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germany breaks export record...100 billion € in one month

you lost the argument and started playing defensive. i don't think readers of this forum are that much stupid. they will read it themselves and judge you. readers will know how much legal and real bangladesh is. thank you. :lol:

You mean Indians. :lol:

What is an Indian btw?
so far, i can see, ukrainians are fooled by everyone. how unfortunate these people are.
So far i see an russian economic crash, Western Ukraine under our full control and finally the ability to push NATO direct at russian boarder.

Why do you think we impose even harder sanction just as Putin starts peace talks? We need this conflict.
russia is getting novoruossiya, europe is going downhill economically, new world order of brics is getting cemented as china and russia got a weak up call from Ukraine. Stop to damage control your bank has lowered interest rates at 0.05% Europe is bankrupt
Ukraine is neither in EU or NATO. It is an artificial country where a significant minority want to join Russia anyway.

If the EU carries on like this, then in 15-20 years it risks being overtaken in living standards by countries like Turkey and Malaysia.

Don't let the US play it's game of divide and conquer.

Ukraine wants to be part of EU and NATO. They demonstrated for it.

russia is getting novoruossiya, europe is going downhill economically, new world order of brics is getting cemented as china and russia got a weak up call from Ukraine. Stop to damage control your bank has lowered interest rates at 0.05% Europe is bankrupt

BRICS is dead. There is no BRIcS, there is only China and its new colonies. A move i support by the way. Russia is dead. Look their economy. It simply starves at open hands
And Ukraine is worth ruining the EU economy for?

It is their decission. Russia can offer them nothing, Eu can offer them evrything. Russia is a dieing country. A oligarchic cleptocracy ruled by a homosexual pedophile. There is no justice system in russia, no laws.
It is their decission. Russia can offer them nothing, Eu can offer them evrything. Russia is a dieing country. A oligarchic cleptocracy ruled by a homosexual pedophile. There is no justice system in russia, no laws.

What I mean is, is it worth ruining the EU economy for a nation like Ukraine that will never last anyway as a sizeable portion of it's population have loyalty to Russia?

Just think Germany is in recession. Italy's GDP is still well below the peak in 2007 and contracting even further.

Only winner is the US here who wants to create tensions between EU and Russia. Divide and Conquer like they say.
What I mean is, is it worth ruining the EU economy for a nation like Ukraine that will never last anyway as a sizeable portion of it's population have loyalty to Russia?

Just think Germany is in recession. Italy's GDP is still well below the peak in 2007 and contracting even further.

Only winner is the US here who wants to create tensions between EU and Russia. Divide and Conquer like they say.

How is germany in recession with a growing GDP and export records?

And yes, Ukraine is worth anything. Its called freedom and democracy. The tensions are created from russia and from nobody else. There can never be real,partnership between europe and russia.
Just think Germany is in recession. Italy's GDP is still well below the peak in 2007 and contracting even further.

This is incorrect, @UKBengali. The Germany economy is the strongest in the region and growing. Low unemployment levels and steady growth have produced record tax revenues, while falling interest rates have reduced the financial burden of servicing in Germany’s federal debt.

German economy so strong that Berlin won’t need to borrow in 2015 | euronews, economy

How is germany in recession with a growing GDP and export records?

It is the Germany Economy that is holding the EU together. Period.

Its quality and innovation and a powerful middle sector. Germany does have many strong medium sized corporations. Many in the hands of private family. They are the base of a powerful export driven economy which is unique in the industrialized world.

This is one thing that I've always admired about the Prussian industrial learning model which was designed by Fredrick the Great. King Frederick created a system that was engineered to teach obedience and solidify his control. Focusing on following directions, basic skills, and conformity, he sought to indoctrinate the nation from an early age. The German worker is one of the best because of the imbedded Prussian learning style; emphasizing depersonalized uniformity and rigid hierarchy of the Prussian system. Efficiency, high productivity, superior quality defines the German industry.
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How is germany in recession with a growing GDP and export records?

And yes, Ukraine is worth anything. Its called freedom and democracy. The tensions are created from russia and from nobody else. There can never be real,partnership between europe and russia.

Germany's GDP shrinks in Q2 | Business Spectator
German economy shrank 0.2% in last quarter.

Less said about Italy the better.

UK has a real chance of breaking apart soon.
Germany's GDP shrinks in Q2 | Business Spectator
German economy shrank 0.2% in last quarter.

Less said about Italy the better.

UK has a real chance of breaking apart soon.

And? Thats normal. We just had a boom. Thats the normal economic cycle.
And i would even accept economic collapse if that would mean to hold russia away. Money isn´t worth tyranny.
As for UK, it won´t break apart.
And? Thats normal. We just had a boom. Thats the normal economic cycle.
And i would even accept economic collapse if that would mean to hold russia away. Money isn´t worth tyranny.
As for UK, it won´t break apart.

You are not a fortune teller. The referendum can go either way in the UK as it is neck and neck in the polls

Yes, normal economic cycle? - Germany had a massive recession in 2009 where it's GDP shrank over 5%. The boom years were only 2010 and 2011. In 2012 the economy grew 0.7% and last year 0.4%. The German economy basically is unable to grow anymore.

Believe what you like but the reality is different.
You are not a fortune teller. The referendum can go either way in the UK as it is neck and neck in the polls

Yes, normal economic cycle? - Germany had a massive recession in 2009 where it's GDP shrank over 5%. The boom years were only 2010 and 2011. In 2012 the economy grew 0.7% and last year 0.4%. The German economy basically is unable to grow anymore.

Believe what you like but the reality is different.

How should german economy grow anymore than it already is? Germany is on the absolute top. If germany would have grow numbers like say 8%, the planet would be doomed. You do realize that?

Reality is, that Putin is a facist and want conquer all of europe. If we give him a red line now, we still can stop this. Money is not worth to live under opression and shit.
How should german economy grow anymore than it already is? Germany is on the absolute top. If germany would have grow numbers like say 8%, the planet would be doomed. You do realize that?

Reality is, that Putin is a facist and want conquer all of europe. If we give him a red line now, we still can stop this. Money is not worth to live under opression and shit.

Germany should be growing at around 2% a year even with its high GDP/capita. Yes it cannot grow 8% like China which is still developing.

Putin does not want to conquer all if Europe. He only wants the former Soviet Republics back at most. Even then he seems to not be interested in areas with majority non-Russian population, just the part with majority Russians.

Countries like Poland and Romania are not in his target plan at all.
Germany should be growing at around 2% a year even with its high GDP/capita. Yes it cannot grow 8% like China which is still developing.

Putin does not want to conquer all if Europe. He only wants the former Soviet Republics back at most. Even then he seems to not be interested in areas with majority non-Russian population, just the part with majority Russians.

Countries like Poland and Romania are not in his target plan at all.

And we won´t allow it because we believe in the selfdetermination of thos people. Looks like large majorities in west ukraine do not want back under russian opression and we will stand side by side with them and united against this barbarism. No matter what it cost.
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