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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

As much as I believe about the indian state terrorism in Pakistan. Dont ask me for proof, as you dont have one either. And dont come back with some half backed bs statements from desperate indian politicians. And before you do as u will do remember the indian sponsored Mukthi bahini, and the Bla that they support.

Pakistan state terrorism in india is recognised by whole world..!Including your own politicians and former president, and there are plenty of proofs about it(i don't wana discuss).

Well,everything revolves around proofs..! We have proofs and showed them to international community and your goverment..! and recognised ..!!! If your gov got the same proofs about indian involment in BLA or even a single terrorist activity in pak then what are you people waiting for?? give it to UN or best buddy US ....And make the world reply on it..!

As i remember a incident in which "rehman mallik" said we got solid proof of indian involment in your media last year..! But latter then he was not able to give even a single thread of it to india or any other country",,,and when your media created hye-hula about why rehman mallik not showing or giving the proofs,then mister qureshi said,we will when need arise lol....What this shows??? thsi shows that you don't have any, thats it..!

By the way thanks for accepting pakistan state terrorism in india..!!
Another one trying to be "cameron". Well she is a strange lady. For the floods she came on TV and asked the German people to donate which none of our leaders did. India is clearly winning in the diplomatic front.
Another one trying to be "cameron". Well she is a strange lady. For the floods she came on TV and asked the German people to donate which none of our leaders did. India is clearly winning in the diplomatic front.

3 Germans died in the Mumbai attacks,also suffered causalities in the Afghan war,unlike us they value their citizens,however small in number.

However,I"ll agree this has more to do with GOP lacking spine.

Had it been Musharraf,we all know hat would have happened.
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Pakistan state terrorism in india is recognised by whole world..!Including your own politicians and former president, and there are plenty of proofs about it(i don't wana discuss).

Well,everything revolves around proofs..! We have proofs and showed them to international community and your goverment..! and recognised ..!!! If your gov got the same proofs about indian involment in BLA or even a single terrorist activity in pak then what are you people waiting for?? give it to UN or best buddy US ....And make the world reply on it..!

As i remember a incident in which "rehman mallik" said we got solid proof of indian involment in your media last year..! But latter then he was not able to give even a single thread of it to india or any other country",,,and when your media created hye-hula about why rehman mallik not showing or giving the proofs,then mister qureshi said,we will when need arise lol....What this shows??? thsi shows that you don't have any, thats it..!

By the way thanks for accepting pakistan state terrorism in india..!!

I was not suppose to answer you as u are not just worth the time. But so that you and me would be on the same page please go back and read what I had written as far as accepting that Pakistan as a state sponsors terrorism in india, I had said that I believe that Pakistan does it as much as india does in Pakistan. And also you keep running around about proof and bla what about 71 dont u guys remember it. Or it is just that you pick and chose what you want to debate about. And also the ex president you keep running your mouth about, I wonder why he was denied a visa recently. And he himself had on more then one occasion accused india of being involved in sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. And another thing that you will come back with now that why did he not show the proof and all, well u are the one who like to quote him all the time, then might as well go ask him why he didnt show the proof.
So what went wrong and how can we end our current time.

Well firstly we should realise that this 'Islamization' project from the times of Bhutto and Zia has failed. We have become an experimentation ground for the Arabs and a tool for the Americans to defeat it's enemies while we suffer the major brunt of the blowback.

We have to revert back to what Jinnah had wanted for this nation, Iqbal had clearly said that Pakistan would be an opportunity to free Islam from Arab imperialism. Sadly Bhutto and then Zia went on the opposite path and we are in absolute pathetic state.

We should review our policy, our social framework and rethink our standing. We are a culturally rich, multi ethnic, multi religion and Muslim sect nation which is in it's core tolerant, resilient and hardworking.

We have to be independent and put Pakistan first, that is our identity and that is our cause.

Pakistanis should only have one objective for this nation:

To truly turn it into the land of the pure.
I was not suppose to answer you as u are not just worth the time. But so that you and me would be on the same page please go back and read what I had written as far as accepting that Pakistan as a state sponsors terrorism in india, I had said that I believe that Pakistan does it as much as india does in Pakistan. And also you keep running around about proof and bla what about 71 dont u guys remember it. Or it is just that you pick and chose what you want to debate about. And also the ex president you keep running your mouth about, I wonder why he was denied a visa recently. And he himself had on more then one occasion accused india of being involved in sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. And another thing that you will come back with now that why did he not show the proof and all, well u are the one who like to quote him all the time, then might as well go ask him why he didnt show the proof.

Do you think you are worth debating on this topic??
well i am just arguing cause its sunday today and i got plenty of free time..! I know whats reality and don't need to justify or make you understand what it is..! I just wana spread some light on the reality check rather then delusion..! And i now you keep saying this and that..!

But just wana say one thing again..!

Everything revolves around proofs..! If you have it.! then give it..! If won't then keep crying with fake allegations...!No one even botherd to comment about..!

If you don't wana reply thn just leave it and move on..!
What Is Chinese world ?

Hmm Islamic world will see light soon.Inshallah

Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and the massive Chinese diaspora all over the world.

Which accounts for just as many people as there are in the Islamic world, i.e. over a billion.

So how can you explain the post that I was actually responding to when I wrote that, from this Indian member?

Cry-me- a-river !! despite all this, entire world associates you with terrorists. :cheesy:

As before, this statement is complete and utter BS.
T-Faz said:

We have to revert back to what Jinnah had wanted for this nation
, Iqbal had clearly said that Pakistan would be an opportunity to free Islam from Arab imperialism. Sadly Bhutto and then Zia went on the opposite path and we are in absolute pathetic state.

Well Jinnah also said that relations between India and Pakistan would be even better than the USA-Canada one :devil:
What Is Chinese world ?

Hmm Islamic world will see light soon.Inshallah

InshAllah, we too will see the light.

This hyprocritical 'Islamic' world funds insurgencies, terrorist in Pakistan and sold us out for own benefit (Libya and our nuclear program).

When Pakistan was created, the Arabs went to India becuase Pakistan was assumed to be a short lived project. While Israels founder called Jinnah personally to initiate relations.

Very unfortunately our own Foreign Miniter Sir Zafarullah Khan fought for the Palestinians refusing Israel and fought for many other 'brother' nations.

We even fought wars for them and we have suffered.

I only like Turkey, Malaysia, Bangladesh and a few others from the Islamic world, I detest the hypocritical Arab nations.

I also admire the Asians a lot especially the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. We should follow in their footsteps and we will.
Well Jinnah also said that relations between India and Pakistan would be even better than the USA-Canada one :devil:

Jinnah never envisioned Pakistan and India as rival neighbors, one representing Belief and the other Disbelief – certainly not. In November 1946, he said, “The two states [Pakistan and India] will be friends and will go to each other’s rescue in case of danger and will be able to say ‘hands off’ to other nations. We shall then have a Munroe Doctrine more solid than in America.”

Perfely logical statement and one that would bring much benefit to Asua.
Buddy, once you guys are finished with the war on terror, I am sure that there will be an economic boom in Pakistan. The only question is "to what degree"?

And of course the Chinese government will do everything in its power to see that happen, trade deals, infrastructure deals, etc.

Now that is too rich for me to just read and not comment. Will you please mention one instance where China has invested in another nation so selflessly and altruistically as you just mentioned. China's trade deals and infrastructure largesse is only limited to the extent of the direct benefits that China draws from it. If the previous examples of your trade largesse are to go by, for example, Sudan, Myanmaar, North Korea, Iran or some other banana republics in Africa, it is clear that China is there till there is juice left in the host. Then China is out. To prove my point, just point out one nation with whom the altruistic china has a negative balance of trade!

But that was anyway away from the topic but I could not just keep myself from commenting on the tremendous love that you just showered here.

To the topic, my wish is if Pakistanis could just understand their situation as it is an accept that there needs to be a change in the approach then it will be so easy for them. And when I say changed approach I do not in any case mean to give up on things that are dear to them such as Kashmir, but just go about doing it in a different manner which is not so harmful for their nation and people. The objective is only as good as the path to achieve it.
Jinnah never envisioned Pakistan and India as rival neighbors, one representing Belief and the other Disbelief – certainly not. In November 1946, he said, “The two states [Pakistan and India] will be friends and will go to each other’s rescue in case of danger and will be able to say ‘hands off’ to other nations. We shall then have a Munroe Doctrine more solid than in America.”

Perfely logical statement and one that would bring much benefit to Asua.

@bolded part. Did you mean religious belief? as what Jinnah believed as the key to cooperation between India and Pakistan?

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