then I do not know how good it will be for India, but for Pakistan, it will only be a winning proposition.
Thank you IceCold! :cheers: And now for the Chinese point of view.

Pakistan gives us access to the Muslim world, where most of the oil and gas in the world is. Pakistan introduced us to the USA in 1971, concluding with an alliance against the Soviets, which ended with the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Pakistan gives us access to Central Asia and the Middle East from a geographic point of view, from pipelines to Iran and Central Asia, to the Karakorum highway.

Most importantly, Gwadar port. Which will allow us to bypass the Indian ocean and get supplies much faster from the Persian Gulf.

As an added bonus, India won't try any overt military actions, for fear of being unable to beat China and Pakistan in a two-front war.

Thank you Chinese Dragon and i think it should be be enough for all the Indian members here who think that China and Pakistan have India as the only common factor between them and nothing more.
dont be so sure of that.
china is sensible enough to stay out of such situation.
and do you think after china intervenes russia wouldnt intervene.
oh common that is why india is building strong stratigic relations around the world and dont feel so overconfident of yourself.
Turnkey and Build and Operate with critical manpower imported and equipments towed in? Sounds like friendly versions of Rental power plants Sir? And we could go in to offers project by project and see so much more and discuss. I do that for a living.

But like I said earlier, it is only Pakistan's bad luck to be in a position that it is accepting even deals that bleed the country as being nice and relatively favourable. Only if to denouce the current approach towards all matters with India and even Kashmir and go about achieveing the objectives differently then I do not know how good it will be for India, but for Pakistan, it will only be a winning proposition.

dude tell me something, why and seriously why are u so worried about Pakistan. Your country leaves not an opportunity alone when they can corner Pakistan, heck they couldn't even digest a deal being offered to Pakistan by the EU and forced the union to postpone it till latter. And here you guys come with your oh Pakistan is shooting its self in the foot by dealing with China. Its our country dude, our deals with our allies. Why should we listen to you people who want us to fail at every foot step.
I believe we will join Pakistan if they are attacked by India. Our alliance was only young in the 1960's and 70's... however nowadays, Pakistan has become an indispensable ally.

If India attacks the Northern areas of Pakistan, they will also be attacking the Karakorum highway, and therefore trying to block our access to Gwadar. It would be an attack on China's interests too.

India will not try anything against Pakistan, for fear of a two-front war, especially since they weren't able to win a one-front war in 1962.

Chinese alliance with North Korea is also not old? But yet China will do nothing as stakes are being raised there. The idea is to ensure that there is no war in the Korean Peninsula because then will be decision time and things will look bad from thereon.

And already Gwadar is China's interest? You sound already like 13 year old USA.

And why think that any Chinese agression on India will be aseptic of the consequences and alliances from other nations in Asia or a little farther away maybe? I mean this is lovely armchair war planning but then the implications of a real war are real and there are losses. Imagine Korea situation x several times. Where will be appetite come from?
cybertron said:
and do you think after china intervenes russia wouldnt intervene.
Cmon dude, Russia is NOT going to intervene, America is NOT going to intervene. We're on our OWN.

Whats the point of saying "India is going to be major power in the future :blah: " if we keep piggybacking on others
Just imagine a 2 front war!
Well trained and highly motivated 700000 soldiers plus 350000 Para military nd millions of army trigger happy volunteers on the Pakistani border and worlds largest army on the chinese border........ and no more USSR.
dont be so sure of that.
china is sensible enough to stay out of such situation.
and do you think after china intervenes russia wouldnt intervene.
oh common that is why india is building strong stratigic relations around the world and dont feel so overconfident of yourself.

We have a defence pact with Russia. :azn: And no the USSR never intervened before against China, and the current "Russia" is FAR weaker than the USSR.

2001 Sino-Russian Treaty of Friendship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The treaty outlines the broad strokes which are to serve as a basis for peaceful relations, economic cooperation, as well as diplomatic and geopolitical reliance. Controversially, Article 9 of the treaty can be seen as an implicit defense pact, and other articles (A7 and A16) point at increasing military cooperation, including the sharing of "military know-how" (A16), namely, Chinese access to Russian military technology.
dude tell me something, why and seriously why are u so worried about Pakistan. Your country leaves not an opportunity alone when they can corner Pakistan, heck they couldn't even digest a deal being offered to Pakistan by the EU and forced the union to postpone it till latter. And here you guys come with your oh Pakistan is shooting its self in the foot by dealing with China. Its our country dude, our deals with our allies. Why should we listen to you people who want us to fail at every foot step.

I know bro that it is your country. I was just trying to make a statement about what I think can be done with our two wretched nations fighting each other endlessly! And I want to see India and Pakistan as allys man. If we open our eyes, we are so done with going at each other. I mean it is so getting sick now dude.
Thank you Chinese Dragon and i think it should be be enough for all the Indian members here who think that China and Pakistan have India as the only common factor between them and nothing more.

No problem IceCold. :cheers:

I was just stating the facts. Pakistan is by all accounts, China's most valuable ally.
So Merkel joins the group of Cameron and Sarkozy .. big deal they are just looking to get some cash out of the new cash cow in town.

Merkel is happily subordinate to the United States , the Americans know this and so much so that Bush even groped her .. LOL

YouTube - Bush Gropes Merkel to Ludacris

These statements all have a patten , they are just like the US scripted remarks that Cameron first made against Pakistan during his visit to india
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