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Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

Well this is in no way offtopic because it has to do with the support of terror groups in Pakistan as a foriegh policy as Mrs. Merkel mentioned today. The context being that these few countries as have denounced this strategy of Pakistan do not consist of the whole world. So my simple question to your response of a "whole world" that does not agree with India here.

Well find me a list of who did what regarding JuD (if I recall, Pakistan themselves banned it as well) and maybe I'll give you an answer.
As I said before, a few countries does not make up "the whole world".
oh yes US UK GERMANY FRANCE INDIA RUSSIA ISRAEL IRAN AFGHANISTAN according to you make up very small part of this world
then great belive in what you want to believe
Indian should not demand any thing before capturing ppl behind attacks like Samjota express.

Killing 100 000+ ppl in Gujrat etc and Kashmir. Dont say a word before dealing with these terror cases.

Can you tell me one attack carried by Hindu terror groups like RSS have been solved ?

Lets say Mumbai attacks was carried by Pakistan, Since you dont want to deal with ur home grown terrorist we took revange for Samjota express.
Duh! ("Freedom" fighters are sometimes viewed as terrorists by the people who are being killed.....)

I assume you would also apply that to NATO forces killing people in Iraq and Afghanistan under the guise of 'freedom and democracy' i.e your 'freedom fighting soldiers' are terrorists to those they kill.

That similarly applies to the Indian security forces occupying J&K.
oh yes US UK GERMANY FRANCE INDIA RUSSIA ISRAEL IRAN AFGHANISTAN according to you make up very small part of this world
then great belive in what you want to believe

First take out INDIA ISREAL AND AFGHANISTAN from that list since who cares about country like India ? who just cry like *****.

And rest of them ? Just look at what they have done in last 100 years and keep doing so who give **** about them ? :pakistan:
I guess western state terrorism is ok to achieve political and strategic goals? Germany as well as most other western states regularly engage in massive state terrorism and massacres across the world with their terrorist NATO armies.
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oh yes US UK GERMANY FRANCE INDIA RUSSIA ISRAEL IRAN AFGHANISTAN according to you make up very small part of this world
then great belive in what you want to believe

What I said was "it is not the whole world" and given your list, you have proved my point.
If that's all true then it should be taken to the UN and rubbed thoroughly in the face of India for the world to see. If Pakistan can prove such things are happening in Kashmir then it should be publicizing the pictures and the stories relentlessly on any world media outlet it can get to listen. BUT, that does not justify the use of irregular jihadi terrorist forces by Pakistan in retaliation. IMHO.

When has it been proved that Pakistan has been using 'terrorist forces' or 'terrorism' on the world stage? Was this taken to the UN and established and 'rubbed in Pakistan's face'?

Yet more double standards and hypocrisy from Americans I see.
I guess western state terrorism is ok to achieve political and strategic goals? Why is state terrorism not as bad as terrorism by individuals? I firmly believe that state terrorism is much worse and causes much more suffering in the world.

Remember this?

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq:
We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

The United Nations estimated that a total of 1 million Iraqi civilians died as result of the sanctions on Iraq.
Germany on Saturday made it clear that terrorism is not a means to solve political problems and this is "unacceptable"

Completely agree, which is why Pakistan has never used terrorism to solve political problems.
Onthe other hand, Karzai openly admits to sheltering Pakistani Baluch terrorists to both the UN and US officials (per wikileaked cables), and as part of ISAF, which is responsible for security in Afghanistan, one has to wonder about Germany's own commitment to 'not using terrorism for furthering political goals'.

But General Musharraf and President Zardari and Ambassador Haqqani all agreed to it to various degrees. I mean the mullah military nexus and the genesis of the India centric terrorist groups and their funding and training. :undecided:
What I said was "it is not the whole world" and given your list, you have proved my point.

Then now you r talking about numbers.
Well then i'll go with the same statements that guest01 made
the world wouldnt have acknowledged what india said and bann JuD
It is because the majority nations in the world agreed with india that JuD got banned.
Then please do as Truth Seeker suggested, and 'take it to the UN, establish it, and rub it in Pakistan's face by having it declared a terrorist sponsoring nation'.

Also please explain to me how Indian support for terrorists in East Pakistan in 1971, that is still glorified and celebrated in Indian history and the Indian media, should be looked at.
I guess western state terrorism is ok to achieve political and strategic goals? Why is state terrorism not as bad as terrorism by individuals according to these people? The opposite is true, state terrorism is much much worse and causes much more suffering throughout the world. Germany as well as most other western states regularly engage in massive state terrorism and massacres across the world with their terrorist NATO armies.

Well wheter it be west or east, terrorism is a perspective anywhere like the case of the Armenians. So it will be wrong for anyone to try and be selective and justificable about it.
Then please do as Truth Seeker suggested, and 'take it to the UN, establish it, and rub it in Pakistan's face by having it declared a terrorist sponsoring nation'.

Also please explain to me how Indian support for terrorists in East Pakistan in 1971, that is still glorified and celebrated in Indian history and the Indian media, should be looked at.

well i'm not the person who said that "my country never supported any kind of movement to gain politicaly".
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