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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and the massive Chinese diaspora all over the world.

Which accounts for just as many people as there are in the Islamic world, i.e. over a billion.

So how can you explain the post that I was actually responding to when I wrote that, from this Indian member?

As before, this statement is complete and utter BS.

CD dont take me for a sadist,but the said chinese world has not suffered at the hand of terrorism.
Or else the view would have been entirely different.When was the last time there was a call for sharia law or right to wear burqa in public in those areas.

I hope it never comes to that ever.
Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and the massive Chinese diaspora all over the world.

Which accounts for just as many people as there are in the Islamic world, i.e. over a billion.

So how can you explain the post that I was actually responding to when I wrote that, from this Indian member?

As before, this statement is complete and utter BS.

I think what you are doing here is = doosron ke garam tave par apni roti sek rahe ho.

Ask any of our Pakistani friends to translate that for you. They understand my language. I hope you get the point about diaspora.
InshAllah, we too will see the light.

This hyprocritical 'Islamic' world funds insurgencies, terrorist in Pakistan and sold us out for own benefit (Libya and our nuclear program).

When Pakistan was created, the Arabs went to India becuase Pakistan was assumed to be a short lived project. While Israels founder called Jinnah personally to initiate relations.

Very unfortunately our own Foreign Miniter Sir Zafarullah Khan fought for the Palestinians refusing Israel and fought for many other 'brother' nations.

We even fought wars for them and we have suffered.

I only like Turkey, Malaysia, Bangladesh and a few others from the Islamic world, I detest the hypocritical Arab nations.

I also admire the Asians a lot especially the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. We should follow in their footsteps and we will

Sir I am sad,you forgot India.:cheers:
Now that is too rich for me to just read and not comment. Will you please mention one instance where China has invested in another nation so selflessly and altruistically as you just mentioned. China's trade deals and infrastructure largesse is only limited to the extent of the direct benefits that China draws from it. If the previous examples of your trade largesse are to go by, for example, Sudan, Myanmaar, North Korea, Iran or some other banana republics in Africa, it is clear that China is there till there is juice left in the host. Then China is out. To prove my point, just point out one nation with whom the altruistic china has a negative balance of trade!

That's the EXACT point. It's not altruistic at all.

Having a strong Pakistan will strengthen China's geostrategic interests.

Look at the recent Sino-Pakistan nuclear deal for instance... or ANY of the threads in the Economy forum relating to Sino-Pakistan economic cooperation. It's not altruism... it's business and geopolitics.

As to your other point, China has a trade deficit to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, just to name a few. We have a trade surplus with the USA and the EU.
That's the EXACT point. It's not altruistic at all.

Having a strong Pakistan will strengthen China's geostrategic interests.

Look at the recent Sino-Pakistan nuclear deal for instance... or ANY of the threads in the Economy forum relating to Sino-Pakistan economic cooperation. It's not altruism... it's business and geopolitics.

Sound like Chinese love for a stable and friendly North Korea Version2.

So basically having India and Pakistan in a perpetual low level conflict situation will benefit China. Like, North and South Korea? But in the end, who is the loser here? Surely not China. Surely North Korea and to a certan extent South too. I hope you get the drift about the love that you were bestowing there.
@bolded part. Did you mean religious belief? as what Jinnah believed as the key to cooperation between India and Pakistan?

The tag of being found on the basis of Islam has been associated with Pakistan which is incorrect. It seems or it has been made as if Pakistan was going to be an Islamic state and India was going to be a secular one and thus the split.

Pakistan was made as a Muslim state and it was initially only meant to be an autonomous province within the Federal state of India.

The dismemberment of history and distorted views have made it seem that way, belief vs disbeleif.
^ Actually only UK and German. Others said (or "will" say) completely different, maybe except Russia. And no, China ain't gonna say this.

And you Indians are so emotional you don't even know what these statements mean. Let me give you a hint.

Ignore the fresh troll maybe?
So basically having India and Pakistan in a perpetual low level conflict situation will benefit China. Like, North and South Korea? But in the end, who is the loser here? Surely not China. Surely North Korea and to a certan extent South too. I hope you get the drift about the love that you were bestowing there.

Geopolitics is only about interests. Surely a person who comes to this forum would know that.

And no, a Pakistan-India conflict would not benefit us, it would cause instability in the region and in regional economies.

Having a strong ally in Pakistan would absolutely benefit us, because in the future much of our oil supply may come through Gwadar port, allowing us to bypass the Indian ocean. Pakistan is also an influential regional player and a strong ally, it's not only China who recognizes this, but the USA too.
What fear and what repercussions?. Pakistan has nothing to offer to these countries that they fear of any repercussions and hence Pakistan is being targeted for its policies on terrorism and rightfully so.

When you say Pakistan has nothing to offer, what do you mean by that? Do you mean in terms of money? yes we dont specially not like India can but then again you conveniently forget that Pakistan has its own impotence and more so because of the war on terror. As much as India or its allies would want, fact of the matter is the war cant be won without Pakistan and its support. It all comes down to taking a stand (from Pakistans perspective). Last time we did, US has to publicly apologize for NATO violations which resulted in the deaths of Pakistani soldiers. Point is if we want we can and this habit of bashing Pakistan to appease India needs to stop. Pakistan and India already have platforms to discuss bilateral issues including terrorism, there is no need for other countries to join the bandwagon just to gain business from India and if they do this means, we really need to do something about it and being strategically located, Pakistan can do alot.
The tag of being found on the basis of Islam has been associated with Pakistan which is incorrect. It seems or it has been made as if Pakistan was going to be an Islamic state and India was going to be a secular one and thus the split.

Pakistan was made as a Muslim state and it was initially only meant to be an autonomous province within the Federal state of India.

The dismemberment of history and distorted views have made it seem that way, belief vs disbeleif.

Though I disagree a little bit on your take on above but in the interest of things, so where did you think did India and Pakistan lost the trajectory of cooperation that Mr. Jinnah predicted for us? I mean like you mentioned earlier.
Geopolitics is only about interests. Surely a person who comes to this forum would know that.

And no, a Pakistan-India conflict would not benefit us, it would cause instability in the region and in regional economies.

Having a strong ally in Pakistan would absolutely benefit us.

An "ally" is relative. So against whom is this ally supposed to be? Because to have an ally, one needs a common enemy and to retain the ally, it is must that the common enemy must exist at all times and the relationship between the ally and enemy should not be ever changed. Is that not the case?
Though I disagree a little bit on your take on above but in the interest of things, so where did you think did India and Pakistan lost the trajectory of cooperation that Mr. Jinnah predicted for us? I mean like you mentioned earlier.

Let me give you a clue, it begins with a "K"... :what:
An "ally" is relative. So against whom is this ally supposed to be? Because to have an ally, one needs a common enemy and to retain the ally, it is must that the common enemy must exist at all times and the relationship between the ally and enemy should not be ever changed. Is that not the case?

Do you even need to ask that question? It is India.
Though I disagree a little bit on your take on above but in the interest of things, so where did you think did India and Pakistan lost the trajectory of cooperation that Mr. Jinnah predicted for us? I mean like you mentioned earlier.

When Nehru refused a security pact proposed by Ayub Khan in the late 50's to jointly work together even in case of war.

Nehru said who have we got to fight, ironically India went to war with China soon.

Then the 1965 adventure ended the dreams of Jinnah.
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