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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

Not necessarily.

As long as Pakistan remains an ally of China (which I believe will be forever) that will be fine, it won't matter much if they become more friendly with India.

The Sino-Pakistan relationship was first developed because of mutual conflict with India, however nowadays it has become geopolitical and economic (Gwadar port for instance will protect us from naval blockades).

The enmity with India still remains of course, as everyone knows. Given that, I would love to see you guys solving your age-old problems with each other, that would bring more stability to the region and hence will be good for the regional economy.

So, the situation has changed from a bilateral issue to a trilateral one and I can see it becoming a global issue in future.
the political situation is same in india also
yes the cabinet ministers are good at what they do in india
but you should understand that ministers in pakistan are facing grave times and its unfortunate that people instead of supporting them are trying their best to brng the govt down.
Given the ample support they are bound to perform better in a democratic setup.
hope for the best always
That is what I was hoping to question here. Irrespective of what you may believe individually, if India and Pakistan where to actually be in a situation of mutual benefit and trade, it will be something that will be adversarial to China. Because there goes a big market in Pakistan + also there comes a bigger economic giant in India who has been hitherto successfully tangled in the maze of bloody Kashmir via Pakistan. is that now Sir? And then the help from Pakistan too will also be at a much greater premium and so more expensive maybe. Surely not convenient for China though better and prosperous for Pakistan and peaceful for India I think.

No, I think it would be a good thing if India and Pakistan became more friendly with each other. Having a nuclear flash point on our Western borders is hardly conducive to regional/economic stability.

Look at Japan, we have a dispute with them, but China is still their number one trading partner. Good trade relationships are always welcome, irrespective of such political issues.
So, the situation has changed from a bilateral issue to a trilateral one and I can see it becoming a global issue in future.

When was it not China + Pakistan vs. India in this region of the world? I'm talking modern history of course.
Chinese-Dragon said:
No, I think it would be a good thing if India and Pakistan became more friendly with each other. Having a nuclear flash point on our Western borders is hardly conducive to regional/economic stability.

That isn't what Guest is saying. What he means is China would not want an all out war, but would like that India and Pak are busy with each other, in the words of our Prime Minister "China wants India to be in state of low-level equilibrium"
I think you hit the nail on the head there. So in our interest, we should try to solve this "K" issue as soon as possible and build a stronger deterrence against China?

Is that a joke? seriously why do you Indians have to see everything from your delusional point of view. What makes you think that solving bilateral issues is equivalent of building a stronger deterrence against China. Did it ever occur to you that Pakistan and China have alot of other interests in common then just India. Let me say this Pakistan and China have alot more in common then Pakistan and India could ever dream off and yeah dont bring in the cultural nonsense. I have heard plenty before.
The pact was overlooked by US too and it was a test to show US that India was not willing to partner with Pakistan, this the planning to attack Indian began.

I also approve of the military intervention by Ayub but not his latter actions.

Though I respect your opinion Sir, but I have to state that either one needs to own the dictatorships in Pakistan or either disown them. Because the current situation is a direct derivative of the steps of the military dictators. When we own their good, need to own their bad also. So to us all our decisions, but in totality please. And only in that perspective, to judge Nehru denying Ayub.
Is that a joke? seriously why do you Indians have to see everything from your delusional point of view. What makes you think that solving bilateral issues is equivalent of building a stronger deterrence against China. Did it ever occur to you that Pakistan and China have alot of other interests in common then just India. Let me say this Pakistan and China have alot more in common then Pakistan and India could ever dream off and yeah dont bring in the cultural nonsense. I have heard plenty before.

For example Sir?
the political situation is same in india also
yes the cabinet ministers are good at what they do in india
but you should understand that ministers in pakistan are facing grave times and its unfortunate that people instead of supporting them are trying their best to brng the govt down.
Given the ample support they are bound to perform better in a democratic setup.
hope for the best always

If a country disrespects India, your PM will actually take a stand....right or wrong is another story and not take the next flight to that country and specially at a time when his own country is drowning in floods. Thats the difference between Indias approach and ours. But anways i dont think you will understand so whatever.
That isn't what Guest is saying. What he means is China would not want an all out war, but would like that India and Pak are busy with each other, in the words of our Prime Minister "China wants India to be in state of low-level equilibrium"

I never said it was going to be an all-out war, I said it is a nuclear flash point. The phrase flash point signifies that it is a "potential" conflict.

As for what your Prime Minister said, I don't agree with it.

As if somehow its China's fault that India and Pakistan can't reach an agreement on Kashmir.
Though I respect your opinion Sir, but I have to state that either one needs to own the dictatorships in Pakistan or either disown them. Because the current situation is a direct derivative of the steps of the military dictators. When we own their good, need to own their bad also. So to us all our decisions, but in totality please. And only in that perspective, to judge Nehru denying Ayub.

Its in the past now and in retrospect it was a requirement, though it led to many subsequent problems but there is a grand lesson in it that we still have not learned.

Its part of the experience of our political spectrum and one that can be used to develop a better nation.

We have gone way off topic now, lets try and divert back to the original post.
Is that a joke? seriously why do you Indians have to see everything from your delusional point of view. What makes you think that solving bilateral issues is equivalent of building a stronger deterrence against China. Did it ever occur to you that Pakistan and China have alot of other interests in common then just India. Let me say this Pakistan and China have alot more in common then Pakistan and India could ever dream off and yeah dont bring in the cultural nonsense. I have heard plenty before.

Where did I equate solving bilateral issues to building a stronger deterrence against China? Did it ever occur to you that China and India also share mutual interests? I fail to see delusion here. I was merely posing a question, in case you didn't see the question mark.

I hardly care for cultural ties, it means very little in the business world.
No, I think it would be a good thing if India and Pakistan became more friendly with each other. Having a nuclear flash point on our Western borders is hardly conducive to regional/economic stability.

Look at Japan, we have a dispute with them, but China is still their number one trading partner. Good trade relationships are always welcome, irrespective of such political issues.

Of course not a flashpoint but a low level perpetual conflict is certainly desirable? Because a flashpoint will be conclusive and is too big a risk to take to go one way? Like the current North Korea situation?

Well this is a discussion we can have all evening. And it just started with the selfless love that you showered here for Pakistan's cause. Quite innocous it all seems.
For example Sir?

Ohh please do you really want me to quote examples here. I am sure you can use google.From nuclear deals to building infrastructure, dams, ports, Gawadar, and you name it and i havent mentioned military projects. Can you name one between India and Pakistan???
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